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American Gods 2017

3 Thoughts After Giving Up on ‘American Gods’:

  1. I really wanted to like this show. The first season showed some promise. A ton of potential, albeit a bit confusing. It felt different. Gillian Anderson was a highlight for me. And the visuals were pretty awesome. It stopped there.

  2. The second season was an absolute mess. It’s been a minute, but I vividly remember being endlessly irritated, and not even remotely entertained, by the lack of any solid plot. And the main character (while nice to look at) was completely useless. It was quite literally a waste of my time.

  3. I still have season three left to watch, but the show’s cancellation was enough to tell me to save myself the trouble. There are SO many quality series out there to devote my time to. Off I go.

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It's on Cable so it might make it but if it was on network TV they would give it three episodes and then cancel it

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top show loving it very cleverly done

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this show was a total let down. worst show I've seen all year. really surprise it went 8 eps. think goodness i didn't wait week to week to watch this. maybe season 2 will be better but I'm strongly considering reading the book because this shit was trash.

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Season 1 was great and promising, telling a compelling story with fitting pictures. Season 2 however was already a mess in its first episode, starting with completely ignoring the huge event in the previous season finale, loosing some of its actors and replacing them with less charismatic ones. Season 3 continued on that course, loosing actors again and not even trying anymore to tell a story anyone would be interested in. Instead the showrunners try to fill the void with colorful special effects and supermodels having sex. Starting with s2e1, this show really became as boring and uninteresting as Ricky Whittle in his role as Shadow Moon. He and his nickname 'puppy' stand metaphorical for a story that has no idea where it is going or wants to go and unfortunately lacks a protagonist to lead it. Perhaps more investment in writers instead of visual effect designers would have helped.

I just finished the final episode of season 3 and am glad this show is over and I'm free of my self-imposed task to watch it all, even if it ended in a cliffhanger, that could have led to something interesting.

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Loved every second. I guess the pacing of the show wasn't for everyone, but for me everything was perfect. Sorry to see it's canceled. Cancelation should be forbidden in showmaking, even if the story is bad it should be driven to conclusion. I would much rather have 5 complete shows, one of which is good, than 10 amazing shows but only one completed

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This show sucked, completely misrepresented

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Shout by Will
BlockedParent2021-07-01T05:34:43Z— updated 2021-07-24T03:10:04Z


-WARNING: Spoilers Below-

Oh how the might has fallen. American God really fell into the Old God category, hopefully another show will come along one day and deliver everything that American Gods failed to. The idea of this show was perfect and the first season was executed beautifully. It's just everything that came afterwards just got progressively worse and worse.

If you're looking for a show full of action, gore and mythology then I'd 100% recommend you give this show a go, I'd just warn you not to expect too much from it. The casting is great it's just the writing and directing tries far too hard to be stylish that they end up taking out all substance from every other corner - which is a shame because this show seriously had potential.

I'm hoping that one day Netflix or something will pick this show up and reinvent it and help it find a brand new identity because this show seriously has potential to be a great, they just need to figure out what they're trying to be.

Overall rating: 6/10.

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1st season was absolute piece of art
2nd season was a mistake
And i'm not excited for 3rd season specially after Orlando Jones got fired

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How do you turn a good book into this? I will never understand

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As usual, when something starts with Bryan Fuller, I have to watch it. I just love my Bryan Fuller fix. That said, this took awhile to get into. It is SO weird and quirky. And I normally love quirky but that was dark quirky and it did some getting used to but after a while, I realized that I was really looking forward to see where all those crazy people's stories were going. So yeah, the quality sort of drops every season, though it's mostly tiny things that almost make it feel like a different show, but overall it wasn't that bad. It's just a chaotic sort of show with a lot of chaotic characters. If that's your thing....

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season 2 was some of the most boring tv I've ever seen, the characters just bumble around with no real goals or plans, there is basically two plotpoints accomplished during the whole season and it could have been done in two episodes.

season 3 does a lot better, alongside a big improvement in direction and photography, but it can't entirely fix the lackluster original story, the mythos of the show is all over the place, and never managed to really sits right with me. half of the plot lines still lead no where, but at least this time it is competently directed.

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Sad to see all the production issues and the cancellation of the series because it was really interesting while staying grounded in this crazy world of gods.

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love this show! and I think season 3 is my favourite so far :thinking:.

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I just love Ian McShane as Odin! I love every wrinkle and gray hair. I've been a fan a long time and I delight in his performance. I'll take the old gods any day and time and all day and for all time!

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Stopped watching the show when they got rid of my favorite character for speaking on “Minority Issues”
When THEY asked him too!!:joy::middle_finger_tone4::joy:

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Can't say... It's a very massive show tackling many topics worth the watch for sure and so far because season 3 is awesome... Hold on the first 2

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The set work alone is worth watching this show. Some of the things they come up with are astonishingly intricate and beautiful.

I do agree the pacing of the show is a bit on the slow side... but I love character driven television, so it's not that big a deal for me.

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I love this show so much. Can't wait for next season!!

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Shout by kinky

It's "Hannibal" minus the food.

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Great show. I'm sure we can all agree that the first season was fantastic while the second season had its moments but was overall incredibly slow and boring. And while the first season was also slow, it wasn't boring. I hope the third season is more along the lines of enjoyment the first season was.

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Well, season 1 is fine. In season 2 the story is lost in political cheap talking points (Hollywood talking points, to be fair), pedantic pace, isn't entertainment anymore.

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Shout by Alex G

in the episode when leprachan tries to kill Odin .Odin could have just conjured up something couldn't he I mean he shoots lightning idk anyway

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I watched this via Amazon Prime

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Season one strong but season 2 ......
That is my message for starz
Please Make season 3 with strong idea like season 1 or ended your show as it is boring and not worth watching at all

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I completely enjoyed the first season, but found the conclusion of the final episode a bit hasty . I expect the second season to be as spectacular as the first one.

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Shout by Cyril
BlockedParent2017-04-17T22:31:16Z— updated 2017-04-25T13:18:14Z

So i just got back from a special screening of the first episode and I can assure you this show is definitely going to be great. As a fan of both Fuller and the book, Gaiman being one of my favorite authors of all time and Hannibal, well, one of my favorite show of all time, everything I expected to see on screen was delivered here. The classyness of Fuller's aesthetic (that was already there in Hannibal) mixed with even more gore and blood serves Gaiman's work perfectly, if you've watched any of Fuller's previous work then you know that his way of telling stories lies deeply on the psychology of his characters and for an adaptation of American Gods you could not hope for someone better. This really is a perfect match and a fan of American Gods (the book) cannot possibly be disappointed in what he's going to find in this first episode. Oh and yeah, THAT scene with Bilquis is there, and.......well yeah, you have to see it. Don't hesitate for a second and watch the show as soon as it airs, Gaiman and Fuller are both geniuses and this series is sure to be incredible.

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The first season was already chaotic, but the second is even worse. Nothing is happening, so boring and full of racism shit...

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Psycho Slut From Hell Gets The Entire Episode WTF???!!!

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S1 was so strong, it's a shame S2 is having so many problems. The loss of Kristen Chenoweth and Gillian Anderson is truly tragic, they were outstanding in S1. You can tell S2 had a lot of problems with development and doesn't have a proper show runner, which is sad because this show had so much potential

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Such a shitty show who likes it? xD
imean the beginning was good with shadow in the prison but after that only garbage!

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this show went to shit after showrunner Bryan Fuller exited. total disappointment

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Ian McShane as Mr. Wednesday and Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, Pushing Daisies) as show-runner. With a pedigree like this, a show cannot possibly fail.

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No spoilers.

I was really excited for this show only read like a 1/3rd of the book and I love Ian McShane from deadwood so I was super excited. However it ended up kinda being all over. It had the potential for something amazing and by all means it wasent bad it just diddnt hit this super high I was expecting. Hopefully season 2 picks up steam before its canceled.

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This is the first show i rated 10/10 SOLID AS ROCK! Every episode was genius without any flaw. I cant even express how perfect this show is. This is what should be called art! As many perfect shots and moments as there is running time.
I am almost crying that I witnessed this awesome piece of televison program.

This is how you present a show with an idea.

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Shout by Andreas Storvik Strauman
BlockedParent2017-06-22T18:21:39Z— updated 2021-06-05T10:07:59Z

Oh my god! Pun intended.

I can't believe they actually (almost) made sense of this?! I was thinking this was one of those artsy fartsy kinda shows, where the writer and director both were on drugs, but I was (kinda?) wrong.

Rating for first season only. It got too abstract in the following seasons to keep on watching. I might keep up some day.

###Main storyline quality: 6/10
I mean. Everything is going on, and you don't have any idea of what's happening. It's thrilling really.
I like that they attempt to answer it, and not just leaving you stuck in an alternate reality.

###Originality: 8/10
Definitely something new. Reminds me a bit about "Legion" and maybe "The Magicians" at times, though, but maybe it's just me?

###True to plot?: 7/10
Plot stays on track, keeping you confused and interested at the same time.

Other scores

Side storylines quality: 6/10
Progression of main story line: 8/10
Story development: 10/10
Characters: 9/10

Intensity (cliffhangers, edge of seat and the like): 7/10

Acting and directing: 9/10

(Please like comment if helpful, and I'll keep writing them this way)

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in 2 words: mind blowned. incredible aesthetics, creative storytelling and more.

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Shout by Deleted

Absolutely loving this. Ian McShane is a legend

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It was incredible. Totally mind f*ck.

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A season premiere that doesn't explain itself very much to a person, like me, that did not read the book. I'm watching this only because I know Neil Gaiman and I trust that this will be great.

That said, in my opinion the show has the cards right on the starting point to develop something as nice as it might look disturbing but intriguing.

Splatter galore is an added bonus point.

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I'm 6 episodes in so far, and I'm pretty impressed. It's very interesting to see how they depicted the gods, and how the new ones came about as man's creations derived from obsessions. There are a few holes, but easy to miss. One note is that I think they need to tone down the sex, because much like swearing, it's an art that can be lost when done too often, or for too long. The scenes seem to be something required in every episode and kinda drag on to the point of thinking you're watching and entire episode of porn. Other than that, I'm really looking forward to what the future has in store. And I enjoy reading about the new-to-me gods that I've never heard of before, such as the Slovakian gods.
As for Mad Sweeney, hmm, not really a god, but it's funny.

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When I was reading the book years ago I pictured Mr. Wednesday as Ian McShane in my head. Today I saw first episode and him in it. There are so many bad movies and shows adapted from perfect novels but this is not one of them. I enjoyed every moment of first episode and seeing Mr. McShane's acts.

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Shout by Deleted

I really don't get why people are fond of this show. Is it only enjoyable when you have read the book or what? It's just weird. The plot is all over the place and the cast is it's biggest problem.
Ricky Whittle has the same emotional range as Jason Statham aka just 1 face all the time. Ian McShane is playing a mix of the Godfather, Mr. Miyagi and... I don't know who, it's just weird. Czernobog played by Peter Stormare has a russian accent. Really? The one guy who has done 100 Italian roles is casted for a russian role? Technical Boy can't be liked by anyone born earlier than 2000 and so on.

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This show is an overproduced nightmare. Trust me on this and read the book instead.

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Being creepy/weird is an acceptable way to add "spice" or to move the story along in an interesting way but this show is weird just for the sake of being weird.. if i want that i can just visit 4-chan no need to wast time on this

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Un ovni cette serie mais à ne surtout pas rater :)

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Shout by Scott Reed
BlockedParent2017-06-21T20:31:29Z— updated 2017-07-09T07:14:32Z

I personally found this show awful. It just seemed slow and lacklustre. I have absolutely no caring about the main characters, Odin is okay but Shadow is really boring as hell. The episode diverge in to random really boring back stories and the finale was terrible....I will not be watching season 2

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Absolute RUBBISH !!!! I really struggled to watch the first 1 hour long episode and can honestly say I would rather have slit my throat and eaten my eyeballs at the same time.

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larry, seriously? have you read the books? this show has the potential to be amazing. I also like the casting. Shadow and Wednesday will be spot on. Mad Sweeney looks right. the Technical Boy is much thnner/less acne/less boogery then in my head. but overall i'm super excited.

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A hugely hyped show that went from decent (S1) to bizarre (S2) to downright stupid (S3) to rightfully cancelled.

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Didn't finish it - got as far as mid-series 2 - because I felt it didn't 100% hang together logically, plot-wise. But it was a fun ride for much of the time, and visually impressive and inventive. A stand-out performance by Ian McShane as the charismatic but irritating and morally flawed anti-hero god "Mr Wednesday"

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I expected more. So I have to be honest, I watched six episodes before quitting and those episodes where a struggle. I heard so many good things about this, that plus the cast was enough reason to start watching but the plot crawls forward without any real direction. The film style is incredible, I loved that but I didn't connect with the characters, frankly became annoyed with Shadow and Laura quickly and while a lot happens nothing really happens that seemed to matter or jump the plot forward in my opinion. There is a lot of dialogue that also reveals nothing. I really wanted to like this but I couldn't.

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They fired Orlando Jones. Mr. Nancy was the only reason I watched the show. removes from watchlist

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Just wow, I'm at ep 5. and just wow, pretty fuckin unpredictable. This is love it or hate it kind of show. It's great...- if you love it. :P

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