“Put your party hats on and be normal”

  • How many lives does JP have? I like the premise of the show, but I think this could have been a much shorter (8 instead of 10 episodes). There isn’t enough story to carry it for so many episodes. At this point the sisters look like bumbling fools. The cast is great, they’ve single-handily carried the show through its slower moments.

  • Becka and Matt argue for 3 minutes and then make out. This is all they do every episode.

  • Grace was cooking her own birthday dinner while her husband lay on the couch with champagne. So romantic!

  • So many potential suspects! It had to be Grace who did it though, it would make the most sense from a dramatic/character arc point of view. I really don’t think the sisters killed JP, them plotting for 9 episodes is a red herring.

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At this point I wouldn't rule out the possibility that it actually was an accident that killed JP. I will find out soon, I hope.

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It's obvious who did it, right? The neighbor.

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