It felt different somehow. Different than the episodes in the first season. Perhaps the reason is that it's a new and different season, I don't know how to properly explain it. I know there have been occurrences regarding the production of this season and whatnot as well as a couple of cast members who were in the first season leaving but I'm not sure if that's the reason or rather the whole reason why this episode felt different in comparison to the episodes in the first season. I liked it, nevertheless. It gave off a different feel than I'm already familiar with due to watching the first season but in a good, greatly enjoyable way.

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In typical Gaiman fashion, this show continues to be more sizzle than steak, but it's very impressive sizzle.

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I came into season 2 when season 3 was going. Having seen, and enjoyed the first season, I came back in with fresh eyes. Despite new showrunners for season 2, I felt the show still brought its game. That game? Visuals. American Gods has a way of warping reality while tossing in a sliver of truth while using our truth, our gods.

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Very promissing beginning... finally, we ride! I am excited to see where this will go.

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It is different, but still good. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

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pretty great, was hoping big changes but it was still great

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You can tell it's a different showrunner, for Fuller and Greens absence is felt keenly; that je ne sais quoi magic the show had is misplaced, leaving a void behind. The highlights of season one- attention to detail, a knack for poetic flair, unique aesthetics, narrative risks, and charming performances- have been paved over in favor of a more perfunctory feel.

You'd think after all the setbacks, time, and edits, there'd be more sparkle and creativity, but instead it's a bit shaky tonally. The performances are still good, but the narrative flow- the substance- feels distracted, rickety, less powerful. Supposedly they're now doing a more direct adaptation to Gaiman's work.

Laura's scenes were a bright spot, especially the way she treats Wednesday, while Shadow behaved in his usual passive way.

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It felt like a space filler until the final scenes. I binge watched the first season and I don't think I can hang in there with this as an episodic release. It needs to get where it is going much faster.

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It feels seductive and charming, but kind of keeps running around after its own tail. The quality is really good, but the story just doesn't really sell yet. I hope for some more pace and conclusive substory parts.

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So we left last season on "Laura is back", and... she just travels with them. There's no reunion scene, and more importantly she doesn't even tell him that Wednesday had her killed ?

The house part was curious and interesting. But the carousel thing ? All that for that ? It seems to act as a drug for them, ok, a little fun. Sure it's nice to see them in GOD form. But what was the point ? Did they need to be there to talk ? They didn't even say anything that hasn't been said before in the show. And Shadow's speech that is supposed to pass as the convincing part ? That was totally empty. I'm also a little disappointed by the low turnout.

Is there something there in the book that the show totally missed ? That whole part seemed to have no substance at all. But ok, it looked cool.

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Honestly - I do not like their portrayal of Anansi... He is completely different in the book.

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Shout by kinky

Still just a visually appealing show where not much actually happens (well, except for the last 5 minutes or so). Did they learn nothing from the first season?

And to think this show came from the mind that gave us the excellent Dead Like Me and Pushing Daisies only makes it worse (yes, I'm aware Bryan Fuller is not in charge of the show, anymore).

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The change in showrunner is evident and the loss of Media is going to be a real shame.
The episode definitely found its footing about halfway through. The first half was a bit all over the place and the dialogue almost unintelligible. I'll give it a fair chance and see it through though as it still has the same story at its core (I hope).

Interesting direction at the end there. Will see where it all leads. (and how more off book it will go)

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I seriously thought it was some new Johnny Cash song that God of Music in collaboration with Death decided to give us...

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It was a narrative incoherent mess.

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An excellent, trippy and shocking start of this new chapter of Gods. Can’t wait to see more!

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i love this and i love how laura as a character is building up

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Main character is backseat passenger.

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absolutely mesmerizing. revisiting the carousel meeting scene over and over since i cannot THINK beyond a meeting of deities covered in flames, lights, magic and power from which they had to enter riding fake horses to clown music

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