Eh, this one was OK. Kind of a mixed bag. The thinly veiled Cosby references were fine, but it was pretty shallow commentary at the end of the day; more just a series of the standard talking points than anything particularly humorous or clever in the riffs on it. The bit with Todd complaining about how there were major world issues everyone was ignoring was cute, but low-hanging fruit. That said, there was a lot of funny material outside of that (Todd's prince and the pauper routine, the 90s selfie joke, BoJack trying to get attention.)

I did, however, appreciate the character work in the episode. Exploring how Dianne can hurt the people she cares about by putting high-minded principles ahead of the desires and feelings of the people close to her is an interesting tack to take, and for once I sympathized with both BoJack and Mr. Peanutbutter rather than the more level-headed Mrs. Nguyen. I'm interested to see where they go with it.

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Very good story but a bit hit or miss with the jokes.

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The question of show business sexual harrasment problem was there, but compared to other social commentary in the show that was very weak. Was waiting for the allegations to be revealed to be something nuts, but not even. Never seen Peanutbutter that serious though, and kinda out of character, "don't do the right thing because it's hurting my career" does not seem like a peanutbutter line.

Almost thought that the DIane Cordovia thing would be ended by Toss saving the country. Hoping we see a little more of what happened to him, otherwise that would be a pretty weak plot too.

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I feel so sorry for Diane.

Todd giving away the prince of Cordovia's fortune to charity is hilarious. Good on you.

Finally, BoJack brought up how Diane manipulated him was back in Season 1, Episode 10 (One Trick Pony).

Everyone put Diane in a hard place, and I'm glad she finally came to her senses in the end. I think Diane and the people who hated her were both in the wrong. For one, they should be able to believe the allegations from eight ex-assistants, but Diane should've considered her situation and those around her.

BoJack needs to stop seeking attention, though. Chill man.

Todd needs to get his things sorted out. What did he do besides give away the prince's fortune? And I hope that Mr Peanutbutter and Diane get better.



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