haha, I remember this episode. Common theme in both this and Korra is friends being all jealous and insecure over how fast the Avatar learns lol

It does seem OP to not only get to know all 4 elements but to learn them easier too though lol

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Love the art style.


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the pirate fight scene is EPIC, I will always love Aang blowing away the smoke, realizing he’s in the middle of everyone, and just going oop nevermind.

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"Are you so busy fighting you cannot see your own ship has set sail?"- Iroh- The Dragon of the West

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7/10 I agree this episode was solid. Appa clutch once again and saved the day

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this is probably the worst thing katara ever did. and honestly being jealous of your friends and stealing from pirates isn't even that objectionable for a 14 year old so...

I do love that zuko's day was ruined for nothing.

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A fun one-off adventure, which this show continues to do excellent work with. I'm always a fan of worldbuilding too, and seeing more kinds of people in the universe really adds to the depth this already unique and well defined world has. The action scene with the pirates is excellent too, mixing comedy and well choreographed animation in cool ways. Everything with Waterbending in particular continues to be really fun and creative.

This is also a great episode for Katara, who we see a lot more depth here. Her jealousy of Aang is rooted not in malice, but more just a genuine want to improve and constantly feeling unable to do what she wants to do. It's wrapped up a bit quickly but I appreciate the maturity on how it handles it, and taking a more adult approach to the situation as opposed to the obvious arguments shows usuually resort to. Another winner.

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