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Arcane 2021

Would be a ten but im taking away a point for Imagine Dragons.

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I watched the first epis, stoped in the middle of it. It was like I was seeing a Disney movie. Felt like Frozen that you have: someone fun, someone mad, the main char that misunderstand something and gets upset with someone else.

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Arcane has up the ante on storytelling in not just the animation genre but the whole of complacent, unoriginal and increasingly boring mainstream filmmaking. Infectiously stylish with its richly layered writing. Arcane is an almost perfect blend of style and substance, a rare feet few acheive.

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So incredibly hyped for this... the trailer looks insane. I hope it lives up to the expectations they've created!

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Amazing. Perfectly paced, with excellent time jumps and great characters. The story is amazing building upon itself in each episode. Creating a very in depth story and adding lore to the Universe.

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They did the thing where the protagonist is at the mercy of the bad guy, but the bad guy decides to throw away the protagonist around, instead of ending them, for the plot, more than once. Animation is good. Rich vs poor theme for season 1 is meh. Hextech is cool. 8/10

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I'd love to see more animated shows in this style.

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A Masterpiece on Every Level.
The plot and how everything is connected and interesting, the imagery, the OST, the cinematography, the voice acting, even the subtle things like cuts syncing with sounds, micro expressions, the genius use of flashbacks for exposition especially that Ekko and Jinx scene. And it's similarity to LiS in how artistic it is that you can take a screenshot at any time and I'm so glad Jinx's craziness was believable done well.

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I've never played the game, nor do I have any intention. I will, however, recommend this show to anyone. This is what you get when you let people who love something develop it.

Damn good show.

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struggling to finish this one

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boring , there's many other good stories they could do

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AMAZING!! one of my favorites, its just so well made, the characters are inredible, just AWESOME

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Arcane is incredible. I was initially skeptical of the positive reviews until I watched episode three (which I thought was an especially well-executed episode) and was immersed for the rest of the season. The storytelling is bold and creative. The characters (and their complex relationships with each other) are diverse, nuanced, and well-fleshed out. The technical aspects—animation, score, and voice-acting—are visually and auditorily impressive. I love the animation style: I'm always happy to see a mainstream Western animation successfully challenge the Disney/Pixar standard and push the medium forward.

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There really is not much more to say than that this series is an utter masterpiece. I can't even fathom what further seasons will bring to the table. Saying the art and directing and audioscaping are absolutely perfect is somehow an understatement. You just have to experience it all for yourself.

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The most insane masterpiece I have ever seen

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Where should I start ? The voice acting is great. The art style is stunning and the animation is incredible. The fighting scenes are thrilling and the multiple plots going on at once are intriguing and keeps the viewer engaged throughout the episodes. I'm just a little disappointed about the ending, but other than that it's fantastic. I truly didn't imagine it would be so enjoyable.

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Complicated and sad story wite beautiful graphics, it deserves all the praise and award. And the female characters are just...pure lesibians!i:heart_eyes:

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I didn't know anything about League of Legends going into this. It doesn't matter, you don't need that to enjoy this masterpiece. Everything from visuals to atmosphere is stellar.

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(through season 1) one of the best animated shows of all time, great characters and beautiful artistry. they did the source material justice

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You can say what you want about the game, but knowing nothing about it, I can say this show is just an amazing show anyways. The story, characters, and animation and so great that I would recommend this to anyone even if you don't know anything about the game.

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As French, it burns my eyes to see "Country: United States" since the french animation studio Fortiche supervised by Riot Games provided most of the animation and art of the movie. "France" should be added as country of origin.

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Jinx really is quite perfect!

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I never played LoL games, I'm a little familiar with the characters coz the cosplay accounts I follow on various social media. I decided to give it a shot after hearing that overall it's a great piece of animation.

Well, the rumors are true. That is really beautiful series to watch. The art, animation, music, voiceovers, that's just well above good. I'd love to know a little more about the lore to maybe fully understand the niuances, but it was enjoyable and I didn't feel that I'm missing something.

There were only one thing that got me a little annoyed when the Jayce came all blazing with his new hammer, there were no backstory about any combat training, so it was a little off when he started to smash all the thugs

So generally, if you are into nice art - I recommend.

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The story, the characters and the art style are all incredible. genuinely one of my favourite shows to watch and they don't shy away from the deeper subjects. Would definitely recommend watching it!

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Season 1: I honestly didn't think I could enjoy a show this much. For something this elaborate in scope, it's surprisingly so consumable.

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Best animated series I have watched, ever.

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[9.5] Great art style, music, pacing, and story. Opens up a whole world of potential for league of legends shows. This show just had that special something.

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to describe Arcane with the word "perfection" would be an understatement, this show is on a level of it's own

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I have never played League but this show is just jaw-dropping, in every single aspect. The animation is gorgeous, the little eye movements and subtleties of their body language that give the characters so much more depth without needing to say anything is so beautifully done I might cry. Everything was so lifelike that I often thought that real people were on screen, it's crazy.

Each and every one of the characters and their backstories are incredibly captivating and I found myself getting so attached and before I knew it I was heartbroken when I finished the last episode. The story was also really well written and unpredictable.

I do not have a single bad thing to say about Arcane. Everything was so perfectly balanced that I can genuinely say that this is one of the best shows I have ever watched.

Bloody amazing.

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I have zero connection with the game, but i really love this show so far. Cant wait for S2!

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I can't say that the 2d+3d graphics are perfect so actually it's a 9.5 .
Everything else was perfect : story, character development, cinematography, you name it.

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Cast 9/10

Storytelling 9/10

Characters 10/10

Video Prouduction/Cut/Music 10/10

Environment 5/5

Conclusion 4,5/5

= 95%

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I have never been a fan of fantasy, but this show just hooked me to this genre and now I am on the lookout for similar shows. The show is visually appealing and the Background score is apt for the situation. Curiously waiting for season 2.

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Visually stunning, great music, good story telling and direction. never played the game, this made me want to. Recommend

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I really do not understand the hype. The animations are really good and the story is decent, but the music is so immensely annoying and does not fit the style of the story or animations or anything. I feel like a boomer saying this but the paired music is pure Gen Z randomness.

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of course, all strong characters are women and all men are weak or stupid or useless; this is a good show, but the feminist shit is starting to give headaches

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Never played the game. But I finished watching the show. It was amazing. Makes me want to play the game :joy:

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beautiful animation with a great story can’t say more just watch the damn thing

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Completely raised the bar for video game adaptations. It's definitely the gold standard from here on out.

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@ trakt pls make private comments/notes possible:hearts:

6.5, well I never played LoL so I don't have the connection to it, also the animation style PERSONALLY bothered me a little, felt like it should be high quality/modern animation but delivered that kinda 720p video game quality, but after a while I got used to it. First few episodes were meh, but then it got better and I was more interested in it, overall okay but for me nothing mind-blowing
also Vi´s hair in the younger version annoyed me xD First I wasn't sure if it was a scar or hair streak, turned out to be hair and it drove me insane :') like how could hair be in the exact same spot all the time?? felt weird and her hair in the older version looked so much better (I sometimes feel weird about hair, especially hair streaks, its a tic)

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WOW What an amazing story ... cant wait for season 2

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I always loved Jinx in LoL and now this serie made me love her more.

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Animation? Beautiful
The soundtrack? Lovely
The plot? Captivating
And it's an adaptation of LoL, which I enjoy playing.
It's a must watch

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Wow! I really love the animation. I had to go and check - it looked like this was done (or parts of it) with motion capture. It was not. Which makes the animation style even that much more impressive.

Hope there will be a season 2.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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to put it short and simple, I'd give it 15 out of 10 if I could

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I'm 3 episodes in and think it's one of the best series I've seen in a long time. I usually find the niche animated series to be extremely overrated, but not the case here. This one is worth checking out.

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Writing at the end of season one, this show is a masterpiece. The animation is novel, crisp and downright amazing. The characters are unique, with depth and are explored and developed in a masterful way. The music is a whole thing of awesomeness on its own. Watch this, it's a must.

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meh, one of the most boring shows i've seen in a long while, dropped it at episode 3. uninteresting characters but at least it had a nice artstyle

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This a show that's takes 10/10 without any doubts
like what the hell Is bad at this show? Nothing at all!
everything Is really perfect, From The beginning of Storyline, soundtrack, and for sure, for sure, for fucking sure the animation! I know now why this took 6 years to be out for us, Bc This really not just a.normal show, It's takes you with an emotional and mix of feelings to degree makes you wanna jump into It
so for real, thank you for making a masterpiece like that
waiting for more seasons!

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I would probably change different music. The characters and story are not much deep for me, its sufficient if you know the world of League of Legends. Animation is gorgeous.

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Articulate, full of depth, a visual masterpiece that heightens the experience. This story is cruel and full of regrets and despair but also shows we aren't alone in struggles. One of the best OSTs I’ve heard in a show and it’s got so much potential. 9.5/10

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Articulate, full of depth, a visual masterpiece that heightens the experience. This story is cruel and full of regrets and despair but also shows we aren't alone in struggles. One of the best OSTs I’ve heard in a show and it’s got so much potential

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Articulate, full of depth, a visual masterpiece that heightens the experience. This story is cruel and full of regrets and despair but also shows we arnt alone in struggles. One of the best OSTs I’ve heard in a show and it’s got so much potential. 9.5/10

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Nothing special. Usual juvenile story with all the tropes.

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Incredible show. Even if you don't know shit about League's lore or characters, this is still a masterpiece on its own.

There's a few nods to the game's characters, but it seems that this story is evolving on its own.

Incredibly hyped for Season 2, and am basically begging for the next chapter in everyone's journey.

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played LoL back when scripting was a thing... anyway TLDR the game is pure dogshit, but this show somehow goes above and beyond with awesomeness! in gaming I always preferred DOTA and coincidentally they also have a show but its nowhere near Arcane's level which is a shame since DOTA also has very rich lore that could've been incredibly famous if it received as much love as Arcane did...

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best animated series in last couple of years, i'm enjoying my watch

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This show is absolutely amazing.
From the visuals to the characters or the story and the pacing everything is handled perfectly and with tremendous style.
Incredible, can't wait for season 2.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2021-11-28T01:38:28Z— updated 2021-11-29T15:28:44Z

I don't care for MOBAs so I've never played LoL, but the art style drew me in. Act one has some anime-like weirdness that made me hesitant to continue, but the writing quality went up a notch around episode 3, and I got hooked. They've done a bang on job with the animation.

Some of the characters are really compelling and carry the show, others (Jayce, Caytlin) seem shoehorned by way of fan service. The story meanders a bit in the second half of the season, and the end lacks closure. But overall, I'm enjoying it, and it's a breath of fresh air among so many disappointing new fiction shows.

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Please watch this show, I'm fucking sobbing rn

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As someone unfamiliar with the game, I found this show to be well animated (even if sometimes the face animations, voice acting and overall mood of the scene felt at odds) and very pretty to look at, but story wise, it was a fail for me. I just thought it was boring and predictable.

I think I gave it a fair shot, but it just didn't manage to capture my interest. Maybe a certain familiarity with the game is needed to properly enjoy the show :person_shrugging_tone1:♀

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I knew very little about League of Legends beyond some character names, but this show absolutely blew me out of the water. It's clear they spared no expense in the animation and writing of this show, every episode kept me captivated and wanting to watch the next one. The TV-14 rating is a bit of a misdirect, the show tends to be pretty adult-oriented and can catch you off guard with some story elements.

I hope they continue adapting the universe they've created into stuff like this, they've clearly put a lot of care and effort into their characters and world-building.

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This has no business being this good. God damn!

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insane visuals (sadly not 4K tho) no idea how much all that must have cost. the fights especially are phenomenal. most characters were very likeable in their own way.
for me personally it was too sad, too much tragedy.
its still a 10/10!
doesnt matter if you dont play League of Legends. Everyone can watch this and understand everything. But for League veterans there are so many easter eggs to find :)

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Made by gamers (RIOT) for gamers, but, also, is a stand alone piece of art for people, like me, unfamiliar with the game, LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. The series is visually stunning in 3D and 2D animation with beautiful attention to detail. There is incredible world building, an engaging story line, music that serves as narration and a stellar voice cast. I give this series a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Steampunk Fantasy Adventure]

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Surprisingly good! The artistry, the storyline, the characters and development, the detail; it's all there. It's even edgy without being over the top. The series easily stands on its own merit and is easily enjoyed without knowing The League of Legends game mythology.

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I'm not even sure I can describe this series with words. I'll try. Groundbreaking, phenomenal, jaw-dropping, inspiring, simply a masterpiece! The world and the characters are complex, interesting and engaging. My favourite new series for sure! This is the most I've cried while watching anything and that's coming from someone who's new to this world, haven't played the game. And I haven't even talked about the action. It was SO GOOD that I was close to crying almost every time. The soundtrack, Oh my! I've been listening to the three act ending songs too many times now and I can't stop. Couldn't imagine this show being any better. MASTERPIECE

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I went into this show assuming it was just gonna be a long string of game cinematics and music videos woven together with memes and references. Bruh, I wasn't prepared for the GoT killer.

+1 extra star for making Jayce one of my new favorite characters.

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This was hands down one of the best animated (any show really) shows I've seen in 40 years. I hate LOL as well but am a huge gamer and played it a bit 10 years ago. My girl doesn't know anything about the art and LOVED it as well. So good and so impressed.
Music, characters, hand painted on top of 3d models, story, voice acting. Just soooo good.

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sigh this ending. Just like the last series I watch Squid Game, again this series has a dissapointing ending and I wish it would have been different Silco even as a villian should have lived and Jinx never have killed him off even if by accident. He loved her and was the perfect father for her. I hope he atleast comes back to live in season 2 to make up for it and continue treating Jinx like his little girl :D

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What a legendary show! Really amazing 10/10.

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I'm not a League of Legends player. In fact, I know almost nothing about it. But this show is fantastic. To say that the opening scenes of the first episode were "gripping" is an understatement. I don't often start on the edge of my seat with a TV show-- animated or live action.

The animation is well above average for a TV series. It's atmospheric in ways that most animated series don't even try. This isn't just another Star Wars-style animated series. It feels distinctly unique.

The characters are also really interesting. Again, I know nothing about League of Legends. But based on the series description, I'm assuming at least a couple of these characters become a league champion? Ultimately, I have no idea what that really means. But I'm interested in finding out.

And that's why I think this series is really successful. I don't know anything about the source material, but after just the opening scenes of the first episode, I'm invested in finding out more.

10/10 easily. I would give it that score just for the first few minutes of the series alone.

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Not much to say except that this show is just incredible. Animation, characters, the story... Amazing.

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First of all, I have never played LOL. That said, the animation is very good, very videogame like. The chosen music is also very good, and the dubbing too. But for someone who is not a fan of the videogame, the story is not very interesting (I have watched two chapters so far, maybe it gets better).

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more please, I am totally in for this!

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I knew we'd be having an experience and it did deliver! The cinematography or the camera work looks fantastic, it looks like you are actually watching from a film. The "production design" looks gorgeous, you can see how each place has its own characteristics. The pacing was just enough for the story to tell itself.

In the span of three episodes, they deliver wonderful worldbuilding for a person who knows nothing of the lore. Characters act naturally to their personality and attitude. You'd begin loving them with their development. You also sympathize with why certain characters reacted or did in the show. You'd feel bad to them and hope they wished for the best but fate turned them for the worst. Damn it, I can't wait for next week and the next next week.

Although, as much as I loved the third episode (the ending also broke me), there were some rushed moments and it could have added a few more seconds, but holy moly the battle choreography was a spectacle to watch. Hoping to see more on the upcoming six episodes!

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I've seen up to the third episode. Wow, what a fantastic show so far. Finally seeing some of your favorite characters and parts of their backstories is a huge payoff. I haven't played League in years, but so far this makes me think that someone without character knowledge will still enjoy it and those that do have that knowledge will be blown away.

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I've played LoL on a handful of occasions throughout the years but never enough to be familiar with the world/lore. So I went into this show pretty much blind and with little expectations because of previous games to TV adaptions.

But boy were my expectations completely blown out of the water. Everything in the first three episodes was damn near perfect. Animation. Score/soundtrack. Voice acting. World building. Captivating Story. Interesting Characters. Fucking insane. I cannot wait for the next episodes.

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Must see even if you don't know the game. Characters with character, interesting steampunk world, an amazing art & rendering style and fitting music. (judging from the frist three episodes).

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The story is captivating and doesn't shy away from violence and more adult themes.
The animation is gorgeous.
The character development is on point. The characters are deep, relatable and they each have their struggles and growth.
Don't worry if you know nothing about League of Legends. Solid character development and world-building make Arcane an enjoyable watch regardless of having no background knowledge of the universe.

This show is a masterpiece.

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Very very good. Can not wait for more!

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