2 actually cool BIG plot twists in this one but if next season is as slow and directionless... I don't think I'll watch 5.

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The ending of this episode creates very strong feelings in me. I'm not sure if I'm angry, confused, irritated, offended, pranked or excited.
That kind of cliffhanger should not happen with a series where it's unknown, when (and if at all) it continues.
Additionally, it's too obvious that Mr. World is Loki (too many hints) and that he needs to sacrifice Tech Boy, while it was also too obvious that Shadow is just some kind of resurrection pill for Wednesday. Besides that, still no clue what Bilquis' mission is, where Gungnir has been or why Laura still seems to be somehow important even though it wasn't even planned that she survives Sweeney's murder.
Oh, and I still wish for a return of Mad Sweeney. Sad to say, but IMHO the show lacks his best character since he got pulverized.

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I was planning on quitting this show after this but the way it ends is intriguing maybe I will give season 4 a try but will probably drop it.

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Why does it feel like every time I come back and re-invest in this series, I end up feeling bamboozled by the end? I find myself having to echo the same complaints I had last season, the show prioritizes looks over substance, add to it the ridiculously slow pacing and frankly irrelevant elements that eat away at the available runtime and my frustration begins to add up. I mean honestly, how much content did they adapt this season? Ten pages worth? Whatever...

I feel I have to ask myself if investing further is a wise decision or not and I hate to do that because I'm a massive fan of Gaiman and especially of this title. I will stick around for next season, if there is one, and depending on how that goes, I might have to drop this puppy. :confused:

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Love the concept of the neutral ground motel.

I'm not sure why Mr World would sell out Laura ? It's clear that she would then talk and reveal she worked with him. What would he lose by actually protecting her as per their deal ?

Technical Boy's plotline finally leads somewhere, why did it need a whole season for that ??

And now we know why Wednesday initially looked for Shadow Moon. A bit weird, unless he actually expected to die soon, which doesn't seem like him, but why not. Nice scene and twist. Though he doesn't die because he could not endure the trial, but because the tree actively kills him. So if it's part of the regular trial, why would Czernobog, or more likely Ibis warn him ? If it's not, why aren't they more surprised, because it doesn't look like they knew Wednesday's plan ?

Anyway, an ok ending for the season. Hoping the next one is a bit faster.

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