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Season 2 2007 - 2009

  • 2007-11-25T00:00:00Z
  • 1m
  • 21m (21 episodes)
  • News, Talk Show
Matt + Nat give their weekly BSG episode reviews, discuss theories, interview cast members, and more.

21 episodes

Season Premiere


2x01 BSGcast 4.01/4.02 – ”RAZOR”

Season Premiere

2x01 BSGcast 4.01/4.02 – ”RAZOR”

  • 2007-11-25T00:00:00Z1m

So, if you’ve subscribed to the BSGcast RSS feed, you might have noticed that you got an early look at the BSGcast for RAZOR… THat was pretty much an accident, since it wasn’t quite right! But Matt’s just a bit of a crazed perfecetionist, so you might not even know the difference. If you’re not subscribed, you can get it on iTunes!

Either way, here is it is at last, and hopefully you have a lot to say about Razor, because we sure did… between the ’secrets’ that were revelaed, and the ones that weren’t, Razor had its ups and downs, but overall we loved the 2-hour telemovie. And if we didn’t have to wait until April to see more, we’d love it even more. So Pipe up and let us know what you think, too!

At long last, our season has begun… and for a lot of fans like us, it began in style! With Dr. Kevin Grazier, Science Adviser on BSG, and Luciana Carro, AKA Captain ‘Kat’ Katraine, along with a room full of YOU we managed to have a pretty epic BSGcast to commemorate the premiere episode of Season Four!! Thanks to everyone who made it such an amazing party, and a great chance to meet so many friends in person!

Matt + Nat get back to the regularly scheduled BSGcast with the second episode of the regular season, “Six of One”, with lots to say about Cylon Insurrections, Multiple Super-Pimp Baltars, and Lee’s increasingly pop-star wardrobe…

Another monster plot development episode, yet somehow three Cylon Baseships blew up, and the mother of a Human/Cylon Hybrid got tossed out an airlock. Nice. Nat has her love of seeing the end of Cally, and Matt has a few problems with the episode itself. But we all loved that Epic Pimp-Slap, right?

So, “Escape Velocity” in a nutshell was brilliantly directed by Eddie Olmos (”Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down”) and masterfully written by Jane Espenson (”Dirty Hands”… anyone else notice Galen’s nod to that episode “to put her up against the bulkhead and shoot her”), but did it have enough action to keep everyone happy? We’re stewing the character arcs now, we know we’re getting ready for what is sure to be a massive cliffhanger for episode 10 of the season, but did it keep everyone satisfied for another week?

More Starbuck the crazy captain hunting her while whale… and this time she catches a Leoben just before her crew decides to Mutiny. A lot happens in this episode, but did it keep your attention? Did it give you your BSG fix? Matt and Nat enjoyed some parts more than others… what about you? Let us know!

2x07 BSGcast: 4.08 – “Faith”

  • 2008-05-09T00:00:00Z1m

Starbuck’s and Leoben’s plots coming to head at last! Matt + Nat had a lot to say about this one… and with all the Hybrid’s prattle, we might have a few new theories to bandy about. Harbinger of Death takes on a whole new meaning for us, and it’s looking like the Hybrid and Baltar seem to be on the same page with their prophesy!

We have to wait TWO WEEKS to find out what happens after “JUMP!”? Whose idea was Memorial Day anyway? What the hell Ron… that was amazing. Gaeta, Baltar, Roslin, Natalie, Athena… a lot of plots are all happening at once in one place in this cliffhanger.

Without which not indeed, Ron…. after skipping a Friday for Memorial Day, we are treated to a VERY contravercial episode. We’ve heard someone say it came close to Woman King as his least favourite episode. Ouch. Matt loved it, Nat not so much, but what about you?

For this week’s BSGcast, we find ourselves in Houston, Texas, away from the usual studio and bringing you a special BSGcast from the comfort of the hotel room as we chat about how “the Hub” managed to make the lines between Human and Cylon even more blurred. After a week of fretting over the fate of Baltar and Roslin, we’re getting to see the flip-side of last week’s episode… the battle of the Resurrection Hub was glorious, but the character beats in “The Hub” were definitely the highlight. Both of us were in tears for the last scene.

Flashback to mid-2008, this is what we signed up for: we were cliffhung like no other show on TV can do… in fact, cliffhung in a way Ron Moore has never done before, Revelations made the back half of 2008 go by REALLY slowly!

This is the first of our BSGcast LIVE Episode.

The first proper BSGcast review of the final 10 episodes, we break this beautiful character piece of an episode down into the essential elements and call BS on Ron’s Retcon of Nikki’s parentage. That aside, we’re all smiles about “Disquiet”, because the set-up is clearly going somewhere, and we’re sure it’s gonna be good!

Gaeta’s Mutiny is on, and we’ve got murder on the Galactica… it’s like the start of Season two, Cylons not included. And that’s where all the terrifying goodies are. It goes without saying that we loved the episode, and watching one of our most beloved characters get on the wrong side of Adama made use both very uncomfortable. Now THAT’s good TV.

The amazing conclusion of the 2-part Mutiny storyline answered a few questions, but none that Part 1 hadn’t come up with in the first place… which makes us both ask the question: why? Why spend 2 episodes starting and ending a storyline with SO MANY important questions still hanging? We trust in Ron, and we loved this Mutiny storyline and Gaeta’s enormous arc, but we still have to ask why?

2x16 BSGcast 4.17 – “No Exit”

  • 2009-02-11T00:00:00Z1m

Word Salad. No other term quite sums up this exposition-heavy BEAST of an episode. With many long-standing questions answered and a few more posed, Ellen’s return and Anders’ brain-bullet managed to cause a virtual deluge of mythos from the origin and travels of the final five to the end of the first cylon war, the source of resurrection technology and skin jobs… the list goes on. Needless to say, if you’ve not seen the episode yet, GO WATCH IT!

2x17 BSGcast 4.18 – “Deadlock”

  • 2009-02-21T00:00:00Z1m

This week’s episode featured a stellar performance from Michael Hogan during the plot about Tigh and Six’s baby in the wake of Ellen’s return, and curious side-plots about Baltar’s Harem and Galactica’s paint drying… yet we couldn’t help but feel like this episode came up short on actual plot. Compared to “No Exit” last week, virtually any episode would feel like it’s standing still, but with only 4 episodes left and SO much more to be explained, by the end of “Deadlock” we were both pretty underwhelmed.

This episode gave us shivers in all the right places and all the wrong places… it’s been a while since Battlestar delivered SO solidly on both stories in an episode, but in this run up to the end, we can definitely expect more of it. Between the Helo/Boomer/Athena affair and Starbuck playing piano with her head-father, “Someone to Watch Over Me” Has definitely given us a serious tee-up for the next three episodes to come!

The very last of our non-two-part-cliff-hangers for the season. Can’t you tell? Ah, it seems like every episode of this season has been one cliff-hanger after the next, but with Hera in Cylon hands and Anders acting all kinds of Hybrid, there’s lots to talk about in this momentum-building tee-up of an episode!

We were in Austin for South by Southwest and got to watch Part 1 of Daybreak at the Alamo Drafthouse! We managed to shoot in the lobby of the Hilton across from SXSW and got some great theories from fans like us after this doozy of an episode! It was simultaneously esoteric and tense and after this one, Daybreak Part 2 is shaping up to be one hell of knock-down drag-out battle from front to back!

This is it… let the sobs of joy and sadness begin. Our beloved show has come to an end in a two-hour TV event that none of us are soon to forget. And how did it end? With a bang or with a whimper? Let’s start discussing it!
