Even tho this episode wasn't as great as the first one, the visuals are enough for me to absolutely love every minute of this show. Not sure what kind of magic Bryan Fuller uses to shoot his TV shows with, but it works. Absolutely stunning. Combining the visuals with the whole Gods thing and you end up with my dream show. I'm really loving this, can't wait to see what happens next!

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Visually the show is great. But I find it doesn't flow well and I must say I'm disappointed with this second episode. Never read the book, and so judging purely on the show. I don't know what it is about it, something just isn't that enjoyable for me to watch. I really loved Hannibal but can't get into this yet.

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Fuckk no video sohai babi anjir kimakkk buto babi

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I'm watching Lucille Ball talking to Shadow. Ok, I guess that seems... normal for the show.
And in the middle of the scene I realize that she is GILLIAN ANDERSON

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I wasn't quite pleased with the 2nd episode. Too much fluff, not enough substance.
Visually, the show is very cool, but only two episodes in and we're already getting padded episodes of sad, widowed protagonist and images of galaxies that serve no purpose and don't really mean much. But when it wasn't being pointless, the episode delivered.

Also, for a show that's supposed to be smart, they're sure being dumb with that cliffhanger ending. Plot Armor, anyone?

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Priceless opening scene as Mr. Nancy grimly sums up the African American experience.

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Too much look-how-weird-this-all-is sizzle and not enough steak. Close-ups of burning cigarettes and full ashtrays are no substitute for plot and good pacing.

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Not having read the book, I'm as confused as Shadow is. Even if I'm confused and don't know anything about the Slavic gods, this is fascinating storytelling. I can't wait for more of the new gods to appear.

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Shout by Deleted

uma adaptação perfeita das primeiras páginas da majestosa obra do sr.Gailman, fantástico

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Not good as the first one hope it gets better :(

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I hardly know anything regarding mythology so I have no clue who Czernobog is or his brother he spoke of and the sisters nor what powers they possess. But I find it interesting how Shadow almost won at checkers against Czernobog, a god, his first game at checkers against him. I wonder if that could be signifying something. Perhaps Shadow used to play checkers in prison with his prison mate, Low Key, a lot and was taught a thing or two that Shadow thought had to do with checkers but really wasn't because Low Key is very mischievous. I'm quite frankly perplexed.

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Shout by kinky

Gillian Anderson, at last! ❤️ I was wondering when she'd show up.
This show reminds me of "Legion", in a way that I still have no idea of what I'm watching and if it's even worth to continue to watch it, but I will watch some more, nonetheless.

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Well, I gave it a try. The first episode was mediocre and this one was crap! I am really at loss over how people are raving about this show. It is so bad! The first minutes of this episode was a bunch of foulmouthed ravings about African people in America and how they got screwed. I fail to se any entertainment value in that. Then the dumb fucks set fire to the boat they are on. After that the episode just drags on and on. Boring!!! I'm dumping this show from my watchlist now.

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Am I the only one who thinks that Bryan Fuller is doing here everything that he couldn't do in Hannibal? Where Hannibal is subtle and measured American Gods is raw and unapologetic about it. Plot wise this episode wasn't as good as the 1st one and I think it tries to hard to not develop its characters yet, giving us only glimpses and small pieces of information... but it looks like it will get better and I'll keep watching because... "There are bigger sacrifices one might be asked to make than going a little mad"

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Alright! Good to see Martha finally got her cast removed.

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