• 4
  • 477
  • 2.0k
  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z
  • 1h
  • 7d 1h (169 episodes)
  • English
The Chaos Communication Congress is an annual meeting of the international hacker scene, organized by the Chaos Computer Club. The congress features a variety of lectures and workshops on technical and political issues. The event takes place regularly at the end of the year since 1984, with the current date and duration (December 27–30) established in 2005.

169 episodes

Season Premiere


34x01 Eröffnung: tuwat

Season Premiere

34x01 Eröffnung: tuwat

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Tim Pritlove

Daß sich mit Kleinkomputern trotzalledem sinnvolle Sachen machen lassen, die keine zentralisierten Großorganisationen erfordern, glauben wir.

Daß die innere Sicherheit erst durch Komputereinsatz möglich wird, glauben die Mächtigen heute alle. Daß Komputer nicht streiken, setzt sich als Erkenntnis langsam auch bei mittleren Unternehmen durch. Daß durch Komputereinsatz das Telefon noch schöner wird, glaubt die Post heute mit ihrem Bildschirmtextsystem in “Feldversuchen” beweisen zu müssen. Daß der “personal computer” nun in Deutschland dem videogesättigten BMW Fahrer angedreht werden soll, wird durch die nun einsetzenden Anzeigenkampagnen klar. Daß sich mit Kleinkomputern trotzalledem sinnvolle Sachen machen lassen, die keine zentralisierten Großorganisationen erfordern, glauben wir. Damit wir als Komputerfrieks nicht länger unkoordiniert vor uns hinwuseln, tun wir wat und treffen uns am 27.12.17 in Leipzig, Seehausener Allee 1 (TAZ-Hauptgebäude) ab 11:00 Uhr. Wir reden über internationale Netzwerke – Kommunikationsrecht – Datenrecht (Wem gehören meine Daten?) – Copyright – Informations- u. Lernsysteme – Datenbanken – Encryption – Komputerspiele – Programmiersprachen – processcontrol – Hardware – und was auch immer.

34x02 Dude, you broke the Future!

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Charles Stross

In this talk, author Charles Stross will give a rambling, discursive, and angry tour of what went wrong with the 21st century, why we didn't see it coming, where we can expect it to go next, and a few suggestions for what to do about it if we don't like it.


34x03 hacking disaster

34x03 hacking disaster

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Sebastian Jünemann

mit Krisenintervention den Kapitalismus hacken

Speaker: Ingo Dachwitz

Die EU hat die Wahl: Schutz von Menschen oder von Geschäftsmodellen?


34x05 Forensic Architecture

34x05 Forensic Architecture

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Eyal Weizman

Forensic Architecture is an independent research agency that undertakes historical and theoretical examinations of the history and present in articulating notions of public truth.

Speaker: Mathias Dalheimer

Wir retten das Klima mit Elektroautos — und bauen die Ladeinfrastruktur massiv aus. Leider werden dabei auch Schwachstellen auf allen Ebenen sichtbar: Von fehlender Manipulationssicherheit der Ladesäulen bis hin zu inhärent unsicheren Zahlungsprotokollen und kopierbaren Zahlkarten. Ladesäulenhersteller und Ladenetzbetreiber lassen ihre Kunden im Regen stehen — geht das schnelle Wachstum des Marktanteils zu Lasten der Kundensicherheit?

34x07 Demystifying Network Cards

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Paul Emmerich

Things you always wanted to know about NIC drivers.

Speaker: Clifford Wolf

Formal hardware verification (hardware model checking) can prove that a design has a specified property. Historically only very simple properties in simple designs have been provable this way, but improvements in model checkers over the last decade enable us to prove very complex design properties nowadays. riscv-formal is a framework for formally verifying RISC-V processors directly against a formal ISA specification. In this presentation I will discuss how the complex task of verifying a processor against the ISA specification is broken down into smaller verification problems, and other techniques that I employed to successfully implement riscv-formal.

Speaker: oranav

A journey on how to fix broken proprietary hardware by gaining code execution on it.

Speaker: Mustafa Al-Bassam

The Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), a unit in one of Britain’s intelligence agencies, is tasked with creating sockpuppet accounts and fake content on social media, in order to use "dirty tricks" to "destroy, deny, degrade [and] disrupt" enemies by "discrediting" them. In this talk, we reveal some of that content, in relation to infiltrating activists groups around the world, including during the Arab spring and Iranian revolution.

Speaker: Saud Al-Zaid

My talk explores the interconnected nature of war and culture. It does so through the context of technology and political discourse in contemporary art. With a view from the battle fields of the Middle East, both real and imagined, I attempt to dissect how the political discourse of academia and the art world trickles down to everyday discussions. A simple word such as "assassination" becomes rife with racism when its etymology can be linked to anti-Muslim propaganda that originated during the Crusades. And today assassination is the primary political tool of the West to negotiate with Muslim radicals, even violating their own rules of citizenship, constitutional, and human rights protections in the process. With this backdrop, we see how the artistic works of such diverse artists such as Chris Marker, Chris Burden, Haroun Farouki, Anish Kapoor, and Banksy have evolved to reflect the political discourse of the moment. The digital advancements of the war zone, I argue, are reflected in the diametrically opposed peaceful spaces of the gallery, museum, or art house cinema. As the digital defeats analogue, the act of killing becomes disconnected from the killer, with democracies spreading thei blame over systemic failures rather than facing the reality of death.


34x12 Gamified Control?

34x12 Gamified Control?

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Katika Kühnreich

In 2014 China’s government announced the implementation of big data based social credit systems (SCS). The SCS will rate online and offline behavior to create a score for each user. One of them is planned to become mandatory in 2020. This lecture will review the current state of governmental and private SCS and different aspects of these systems.

Speaker: Markus Beckedahl

Deutschland hat gewählt, man weiß nur noch nicht, wer regieren wird. Bis Weihnachten könnte ein Koalitionsvertrag verhandelt worden sein, vielleicht auch später. Was sind die zu erwartenden großen Debatten der neuen Legislaturperiode?


34x14 WTFrance

34x14 WTFrance

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Agnes, Okhin

France is part of the top countries trying to destroy encryption, especially through backdoor obligations, global interceptions, and effort to get access to master keys. French law already criminalises the use of encryption, imposing heavier penalties on people using it or regarding them as general suspects.
How can we oppose this trend? What political role for developers?

Speaker: Filippo Valsorda

The Go implementation of the P-256 elliptic curve had a small bug due to a misplaced carry bit affecting less than 0.00000003% of field subtraction operations. We show how to build a full practical key recovery attack on top of it, capable of targeting JSON Web Encryption.

Speaker: Alastair Reid

Formal verification of software has finally started to become viable: we have examples of formally verified microkernels, realistic compilers, hypervisors etc. These are huge achievements and we can expect to see even more impressive results in the future but the correctness proofs depend on a number of assumptions about the Trusted Computing Base that the software depends on. Two key questions to ask are: Are the specifications of the Trusted Computing Base correct? And do the implementations match the specifications? I will explore the philosophical challenges and practical steps you can take in answering that question for one of the major dependencies: the hardware your software runs on. I will describe the combination of formal verification and testing that ARM uses to verify the processor specification and I will talk about our current challenge: getting the specification down to zero bugs while the architecture continues to evolve.


34x17 Science is broken

34x17 Science is broken

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: hanno

We're supposed to trust evidence-based information in all areas of life. However disconcerting news from several areas of science must make us ask how much we can trust scientific evidence.

Speakers: Tim Carstens, Parker Thompson

Software vendors like to claim that their software is secure, but the effort and techniques applied to this end vary significantly across the industry. From an end-user's perspective, how do you identify those vendors who are effective at securing their software? From a vendor's perspective, how do you identify those techniques which are effective at improving security? Presenting joint work with Sarah Zatko, mudge, Patrick Stach, and Parker Thompson.

Speakers: Dennis Giese, DanielAW

Did you ever want to run your own IoT cloud on your IoT devices? Or did you ever wonder what data your vacuum cleaning robot is transmitting to the vendor? Why a vacuum cleaning robot needs tcpdump?
Nowadays IoT devices are getting more and more powerful and contain a lot of sensors. As most devices are connected directly to the vendor and transmit all data encrypted to the cloud, this may result in privacy issues. An IoT device with no internet connection lacks numerous features or is even unusable. We want to change that.

Speakers: J. Hartstein, Teresa Isigkeit, Franziska Sörgel

Quantitative science evaluation, such as university rankings, rely on man-made algorithms and man-made databases. The modelling decisions underlying this data-driven algorithmic science evaluation are, among other things, the outcome of a specific power structure in the science system. Power relations are especially visible, when negotiated during processes of boundary work. Therefore, we use the discourse on 'citation cartels', to shed light on a specific perception of fairness in the scientific system, as well as on the actors who are in charge. While doing so, we draw analogies to the discourse on search engine optimization.

Speaker: LaForge

This talk explains how individuals were able to communicate globally in the 1990ies using self-organized networks of BBSsin networks like FIDO and Z-Netz, before individual access to the Internet was possible. It also covers the efforts of non-profit organizations to provide individual access to Internet Mail+News via UUCP and later via IP during that period.

Speakers: Hans-Christian Ströbele, Constanze Kurz

Der NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags ist zu Ende. Da bietet es sich an, nun auf die gesammelten Geheimdienstskandale und die Reaktionen auf die Enthüllungen zurückzublicken.

34x23 Inside Intel Management Engine

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Artem Kondratenko

Positive Technologies researchers Maxim Goryachy and Mark Ermolov have discovered a vulnerability that allows running unsigned code. The vulnerability can be used to activate JTAG debugging for the Intel Management Engine processor core. When combined with DCI, this allows debugging ME via USB

Speaker: Artem Kondratenko

Year 2017 was rich in vulnerabilities discovered for Cisco networking devices. At least 3 vulnerabilities leading to a remote code execution were disclosed. This talk will give an insight on exploit development process for Cisco IOS for two of the mentioned critical vulnerabilities. Both lead to a full takeover of the target device. Both PowerPC and MIPS architectures will be covered. The presentation will feature an SNMP server exploitation demo.

34x25 Tightening the Net in Iran

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Mahsa Alimardani

How do Iranians experience the Internet? Various hurdles and risks exist for Iranians and including outside actors like American technology companies. This talk will assess the state of the Internet in Iran, discuss things like the threats of hacking from the Iranian cyber army; how the government are arresting Iranians for their online activities; the most recent policies and laws for censorship, surveillance and encryption; and the policies and relationships of foreign technology companies like Apple, Twitter and Telegram with Iran, and the ways they are affecting the everyday lives of Iranians. This talk will effectively map out how the Internet continues to be a tight and controlled space in Iran, and what efforts are being done and can be done to make the Iranian Internet a more accessible and secure space.


34x26 QualityLand

34x26 QualityLand

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Marc-Uwe Kling

Willkommen in QualityLand, in einer nicht allzu fernen Zukunft: Alles läuft rund - Arbeit, Freizeit und Beziehungen sind von Algorithmen optimiert.

Speakers: benni, dorina, steffen

An unseren Schulen besteht ein großes Defizit hinsichtlich der Vermittlung digitaler Mündigkeit. Da mittlerweile weitgehender Konsens besteht, dass an Schulen bezüglich digitaler Technologien mehr passieren muss, reagiert die Bildungspolitik und integriert neue Medien in die Bildungspläne. Auf Basis unserer Erfahrungen, die wir im Rahmen vom Chaos Macht Schule gesammelt haben, diskutieren wir die aktuellen bildungspolitischen Entwicklungen.

Speaker: argp

This talk presents the technical details and the process of reverse engineering and re-implementation of the evasi0n7 jailbreak's main kernel exploit. This work was done in late 2013, early 2014 (hence the "archaeology" in the title), however, it will provide insight into the kernel debugging setup for iOS devices (iDevices), the encountered difficulties and how they were overcome, all of which can be useful for current iOS kernel vulnerability research.

Speakers: Tim Blazytko, Moritz Contag

Do you want to learn how modern binary code obfuscation and deobfuscation works? Did you ever encounter road-blocks where well-known deobfuscation techniques do not work? Do you want to see a novel deobfuscation method that learns the code's behavior without analyzing the code itself? Then come to our talk and we give you a step-by-step guide.


34x30 Der PC-Wahl-Hack

34x30 Der PC-Wahl-Hack

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Linus Neumann, Martin Tschirsich, Thorsten Schröder

Hacker des Chaos Computer Clubs (CCC) haben eine in mehreren Bundesländern zur Erfassung und Auswertung der kommenden Bundestagswahl verwendete Software auf Angriffsmöglichkeiten untersucht. Die Analyse ergab eine Vielzahl von Schwachstellen und mehrere praktikable Angriffsszenarien. Diese erlauben die Manipulation von Wahlergebnissen auch über die Grenzen von Wahlkreisen und Bundesländern hinweg. Die untersuchte Software „PC-Wahl“ wird seit mehreren Jahrzehnten für die Erfassung, Auswertung und Präsentation von Wahlen auf Bundes-, Landes- und Kommunalebene eingesetzt.

Speaker: alebey

The German election in September 2017 brought a tectonic shift to the layout of German politics. With the AfD in parliament far-right illiberalism has reached the mainstream. We investigate the communicative developments underlying this rise. Using web-scraping and automated content analysis, we collected over 10.000 articles from mainstream-news and far-right blogs, along with over 90GBs of Tweets and thousands of Facebook-Posts. This allows us a deep insight into how public discourse works in 2017 Germany.

34x32 Watching the changing Earth

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: manuel

For a few decades by now, satellites offer us the tools to observe the whole Earth with a wide variety of sensors. The vast amount of data these Earth observations systems collect enters the public discourse reduced to a few numbers, numbers like 3 or even 300. So, how do we know the amount of ice melting in the arctic or how much rain is falling in the Amazon? Are groundwater aquifers stable or are they are being depleted? Are these regular seasonal changes or is there a trend? How can we even measure these phenomena on a global scale?

This talk will provide one possible answer: gravity.


34x33 Access To Bodies

34x33 Access To Bodies

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Nadja Buttendorf

Cyborgs und Body Enhancement sind typisch männlich dominierte Thematiken (Terminator etc). Im Gegensatz dazu ist zB die weiblich konotierte Beautybranche auch hochtechnisiert. Körper und Technologie sind auf verschiedenen Ebenen hier schon eng verzahnt. Diese beiden Bereiche zusammenzubringen ist FUN. Stehen Computer eigentlich auf rosa?

Speaker: Jean Rintoul

An open source biomedical imaging project using electrical impedance tomography. Imagine a world where medical imaging is cheap and accessible for everyone! We'll discuss this current project, how it works, and future directions in medical physics.

Speakers: !Mediengruppe Bitnik

Shipped from Germany for 0.1412554 Bitcoins

Artists !Mediengruppe Bitnik talk about recent works around bots and the online ecosystems that has been forming around them. Through the lens of their recent works around algorithms and bots, !Mediengruppe Bitnik offer a look into some of the technologies shaping our day-to-day.

34x36 Die Sprache der Überwacher

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Thomas Lohninger, Werner Reiter, Angelika Adensamer

So intensiv wie 2017 wurde der Themenkomplex rund um Sicherheit und Überwachung in Österreich noch nie diskutiert. Das Thema ist in Hauptabendnachrichten und Leitartikeln angekommen. Die Diskussion rund um die geplante Einführung eines Sicherheitspakets, das sich bei näherer Betrachtung als ein reines Überwachungspaket entpuppt, bietet jede Menge Analysematerial: Öffentlich ausgetauschte (Schein-)Argumente, falsche Analogien und unpassende Sprachbilder haben die Debatte geprägt. In diesem Talk werden die Sprache der so genannten Sicherheitspolitiker (es sind in der Tat nur Männer) analysiert und ihre Argumente auf den Prüfstand gestellt.

Speaker: Sebastian Eschweiler

In this presentation we will outline our findings about (Not)Petya's crypto flaws and how we were able to exploit them to decrypt infected computers.

Speaker: Steini

Raum, Zeit, Licht und Gravitation, wie hängt das zusammen?

Jeder kennt sie, kaum jemand versteht sie wirklich, die vielleicht berühmteste Gleichung der Welt: E=mc^2
Was hat es damit auf sich, was ist die spezielle- und was die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie? Wie kann man sicher sein, dass das wirklich stimmt? Bleibt die Zeit stehen, wenn man sich mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit bewegt? Was ist das Zwillings-Paradoxon und dehnt sich das Universum aus, oder werden wir einfach nur immer kleiner?

Speaker: Tijmen Schep

What does it mean to be free in a world where surveillance is the dominant business model? Behind the scenes databrokers are turning our data into thousands of scores. This digital reputation is increasingly influencing our chances to find a job, a loan or even a date. Researchers are pointing out that, as people become aware of this reputation economy, it is generating a culture where self-censorship and risk aversion are the new normal.

Speaker: Vincent Haupert

Bisher wurden Angriffe gegen App-basierte TAN-Verfahren und Mobilebanking von betroffenen Banken eher als akademische Kapriole abgetan. Sie seien, wenn überhaupt, nur unter Laborbedingungen und dazu unter wiederkehrend hohem manuellen Aufwand zu realisieren. Um diese Sichtweise zu korrigieren, haben wir das Programm Nomorp entwickelt, das in der Lage ist, zentrale Sicherungs- und Härtungsmaßnahmen in weltweit 31 Apps vollautomatisch zu deaktivieren und somit Schadsoftware Tür und Tor öffnet. Unter den Betroffenen stellen deutsche Unternehmen mit 20 Finanz-Apps die größte Fraktion.

Speaker: Keegan Ryan

Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), like those based on ARM TrustZone or Intel SGX, intend to provide a secure way to run code beyond the typical reach of a computer’s operating system.
However, when trusted and untrusted code runs on shared hardware, it opens the door to the same microarchitectural attacks that have been exploited for years. This talk provides an overview of these attacks as they have been applied to TEEs, and it additionally demonstrates how to mount these attacks on common TrustZone implementations. Finally, we identify new techniques which allow us to peer within TrustZone TEEs with greater resolution than ever before.

Speaker: Noujoum

Activists in Saudi Arabia have been able to celebrate important victories like the recent lifting of the ban on women driving in September 2017 but have to fight on a lot of other front lines at the same time. Websites are blocked on a large scale and many activists are sent to jail on the grounds of a loosely used cybercrime law. This talk will give some insight into the current social and political strife happening on the Saudi Internet from a first-hand-perspective using some of the data collected in a collaboration with the OONI project.

Speaker: Audrey Dutcher

In our paper we present a novel tool called BootStomp able to identify security vulnerabilities in Android bootloaders (such as memory corruptions) as well as unlocking vulnerabilities. During its evaluation, BootStomp discovered 6 previously unknown vulnerabilities across 4 different bootloaders. Finally BootStomp has been open-sourced to help the security community.


34x44 DPRK Consumer Technology

34x44 DPRK Consumer Technology

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Will Scott, Gabe Edwards

The DPRK has largely succeeded at hiding its consumer technology. While versions of the desktop operating system, Red Star, have leaked, the mobile equivalent hasn't, and there remains little knowledge of the content available on the intranet. Let's fix that!


34x45 Doping your Fitbit

34x45 Doping your Fitbit

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: jiska, DanielAW

Firmware modifications faking you fitter

tSecurity architectures for wearables are challenging. We take a deeper look into the widely-used Fitbit fitness trackers. The Fitbit ecosystem is interesting to analyze, because Fitbit employs security measures such as end-to-end encryption and authentication to protect user data (and the Fitbit business model). Even though this goes beyond security mechanisms offered by other fitness tracker vendors, reverse-engineering the trackers enables us to launch practical attacks against Fitbit. In our talk, we demonstrate new attacks including wireless malware flashing on trackers as well as “unlocking” the trackers to work independent from the Fitbit cloud.

34x46 BGP and the Rule of Custom

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Caleb James DeLisle

How the internet self-governs without international law.

When bad actors can simply move servers from country to country, why does the internet remain reasonably civil ?
How does one get on, or get kicked off, of the internet ?
Why do fraud and child abuse websites regularly get shut down but thepiratebay remains living ?
I will explain BGP, the protocol that knits the internet together, also covering the world of last resort hosting, bulletproof hosting and high profile cases of servers that were taken offline and servers which could not be taken offline despite significant effort.

Speaker: Mathy Vanhoef

We introduce key reinstallation attacks (KRACKs). These attacks abuse features of a protocol to reinstall an already in-use key, thereby resetting nonces and/or replay counters associated to this key. We show that our novel attack technique breaks several handshakes that are used in a WPA2-protected network.

Speakers: Michael Steil, Christian Hessmann

The Apollo Guidance Computer ("AGC") was used onboard the Apollo spacecraft to support the Apollo moon landings between 1969 and 1972. This talk explains "everything about the AGC", including its quirky but clever hardware design, its revolutionary OS, and how its software allowed humans to reach and explore the moon.

34x49 Practical Mix Network Design

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: David Stainton, jeffburdges

Strong metadata protection for asynchronous messaging

We shall explain the renewed interest in mix networks. Like Tor, mix networks protect metadata by using layered encryption and routing packets between a series of independent nodes. Mix networks resist vastly more powerful adversary models than Tor though, including global passive adversaries. In so doing, mix networks add both latency and cover traffic. We shall outline the basic components of a mix network, touch on their roles in resisting active and passive attacks, and discuss how the latency impacts reliability, application design, and user experience.

Speaker: Rainer Rehak

Die Informatik löst formale (mathematisch modellierte) Probleme ganz vorzüglich – doch nun soll sie alle anderen Probleme auch noch lösen / Computer science nicely solves formally modelled problems – now it is believed to solve everything else too.

Die Informatik ist scheinbar das neue Göttliche, das den Klimawandel, die Kriminalität, unser fehlendes Wissen über das Gehirn, den globalen Terror, dichter werdenden Stadtverkehr, die Energieprobleme und die Armut der Welt lösen kann; und zwar mit der Blockchain, mit künstlicher Intelligenz, mit der Cloud und mit Big-Data. Doch inwiefern ist die Informatik überhaupt in der Lage, derartige Probleme hoher gesellschaftlicher Relevanz anzugehen? In diesem Vortrag soll versucht werden, Teile der riesigen Wunschliste an die Informatik mit ihren tatsächlichen aktuellen Möglichkeiten in Einklang zu bringen sowie die ökonomischen Motivationen und Rahmenbedingungen einzubeziehen.


34x51 All Creatures Welcome

34x51 All Creatures Welcome

  • 2017-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Sandra Trostel

work in progress beta preview of the documentary

!!! This event is not going to be recorded !!!

ALL CREATURES WELCOME is a documentary film about the communities of the digital age. It shows the possibilities of new paths and new perspectives for society by using hacking as a mind-set.

Speaker: Dr. Silke Holtmanns

Many mobile network operators rush to upgrade their networks to 4G/LTE from 2G and 3G, not only to improve the service, but also the security. The Diameter protocol - the successor of SS7 in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks is believed to offer more protection to the network itself and to the end-users. However, also Diameter offers a rich functionality set, which can be also exploited and misused, if the network is not properly protected. We will show in this lecture, how data interception (MiM) can be done via the diameter based interconnection link.


34x53 Lightning Talks Day 2

34x53 Lightning Talks Day 2

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Michael Kreil

Therapiestunde mit einem Datenjournalisten und vielen bunten Visualisierungen

„Angriff der Meinungsroboter“ und „Gefangen in der Filterblase“ titelten die deutschen Medien. Doch was ist wirklich daran?


34x55 Visceral Systems

34x55 Visceral Systems

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Sarah Grant

Approaches to working with sound and network data transmissions as a sculptural medium.

This talk considers the visceral relationship one can have towards intangible media, notably sound and network data transmissions. Sarah presents a selection of her work demonstrating these synesthetic relationships, ranging from experiments in bio and fiber arts to interface design and educational tools for demystifying computer networking technology.

Speakers: Daniel Wessolek, Isabelle Dechamps

Over the past year, we have been developing open source wheelchair add-ons through user research, ideation, design, prototyping and testing. We present the outcome and insights from the process.

Speakers: Hendrik Heuer, KRN

Über die Banalität der Beeinflussung und das Leben mit Algorithmen.

Eine wissenschaftliche Perspektive auf die achtlose Anwendung der Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens und der künstlichen Intelligenz, z.B. in personalisierten Nachrichtenempfehlungssystemen oder Risikosoftware im US-Justizsystem.

34x58 We should share our secrets

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Daan Sprenkels

Shamir secret sharing: How it works and how to implement it

34x59 Digitale Bildung in der Schule

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Katja Bach

„5.-Klässlerinnen, die über die Millisekunden für einen delay()-Aufruf diskutieren!
Gibt es nicht? Doch, gibt es!“ Ein Modellprojekt mit sieben Schulen in Aachen hat diese Frage untersucht – wir haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler begleitet und würden gerne darüber berichten, denn wir wissen jetzt: Programmieren macht ihnen Spaß!


34x60 Deep Learning Blindspots

34x60 Deep Learning Blindspots

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Katharine Jarmul

Tools for Fooling the "Black Box"

In the past decade, machine learning researchers and theorists have created deep learning architectures which seem to learn complex topics with little intervention. Newer research in adversarial learning questions just how much “learning" these networks are doing. Several theories have arisen regarding neural network “blind spots” which can be exploited to fool the network. For example, by changing a series of pixels which are imperceptible to the human eye, you can render an image recognition model useless. This talk will review the current state of adversarial learning research and showcase some open-source tools to trick the "black box."

Speaker: Marloes de Valk

...and dehumanize ourselves in the process?

A talk on waiting for the technological rapture in the church of big data. The paralysing effect of hiding the human hand in software through anthropomorphising computers and dehumanising ourselves.

34x62 Reverse engineering FPGAs

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: MathiasL

Dissecting FPGAs from bottom up, extracting schematics and documenting bitstream formats

In this talk I describe the basic makeup of FPGAs and how I reverse engineered the Xilinx 7 Series and Lattice iCE40 Series together with the implications.

34x63 Think big or care for yourself

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: AKO, Hanna Wüller

On the obstacles to think of emergent technologies in the field of nursing science

In German nursing science the dominant position on emergent technologies demands the removal of machines from caring environments („Entmaschinisierung“). In contrast to this, European research policy heavily focus on developing new health and social technologies to solve societal issues like a skill shortage in nursing. Thinking about technology in nursing science cannot but be conflicted. In this talk we first expose requirements for particularly conceptualizing the application of technological systems in care work settings. Further we will give an overview on main arguments against digital technologies in care with an example of a current research project in the field of Augmented Reality in care work.

34x64 The seizure of the Iuventa

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Hendrik, Kathrin

How search and rescue in the mediterranean was criminalized

The ship „Iuventa“ of the organization „Jugend Rettet“ was seized on August 2nd 2017 by the Italian authorities. The accusations: facilitating illegal immigration, organized crime and possession of weapons. What followed was a smear campaign that had seldomly been seen before. Against „Jugend Rettet“ and all the other NGOs that do search and rescue (SAR) in the mediterranean sea.

34x65 May contain DTraces of FreeBSD

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: raichoo

Systems are getting increasingly complex and it's getting harder to understand what they are actually doing. Even though they are built by human individuals they often surprise us with seemingly bizarre behavior. DTrace lights a candle in the darkness that is a running production system giving us unprecedented insight into the system helping us to understand what is actually going on.

We are going implement strace-like functionality, trace every function call in the kernel, watch the scheduler to its thing, observer how FreeBSD manages resources and even peek into runtime systems of high level programming languages. If you ever wondered what software is doing when you are not looking, this talk is for you.

34x66 Jahresrückblick des CCC 2017

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: frank, Constanze Kurz, nexus, Linus Neumann

Staatstrojaner, Vorratsdaten, automatisierte Biometriesammlungen, PC-Wahl – wir geben einen Überblick über die Themen, die den Chaos Computer Club 2017 beschäftigt haben.

Speakers: Veronica Valeros, Sebastian Garcia

In 2015, artist Ai Weiwei was bugged in his home, presumably by government actors. This situation raised our awareness on the lack of research in our community about operating and detecting spying microphones. Our biggest concern was that most of the knowledge came from fictional movies. Therefore, we performed a deep study on the state-of-the-art of microphone bugs, their characteristics, features and pitfalls. It included real life experiments trying to bug ourselves and trying to detect the hidden mics. Given the lack of open detection tools, we developed a free software SDR-based program, called Salamandra, to detect and locate hidden microphones in a room. After more than 120 experiments we concluded that placing mics correctly and listening is not an easy task, but it has a huge payoff when it works. Also, most mics can be detected easily with the correct tools (with some exceptions on GSM mics). In our experiments the average time to locate the mics in a room was 15 minutes. Locating mics is the novel feature of Salamandra, which is released to the public with this work. We hope that our study raises awareness on the possibility of being bugged by a powerful actor and the countermeasure tools available for our protection.

Speakers: @EMHacktivity, José Lopes Esteves

Ways to Chaos in Digital and Analogue Electronics

For non specialists, Electromagnetic Pulse weapons (EMP) are fantasy weapons in science fiction movies. Interestingly, the susceptibility of electronic devices to electromagnetic interference has been advertised since the 90’s. Regarding the high integration of sensors and digital systems to control power-grids, telecom networks and automation infrastructures (e.g. Smart-grids, Industrial Control Systems), the intrinsic vulnerability of electronic devices to electromagnetic interference is of fundamental interest. In the context of IT Security, few studies have been carried out to understand how the effects may be a significant issue especially in the far-field region (distance between the transmitter’s antenna and the target with regard to the wavelength/central frequency). Most studies in Emanation Security (EMSEC) are related to near-field probing for side-channel and fault injection attacks assuming a close physical access to the targeted devices. In this paper, we propose a methodology to detect, classify and correlate the effect induced during the intentional exposure of analogue and digital systems to electromagnetic interference. Applying this methodology, the implication of the effects for the IT security world will be discussed with regards to the attacker profile needed to set-up a given scenario.

34x69 Netzpolitik in der Schweiz

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Kire, Patrick Stählin, Hakuna MaMate

Die aktuellen Auseinandersetzungen über digitale Freiheitsrechte

Gleich in drei Gesetzen drohen Netzsperren. Staatstrojaner und Massenüberwachung bis ins WLAN sind mit der Einführung der Überwachungsgesetze BÜPF und NDG vorgesehen. E-Voting soll auf Biegen und Brechen durchgesetzt werden. Nur garantierte Netzneutralität lässt weiter auf sich warten. Im Vortrag versuchen wir, Einsichten in die netzpolitischen Auseinandersetzungen in der Schweiz zu geben und Handlungsmöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen.


34x70 Internet of Fails

34x70 Internet of Fails

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Barbara Wimmer

Expect current examples of IoT fails that I collected during my work as a journalist in regards of privacy and security. What do such fails mean for society? What are possible solutions and what can customers do?


34x71 Blinkenrocket!

34x71 Blinkenrocket!

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: overflo, muzy

How to make a community project fly

The Blinkenrocket is a DIY SMD Soldering Kit that was designed to teach different manufacturing and soldering skills.

A lot of work on both Hardware and Software was done in CCC erfas namely shackspace, chaosdorf and metalab.

The kit is used in workshops since 1.5 years at the chaos macht schule events and is very successful in its purpose. Creating this project was plenty of work and there is so much to show and tell around it, it will blow your mind.


34x72 Free Electron Lasers

34x72 Free Electron Lasers

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Thorsten

...or why we need 17 billion Volts to make a picture.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a microscope which allows scientists to map atomic details of viruses, film chemical reactions, or study the processes in the interior of planets? Well, we’ve just built one in Hamburg. It’s not table-top, though: 1 billion Euro and a 3km long tunnel is needed for such a ‘free electron laser’, also called 4th generation synchrotron light source. I will talk about the basic physics and astonishing facts and figures of the operation and application of these types of particle accelerators.

Speakers: Benjamin Kollenda, Philipp Koppe

An introduction into reverse-engineering x86 microcode and writing it yourself

Microcode is an abstraction layer on top of the physical components of a CPU and present in most general-purpose CPUs today. While it is well-known that CPUs feature a microcode update mechanism, very little is known about its inner workings given that microcode and the update mechanism itself are proprietary and have not been throughly analyzed yet. We close this gap by both analyzing microcode and writing our own programs for it. This talk will give an insight into our results and how we achieved them, including live demos of what we can do and technical details.

Speakers: Robert Tibbo, Edward Snowden

A Rapidly Emerging Police State and Imminent Deportation to Sri Lanka and Philippines.

The Snowden Refugees’ actions to protect the world’s most significant whistle blower of the 21st Century, amounts to an expression of Political Opinion. Since September 2016, the Snowden Refugees have been systematically targeted and persecuted by the Hong Kong government based on that political opinion.

Speaker: Collin Mulliner

SafetyNet Attestation is the primary platform security service on Android. Until recently you had to use third party tools or implemented your own app integrity checks and device rooting checks. Today you can use Android's SafetyNet Attestation infrastructure to ensure the integrity of your application and the user's device. Unfortunately, SafetyNet Attestation is not well documented by Google. This talk is split into three parts. Part one provides a deep dive into SafetyNet Attestation how it works. Part two is a guide on how to implement and use it for real world applications. This is based on the lessons learned from implementing SafetyNet Attestation for an app with a large install base. The talk will provide you with everything you need to know about Android’s SafetyNet Attestation and will help you to implement and use it in your app. Part three presents attacks and bypasses against SafetyNet Attestation. The attack method targets not only SafetyNet but other similar approaches. New tools and techniques will be released at this talk.

34x76 How to drift with any car

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Guillaume Heilles, P1kachu

(without your mom yelling at you)

Lots of research are arising from the fairly unexplored world of automative communications. Cars are no longer becoming computers, they are fully connected networks where every ECU exchanges and operates the vehicles at some point.
Here is an introduction of my immersion and discussions with my car, and how I finally managed to drift (a bit) with my mom's FWD Fiat 500c.

34x77 Console Security - Switch

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: plutoo, derrek, naehrwert

Homebrew on the Horizon.

Nintendo has a new console, and it's more secure than ever.


34x78 Taking a scalpel to QNX

34x78 Taking a scalpel to QNX

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Jos Wetzels, Ali Abbasi

Analyzing & Breaking Exploit Mitigations and Secure Random Number Generators on QNX 6.6 and 7.0

In this talk we will present a deep-dive analysis of the anatomy of QNX: a proprietary, real-time operating system aimed at the embedded market used in many sensitive and critical systems, particularly within the automotive industry.

We will present the first reverse-engineering and analysis of the exploit mitigations, secure random number generators and memory management internals of QNX versions up to and including 6.6 and the brand new 64-bit QNX 7.0 (released in March 2017) and uncover a variety of design issues and vulnerabilities.


34x79 Financial surveillance

34x79 Financial surveillance

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Jasmin Klofta, Tom Wills

Exposing the global banking watchlist

Faced with new responsibilities to prevent terrorism and money laundering, banks have built a huge surveillance infrastructure sweeping up millions of innocent people. Investigative journalists Jasmin Klofta and Tom Wills explain how, as part of an international collaboration, they exposed World-Check, the privately-run watchlist at the heart of the system.

34x80 Humans as software extensions

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Sebastian Schmieg

Will You Be My Plugin?

While technology is often described as an extension of our bodies, this talk will explore a reversed relationship: Bodies and minds of digital laborers (you and me and basically everybody else) as software extensions that can be easily plugged in, rewired, and discarded. I will approach this topic from an artist's point of view.


34x81 Afro TECH

34x81 Afro TECH

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Inke Arns

Afrofuturism, Telling tales of speculative futures

Inke Arns will present speculative projections of the future and current developments in the field of digital technologies by artists and inventors from different countries in Africa, the African diaspora and many other actors in the USA and Europe.

34x82 Intel ME: Myths and reality

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Igor Skochinsky, Nicola Corna

Many claims were made recently about purpose and capabilities of the Intel ME but with all the buzz it is not always clear what are facts and what is just speculation. We'll try to clear the fog of misunderstanding with research based on investigations of ME firmware and practical experiments on ME-equipped hardware.


34x83 Trügerische Sicherheit

34x83 Trügerische Sicherheit

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Peter Schaar

Wie steht es um die Sicherheitsversprechen, die mit dem Einsatz von neuen Überwachungsinstrumenten abgegeben werden?
Welche Unterminierung der Sicherheit kann durch Überwachung eigentlich entstehen?


34x84 The making of a chip

34x84 The making of a chip

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Ari

You are surrounded by ICs. Yet you probably don't know much about how such a chip is made. This talk is an introduction to the world of chip fabrication from photolithography over ion implantation to vapor deposition of the connections.

34x85 The Noise Protocol Framework

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Trevor Perrin

The Noise Protocol Framework is a toolkit for 2-party secure-channel protocols. Noise is used by WhatsApp for client-server communication, by the WireGuard VPN protocol, and by the Lightning Network. In this talk I'll describe the rationale behind such a framework, and how you can use it to build simple, efficient, and customized secure-channel protocols.

Speakers: Charles Hubain, Cédric Tessier

This talk will go over our efforts to implement a new open source DBI framework based on LLVM. We'll explain what DBI is used for, how it works, the implementation challenges we faced and compare a few of the existing frameworks with our own implementation.


34x87 LatticeHacks

34x87 LatticeHacks

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: djb, Tanja Lange, Nadia Heninger

Fun with lattices in cryptography and cryptanalysis.

Lattices are an extremely useful mathematical tool for cryptography.
This talk will explain the basics of lattices in cryptography and cryptanalysis.

Speakers: ktemkin, dominicgs

'Liberating' Firmware from Closed Devices with Open Source Hardware.

Systems that hide their firmware-- often deep in readout-protected flash or hidden in encrypted ROM chips-- have long stymied reverse engineers, who often have to resort to inventive methods to understand closed systems. To help reduce the effort needed to get a foothold into a new system, we present GlitchKit-- an open source hardware and firmware solution that significantly simplifies the process of fault-injecting your way into a new system -- and of fault-injecting firmware secrets out! This talk presents the development completed thus far, demonstrates the use of GlitchKit in simple attacks, and invites participation in the development of our open-source tools.


34x89 ASLR on the line

34x89 ASLR on the line

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: brainsmoke

Practical cache attacks on the MMU.

Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is fundamentally broken on modern hardware due to a side-channel attack on the Memory management unit, allowing memory addresses to be leaked from JavaScript. This talk will show how.

Speaker: Mike Sperber

From Hacker Culture to the Software of the Future.

Hacker culture overcomes limitations in computer systems through
creativity and tinkering. At the same time, hacker culture has shaped
the practice of software development to this day. This is
problematic - techniques effective for breaking (into) a computer
systems are not necessarily suitable for developing resilient and
secure systems. It does not have to be this way: We can approach
software development as a methodical, systematic activity rather than
tinkering, and teach it accordingly. I'll review my experience
teaching these methods for the past 18 years and give some suggestions
on what you may do.

Speaker: Kristin Pietrzyk

Zum Verbot von Indymedia linksunten.

Im August 2017 wurde Indymedia linksunten vom Bundesinnenminister verboten. Rechtsanwältin Kristin Pietrzyk berichtet von den Razzien, von der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Polizei und Geheimdiensten und gibt Einblick in das juristische Vorgehen gegen Verbot und Zensur.


34x92 Home Distilling

34x92 Home Distilling

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: lolnerd

Theory and practice of moonshining and legal distilling.

This talk covers the theory, legality and economics of home distilling. We present the theoretical background of mashing, fermenting and distilling alcohol as well as the legal framework for home distilling in Germany from 2018 on.

Speakers: Markus Muellner, Markus Kammerstetter

An AES encrypted radio system.

Hoermann BiSecur is a bi-directional wireless access control system “for the convenient and secure operation of garage and entrance gate operators, door operators, lights […]” and smart home devices. The radio signal is AES-128 encrypted and the system is marketed to be “as secure as online banking”. In comparison to conventional and often trivial to break wireless access control systems, the system should thus make it practically infeasible to clone a genuine transmitter so that attackers can get unauthorized access. We used the low-cost CCC rad1o software defined radio (SDR) platform to intercept and analyze the wireless radio signal. We took apart several Hoermann BiSecur hand transmitters and subsequently utilized a vulnerability in the microcontroller to successfully extract the firmware. In order to conduct a security audit, the extracted firmware was disassembled and analyzed so that the encryption mechanism, the key material, the cryptographic operations as well as the RF interface could be reverse engineered. Our security analysis shows that the overall security design is sound, but the manufacturer failed to properly initialize the random seed of the transmitters. As a result, an attacker can intercept an arbitrary radio frame and trivially compute the utilized encryption key within less than a second. Once the key is known to the attacker, a genuine transmitter can be cloned with an SDR platform such as the CCC rad1o. In addition to unauthorized operation of gates and doors, there is a likely (although currently untested) impact on Smart Home appliances that use the BiSecur system. We tested a total of 7 hand transmitters from 3 different model series and with manufacturing dates between 2015 and 2017. All analyzed hand transmitters shared the same static random seed and were found to be vulnerable to our attack. The vulnerability can easily be fixed so that fut


34x94 Schnaps Hacking

34x94 Schnaps Hacking

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Nero Lapislucis, sir wombat

from apple to schnaps -- a complete diy-toolchain.

This talk covers the theory, the required tools and how to make them, and the process of turning apples into juice, ferment them, and enrich the alcohol content of the product.


34x95 Robot Music

34x95 Robot Music

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: jacob remin, goto80

The Robots Play Our Music and What Do We Do?

Once full automation hits, we will have a lot of free time on our hands. This project demonstrates early explorations in computer generated music via robot hands, old computers and generative algorithms. While the robot performs, we sit next to it and invite people for a conversation about robots being “creative” and “stealing our jobs”.


34x96 Hacker Jeopardy

34x96 Hacker Jeopardy

  • 2017-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Sec, Ray

Zahlenraten für Geeks.

The Hacker Jeopardy is a quiz show.


34x97 Methodisch inkorrekt!

34x97 Methodisch inkorrekt!

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Nicolas Wöhrl, @ReinhardRemfort

Die Wissenschaftsgala vom 34C3.

Der IgNobelpreis ist eine Auszeichnung, um wissenschaftliche Leistungen zu ehren, die „Menschen zuerst zum Lachen, dann zum Nachdenken bringen“ („to honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think“). Wir erklären die Preisträger 2017 in gewohnter Minkorrekt-Manier.


34x98 Lightning Talks Day 3

34x98 Lightning Talks Day 3

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h


34x99 Taxation

34x99 Taxation

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: vavoida

Taxation, the most "boring" #34c3 talk, but hey it's the economy stupid, and you pay for it! We will a provide a quick overview of the international taxation system. Explaining what a Double Irish Sandwich is. Why international corporations like Google only pays 2.4% taxes. And how your favourite tech companies (Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, ... ) evaded billions in taxes. This tax-dodging costs the European Union more than $50 billion. Annually. We bring this numbers into perspective. And why you pay more.
And how you should discuss that topic, since it defines how our society will be.

34x100 Holography of Wi-Fi radiation

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Friedemann Reinhard

Can we see the stray radiation of wireless devices? And what would the world look like if we could?

Speaker: Trammell Hudson

The NERF and Heads projects bring Linux back to the cloud servers' boot ROMs by replacing nearly all of the vendor firmware with a reproducible built Linux runtime that acts as a fast, flexible, and measured boot loader. It has been years since any modern servers have supported Free Firmware options like LinuxBIOS or coreboot, and as a result server and cloud security has been dependent on unreviewable, closed source, proprietary vendor firmware of questionable quality. With Heads on NERF, we are making it possible to take back control of our systems with Open Source Software from very early in the boot process, helping build a more trustworthy and secure cloud.

Speaker: Adam Chlipala

Most working engineers view machine-checked mathematical proofs as an academic curiosity, if they have ever heard of the concept at all. In contrast, activities like testing, debugging, and code review are accepted as essential. They are woven into the lives of nearly all developers. In this talk, I will explain how I see machine-checked proofs enabling new everyday activities for developers of computer software and hardware. These activities have the potential to lower development effort dramatically, at the same time as they increase our assurance that systems behave correctly and securely. I will give a cosmological overview of this field, answering the FAQs that seem to stand in the way of practicality; and I will illustrate the principles with examples from projects that you can clone from GitHub today, covering the computing stack from digital hardware design to cryptographic software and applications.

34x103 Designing PCBs with code

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Kaspar

Is designing circuits with code instead of CAD the future of electronic design automation?
An overview and history of various tools and languages that allow you to use code rather than CAD software to design circuits.

34x104 Regulating Autonomous Weapons

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Anja Dahlmann

The time travelling android isn’t even our biggest problem
Event large
Depending on the definition, autonomous weapon systems do not and might never exist, so why should we care about killer robots? It is the decline of human control as an ongoing trend in military systems and the incapacity of computing systems to „understand“ human beings and the nature of war that is worrisome.

Speakers: Johannes Valbjorn, Emmerik

Freetown Christiania´s digitally controlled/surveyed heating system. 350 users

Project “Nabovarme” (meaning “neighbour heating”) has transformed private heating necessity into a social experiment build on OpenSource software/hardware and social empowerment by transforming heat consumers into Nabovarme Users and letting them take ownership to infrastructure and consumption.

Speaker: Molly de Blanc

From tractors to Web standards

Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) is found everywhere from music to cars and, most recently, World Wide Web Consortium recommendations. How did we get here and where are we going with DRM? Who really owns not just your tools, but your experiences when someone (or something) else is controlling access to the data and access around them? We'll attempt to answer these questions, and more, in a historical overview, contemporary analysis, and look towards the future.

Speakers: Eva Blum--Dumontet, Millie Wood

What does policing look like in the age of data exploitation? This is the question we at Privacy International have been exploring for the past two years. Our research has focused on the UK where the population has been used as guinea pigs for ever more invasive modern approaches to policing. In this talk we will discuss our findings with you and avenues for change.

Speaker: Fefe

Eine Geschichte voller Missverständnisse.

Anhand von Anekdoten aus 20 Jahren Softwareentwicklung versucht der Vortrag herauszuarbeiten, was in der Praxis zu scheiternden Projekten führt.

Speaker: Arturo Filastò (hellais)

The Open Observatory of Network Interference.

How can we take a stand against the increasing shadow of Internet censorship? With OONI Probe you can join us in uncovering evidence of network interference!

Speaker: Thomas Lohninger

After four years of advocacy and lobbying to enshrine net neutrality principles in law in Europe, we can now examine the first full year of enforcement of the new rules. We will compare the enforcment of net neutrality in the individual EU member states, showcase a few of the more creative net neutrality violations and demonstrate what civil society can do to keep the Internet neutral. Enforcing net neutrality also requires network measurement tools that can detect discrimination; we will discuss what progress Europe has made in this regard.

Speakers: Moritz, ALX

Eliminating nuclear weapons will require trusted measurement systems to confirm authenticity of nuclear warheads prior to their dismantlement. A new idea for such an inspection system is to use vintage hardware (Apple IIe/6502) instead of modern microprocessors, reducing the attack surface through simplicity. In the talk, we present and demo a custom open hardware measurement system based on gamma spectroscopy.

Speakers: anja, sjunk

... or is it just PEWPEW?!

Space Solar Power station, such as SPS Alpha, could overcome some issues that renewable energy plants on Earth suffer of structural basis when challenges such as energy transfer from orbit to Earth are solved. But will this solve the Earth's problems in a peaceful way?


34x113 Open Source Estrogen

34x113 Open Source Estrogen

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: maggic

From molecular colonization to molecular collaboration.

Collaborative and interdisciplinary research, Open Source Estrogen combines biohacking and artistic intervention to demonstrate the entrenched ways in which estrogen is a biomolecule with institutional biopower. It is a form of biotechnical civil disobedience, seeking to subvert dominant biopolitical agents of hormonal management, knowledge production, and anthropogenic toxicity. Thus, the project initiates a cultural dialogue through the generation of DIY/DIWO (do-it-yourself/do-it-with-others) for the detection and extraction of estrogen, and contextualized as kitchen performance and queer body worship.

Speaker: Matthias

Overview of how the state censored and how it got circumvented.

On October 1st the Catalan society held a referendum to decide if they wanted to stay part of the Spanish state or create an independent state. This talk will explain the internet censorship which took place in the weeks before the referendum, on the very same day as well as in the timer after the referendum.

Speaker: Christoph

Airborne wind energy is the attempt to bring the digital revolution to the production of energy. It means that we convert the power of high-altitude winds into electricity by autonomously controlled aircraft which are connected to the ground via a tether.
This technology can be a key element to finally power the world by clean energy only. In this talk we will explain the physical foundations, give an overview of the current status and show you how to build an experimental system by yourself: it involves hacking an off-the-shelf model aircraft and its autopilot based on the open and free Ardupilot framework.

Speaker: Zooko

Bitcoin arrived eight years ago, and has now spawned a dazzling array of follow-on technologies, including smart contracts, censorship-resistant computation, trustless databases (“blockchains”) and more. This talk attempts to highlight a few of the most significant developments in both technology and in society's response to it, including some nation-state governments banning cryptocurrencies and/or launching their own cryptocurrencies.

34x117 Don't stop 'til you feel it

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: iamkat

Artistic interventions in climate change.

This talk will report on my current research in bringing to bear multiple knowledges on problem spaces around the environment and digital culture, and in so doing questioning both the prevailing knowledge hierarchy and the institutionalisation of knowledge production. To connect with the environment, for instance, do we need to connect with how it feels? This talk draws on works exploring both the marine environment and food, using knowledge from science, art, culture, instinct and history to create happenings and instances that break out the border of "me" and "my environment" to create an empathic response linking what we traditionally consider to be inside and outside. This will be demonstrated in the context of two artistic works - The Coral Empathy Device and Vital | Flows.

Speaker: Pierros Papadeas

Going to space the libre way.

During 2016 Libre Space Foundation a non-profit organization developing open source technologies for space, designed, built and delivered UPSat, the first open source software and hardware satellite.


34x119 avatar²

34x119 avatar²

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: nsr

Towards an open source binary firmware analysis framework.

Avatar² is an open source framework for dynamic instrumentation and analysis of binary firmware, which was released in June 2017.
This talk does not only introduce avatar², but also focuses on the motivation and challenges for such a tool.

Speaker: Nikos Roussos

Satellite Open Ground Station Network.

An overview of the SatNOGS project, a network of satellite ground station around the world, optimized for modularity, built from readily available and affordable tools and resources.

Speakers: Kurt Opsahl, William Budington

Traveling with Digital Devices in the Golden Age of Surveillance.

Our lives are on our laptops – family photos, medical documents, banking information, details about what websites we visit, and so much more. Digital searches at national borders can reach our personal correspondence, health information, and financial records, allowing an affront to privacy and dignity which is inconsistent with the values of a free society. While privacy and security is important for any traveler, this has become a critical issue for international conferences and their attendees, who shouldn’t need to trade off an invasive search for participating in important conversations. This talk will discuss the both the legal and policy issues with border searches, as well as technological measures people can use in an effort to protect their data.

Speakers: seyru, Sven Willner, Robert Gieseke

An introduction to the basics of climate research and what we can do about climate change.

Climate change has long ceased to be news to many people, but it is increasingly shaping humanity's reality.

This talk sheds light on the changes in the climate system and their consequences.

We introduce the basics and discuss possible actions in response.


34x123 Inside AfD

34x123 Inside AfD

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers:Felix Höfner, Lucia, Marek, Janosch, Slim

!!! This event is not going to be recorded !!!

Herbst 2017. Irgendwo in Deutschland. Die führenden Köpfe der AfD träumen von der parlamentarischen Machtübernahme und dem schleichenden Sieg im Kampf um die Deutungshoheit von Begrifflichkeiten. Doch dann kommt alles ganz anders.

34x124 Resilienced Kryptographie

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: ruedi, cforler

Die Sicherheitsdesaster bei der Schlüsselgenerierung in TPM Chips und bei der Minix 3 basierten Intel ME Implementierung zeigen, dass das Vertrauen in hardwaregestützte Coputersicherheit grundlegend hinterfragt werden muss. Die Robustness in feindlicher Umgebung kann mit anspruchsvolleren kryptographische Verfahren mathematisch abgesichert erhöht werden.

34x125 Are all BSDs created equally?

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Ilja van Sprundel

A survey of BSD kernel vulnerabilities.

In this presentation I start off asking the question „How come there are only a handful of BSD security kernel bugs advisories released every year?“ and then proceed to try and look at some data from several sources.

Speaker: David Leutwyler

The representation of thunderstorms (deep convection) and rain showers in climate models represents a major challenge, as this process is usually approximated with semi-empirical parameterizations due to the lack of appropriate computational resolution. Climate simulations using kilometer-scale horizontal resolution allow explicitly resolving deep convection and thus allow for an improved representation of the water cycle. We present a set of such simulations covering Europe and global computational domains. Finally, we discuss challenges and prospects climate modelers face on heterogeneous supercomputers architectures.

Speaker: Wam (P.J.H.F.) Kat

Das erste computer netzwerk in Krieg (Jugoslavia 1992-1997)

Die Geschichte des ZAMIR Transnational Network und meines Zagreb-Diary
(http://www.wamkat.de/diaries1/zagreb-diary) zwischen 1991 und 1995 im
früheren Jugoslawien. Es war das erste Computernetzwerk in einer
Kriegsregion, das alle Friedens-, Frauen-, Menschenrechts- und
humanitäre Aktivisten und alle anderen Menschen in dem Kriegsgebiet
miteinander und der Außenwelt verbunden hat.

Speakers: Stefan Pelzer, Philipp Ruch, Morius Enden

Neues vom Zentrum für Politische Schönheit.

Flüchtlingsfressende Tiger in Berlin, zum Diktatorensturz aufrufende Flugblätter in Istanbul und ein Mahnmal das den Rechtsextremisten Björn Höcker in seinem Thüringer Dorf heimsucht: Viel ist geschehen, seit das Zentrum für Politische Schönheit vor 3 Jahren auf dem Kongress gesprochen hat.

Speaker: Benjamin Leon Bodirsky

Cybernetic models analyze scenarios of interactions between future global food consumption, agriculture, landuse, and the biogeochemical cycles of water, nitrogen and carbon.

How can we feed a growing world population within a resilient Earth System? This session will present results from our cybernetic computer models that simulate how future trends in population growth, diets, technology and policy may change the global land cover, freshwater usage, the nitrogen cycle and the climate system, and how more sustainable pathways can be reached. We want to discuss how our computer models and our data can be made accessible and usable by a broader community, and which new ways exist to visualize key insights and provide decision support to our society. We will also showcase some interactive physical installations that have been developed jointly with a group of art students to visualize future scenarios.

Speakers: Vadim Yanitskiy, ptrkrysik

SDR PHY for OsmocomBB

Since SDR (Software Defined Radio) becomes more popular and more available for everyone, there is a lot of projects based on this technology. Looking from the mobile telecommunications side, at the moment it's possible to run your own GSM or UMTS network using a transmit capable SDR device and free software like OsmoBTS or OpenBTS. There is also the srsLTE project, which provides open source implementation of LTE base station (eNodeB) and moreover the client side stack (srsUE) for SDR. Our talk is about the R&D process of porting the existing GSM mobile side stack (OsmocomBB) to the SDR based hardware, and about the results we have achieved.

Speakers: Tobias Mueller, Erik, Matthias

Survey of Network Anonymisation Techniques.

There exists no such thing as a perfect anonymity network with low latency, low bandwith consumption which provides strong anonymity.
Popular anonymisation networks rightfully focus on Web browsing, because that is the most popular application on todays Internet. The most popular anonymisation network is, rightfully so, Tor. You might, however, not have the requirements that mandate the use of the Tor network and thus are looking for alternatives.
In this talk, we present alternatives to the popular Tor anonymisation network and examine what they achieve and how they differ.

Speaker: Jonathan Donges

International commitment to the appropriately ambitious Paris climate agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 has pulled into the limelight the urgent need for major scientific progress in understanding and modelling the Anthropocene, the tightly intertwined social-techno-ecological planetary system that humanity now inhabits. The Anthropocene qualitatively differs from previous eras in Earth’s history in three key characteristics: (1) There is planetary-scale human agency. (2) There are social and economic networks of teleconnections spanning the globe. (3) It is dominated by planetary-scale social-ecological feedbacks. Bolting together old concepts and methodologies cannot be an adequate approach to describing this new geological era. Instead, we need a new paradigm in Earth System science that is founded equally on a deep understanding of the physical and biological Earth System – and of the economic, technological, social and cultural forces that are now an intrinsic part of it. It is time to close the loop and bring socially mediated dynamics and the technosphere explicitly into theory, analysis and computer models that let us study the whole Earth System.


34x133 Electroedibles

34x133 Electroedibles

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Denisa Kera, yair reshef, Zohar Messeca-Fara

Open Source Hardware for Smart Candies.

Electroedibles is an experiment with “edible” hardware that explores the limits of interaction between our tongue and circuits to mock the present fantasies of Internet of (Every)thing. This project initiated by the hardware lab at Shenkar College of Arts and Tel Aviv Makerspace consists from series of workshops, in which participants combine simple circuits (lickometer with LED, vibration motor or piezo) with recipes for candy making (hard candy based on syrups or gummy or corn starch molds). The circuits are casted in candy “molds” to serve different ideas defined by the participants: extreme hardware fetishist lollipops, philosophical props into sensory perception, post-colonial critique of the sugar cane addiction and slavery, scientific interest in triggering taste buds etc. This probe into the edible hardware is also a celebration of the DIY culture of sharing behind cooking, but also Open Source Hardware that bridges the divisions between the kitchen, the hardware studio and the science lab. Instead of applying science and technology to cooking and tasting (typical for molecular gastronomy & haute cuisine), the electroedibles use the experiences of candy cooking and to engage with different science and technology issues in enjoyable and funny ways.

Speaker: Simon Eumes

An Exploration of NFC Transactions and Explanation How Apple Pay and Android Pay work.

This talk will dive into the techniques and protocols that drive contactless card payments at the Point of Sale. We will explore how Apple Pay works on a technical level and why you are able to 'clone' your credit card onto your phone. Building upon previous C3 talks on the topics of EMV and ICC payments, we will learn about different NFC payment options, why legacy will never die and how the individual card brands have specified their payment workflows.

Speaker: dcwalk

How do we keep important environmental and climate data accessible amidst political instability and risk? What even counts as an “accessible” dataset? Could we imagine better infrastructures for vital data? By describing the rapid data preservation efforts of U.S. environmental data that started in the wake of the recent election, I’ll address these questions and the new and existing issues that preservation surfaced about the vulnerability of data infrastructures. I'll focusing on specific projects, including the work of EDGI, that is trying to address these challenges by creating alternate forms of access and infrastructure!


34x136 Extended DNA Analysis

34x136 Extended DNA Analysis

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Adora_Belle

Political pressure for DNA-based facial composites.

In 2017, the federal states of Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria suggested the extension of the law on the analysis of forensic DNA. Up to now, DNA fingerprinting in forensic settings may, in addition to non-coding features of DNA, only analyze the chromosomal sex of the person, but not any other openly visible feature. Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg, under the leadership of CSU and the Green party, are pushing forward to analyze DNA found at crime scenes regarding hair color, eye color, skin color and in the case of Bavaria even geographical ethnicity. Extended DNA analysis, or “DNA facial composite” is seen as an impartial witness to the crime and, in the eyes of the states’ government, would help solve crimes. But would it?

34x137 Ein Festival der Demokratie

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Daniel Möring (TINT Kollektiv), h01ger, [email protected], [email protected], Oliver Gemballa

Von Technik, Kollaborationen und Erreichtem zum G20-Gipfel 2017.

Erfahrungen und Details zu den zwei kritischen Medienprojekten FC/MC (alternatives Medienzentrum im Herzen der Stadt) und THERE IS NO TIME (Live-Talks am Rande des Sperrgebiets und über die Stadt verteilte Video-Empfangsstationen) und ihrer Kollaboration mit dem VOC zum G20 Gipfel in Hamburg.

Speaker: André Lampe

was alles geht und wie man anfängt, mit Mikroskopen.

Jeder weiß ungefähr was man mit einem Mikroskop tun kann: Kleine Dinge ansehen. Aber wie geht das genau, was braucht man dafür und gibt es da nicht eine Möglichkeit, dass da digitale Bilder rauspurzeln? Das hier soll eine Einführung sein, und zwar in die Grundlagen von Mikroskopen, wo der Unterschied zu anderen Optiken (Fotografie, Teleskope) ist und wie man zu Hause mit einfachen Mitteln schöne Bilder machen kann. Was kann man sinnvolles an den Nachwuchs verschenken, was taugen Anstreck-Dinger für das Smartphone oder USB-Mikroskope, wie fange ich zu Hause mit Mikroskopie an und was kann man überhaupt so alles betrachten? Quasi Micsorcopy 101.

Speaker: Lisa

Analysing the terminology of the UK’s Snooper’s Charter.

In November 2016 the UK has passed the Investigatory Powers Act (aka Snooper’s Charter). This act unprecedentedly extends surveillance powers of the state – p.e. legalising the hacking of devices or forcing Internet Service Providers to collect web browsing histories – one does not even need to be suspected of a crime. This talk investigates the choice of words of the parliamentary debates and reveals how euphemistic and understating terminology discloses the extent of surveillance and justifies the causeless intrusion into everyone’s privacy.

Speaker: Darsha Hewitt

Obsolete Technologies + Critical Material Studies in Media Art.

Darsha Hewitt is a Canadian artist working in new media and sound. She is known for her examinations of communication technology in the domestic sphere and her use of DIY aesthetics and practices as an artistic method. She makes electromechanical sound installations, drawings, audio-visual works, how-to videos and experimental performances with handmade electronics. Through deconstruction and experimentation with failed and obsolete technology, her work demystifies hidden systems within machines as a way to trace-out structures of economy, power and control embedded throughout capitalist culture.

Speaker: Gunnar Thöle

Wieviel CO2 macht <...>? Ungefähr?

Alles was wir jeden Tag tun erzeugt Treibhausgase. Für eine vernünftige/moralische/ökologische Entscheidung, um mit anderen Handlungsoptionen brauchbar vergleichen zu können, muss man wissen - wieviel? Ungefähr zumindest? Für Einsteiger. Keine Formeln, wenig Mathematik/Physik.

Speaker: Ulf Frisk

Most thought Direct Memory Access (DMA) attacks were a thing of the past after CPU vendors introduced IOMMUs and OS vendors blocked Firewire DMA. At least until the PCILeech direct memory access attack toolkit was presented a year ago and quickly became popular amongst red teamers and governments alike.


34x143 Nougatbytes 11₂

34x143 Nougatbytes 11₂

  • 2017-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Speakers: Rainer Rehak, Benks

Die geekige Wort- & Bilderrätselspielshau ist zuЯück.

Zwei Teams mit rauchenden Köpfen und ein johlendes Publikum raten sich durch unsere dritte Wortspielhölle der IT, Informatik und digitalen Gesellschaft. Wer bei vielschichtigen (Anm. d. R.: „haarsträubenden“!) Assoziazionsbilderrätseln freudiges Synapsenfunkeln und feuchte Augen bekommt oder aber bei Gehirnschmerz und Um-die-Ecke-Denk-Beulen trotzdem feiert, ist bei uns zu Hause.

Speaker: Anita Hopes

Wie man ein Haus kaufen kann ohne es zu besitzen.

Das Mietshäusersyndikat ist eine nicht-kommerzielle Kooperative mit dem
Ziel, Bereiche von selbstorganisiertem Wohnen zu schaffen, ohne selbst
Vermieter zu werden.


34x145 Lightning Talks Day 4

34x145 Lightning Talks Day 4

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Leander Seige

Neue Standards wie IIIF (http://iiif.io) ermöglichen es, digitalisiertes Kulturgut (Gemälde, Bücher, Handschriften, Fotografien, Karten u.s.w.) interoperabel und maschinenlesbar verfügbar zu machen. Darauf aufsetzend können nicht nur ansehnliche Präsentationen erstellt werden, insbesondere ermöglicht IIIF es, institutionsübergreifend Daten verknüpfbar zu machen und virtuelle Arbeitsoberflächen einrichtungsunabhängig zu realisieren. Dem Linked Data Prinzip folgend, sind alle Daten standardisiert identifizierbar und nutzbar. Es existieren bereits viele leistungsfähige Open Source Anwendungen für IIIF. Der Talk führt in IIIF ein und zeigt viele anschauliche Beispiele, die bedeutende Werke aus namhaften Einrichtungen weltweit enthalten.

34x147 library operating systems

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Mindy Preston

reject the default reality^W abstractions and substitute your own.

Traditional models of application development involve talking to an underlying operating system through abstractions of its choosing. These abstractions may or may not be a good fit for your language or application, but you have no choice but to use them - you can only layer more abstractions on top of them, to try to lessen the pain of a bad match. Library operating systems let you write applications that use better abstractions in your own language - either someone else's abstractions, or your own.


34x148 Schreibtisch-Hooligans

34x148 Schreibtisch-Hooligans

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Arne Semsrott

Informationsfreiheit trotz CSU.

Wie umgehen mit politischer Ohnmacht? Das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz bietet einige Ansätze: Es macht es auch für juristische Laien möglich, gegen Behörden vorzugehen, die das Recht brechen. Wir kämpfen gegen die Ohnmacht: Dieses Jahr haben wir alle Gesetzentwürfe aller Bundesministerien und Lobby-Stellungnahmen dazu befreit. Wir haben uns mit der Berliner Partypolizei angelegt - prost! - und 13 Behörden verklagt, darunter die Polizei Köln, das Innenministerium und das Verteidigungsministerium. Und wir haben einen Weg gefunden, zwei Behörden zu verklagen, die eigentlich sonst keine Auskunft geben ...


34x149 WHWP

34x149 WHWP

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: friederb

Walter Höllerer bei WikiPedia.

Vorstellung der Dissertation "WHWP - Walter Höllerer bei WikiPedia". Es wurde ein
einzelner Artikel in der deutschen WikiPedia untersucht. Es wird dargestellt, welchen
Einfluss die beteiligten Autoren auf die Qualität des WikiPedia-Artikels über Walter
Höllerer hatten und weiterhin haben. Dafür wurden 113 Veränderungen durch 89 Autoren
einzeln untersucht und bezüglich ihrer Relevanz bewertet. Es wurden auch
die Entwicklungen berücksichtigt, die seit der französischen Encyclopédie zur
Online-Enzyklopädie WikiPedia geführt haben. Daraus ist eine bisher einzigartige
Arbeit über die Produktion von Wissen und Wissenssammlungen entstanden.

Speaker: prometheas

A decentralized Public Key Infrastructure that supports privacy-friendly social verification.

ClaimChain is a Public Key Infrastructure unique in that it can operate in fully decentralized settings with no trusted parties. A vouching mechanism among users, similar to the Web of Trust, assists with social authentication but without revealing the users' social graph. High-integrity data structures prevent equivocation and help detect compromises; the protocol can support generic claims (conventional PGP, modern OTR/Signal etc.); and a prototype evaluation indicates that ClaimChain can scale.


34x151 TrustZone is not enough

34x151 TrustZone is not enough

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Pascal Cotret

Hijacking debug components for embedded security
Blare big
This talk deals with embedded systems security and ARM processors architecture. Most of us know that we can perform security with the ARM TrustZone framework. I will show that most ARM processors include debug components (aka CoreSight components) that can be used to create efficient security mechanisms.

Speaker: Matteo Michel

is there no such thing as open hardware?

How does developing future processors with yesterdays capabilities work out today? CPU development is something out of focus these days. In this lecture I would like to show the state-of-the-art processor development flow of POWER processors from the first initial ideas to post-silicon testing. Apart from x86 Intel products there have been initiatives across the hardware industry to form some alternative business model. I would like to show if and how this compares to real open principals.

34x153 Italy's surveillance toolbox

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: boter

Research on Monitoring Italian Government Surveillance Capabilities by means of Transparency tools.

This project aims to take advantage of the availability of public procurement data sets, required by anticorruption transparency laws, to discover government surveillance capabilities in Italy.


34x154 0en & 1en auf dem Acker

34x154 0en & 1en auf dem Acker

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Fritz - Dietrich Burghardt

Was die Sensor & Automatisierungstechnik in der Landwirtschaft heute schon leisten kann – Ein Einblick.

Die Dynamik der globalen Agrarmärkte hat sich in den letzten Jahren verstärkt und birgt neue Herausforderungen für die Landwirte. Hoffnungsträger sind ähnlich wie in anderen Branchen auch Sensor- & Datenverarbeitungstechnik sowie das Internet: Produktionsprozesse steuern sich selbst, Anhänger werden halbautomatisch mittels Bilderkennung beladen, Maschinen kommunizieren mittels Maschinen und Fahrzeuge steuern sich weitestgehend schon jetzt autonom.


34x155 Briar

34x155 Briar

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Torsten Grote

Resilient P2P Messaging for Everyone.

Briar is a peer-to-peer messaging app that is resistant to censorship and works even without internet access. The app encrypts all data end-to-end and also hides metadata by utilizing Tor onion services.

Speaker: Rosa Menkman

Rosa Menkman investigates video compression, feedback, and glitches.

The institutions of Resolution Disputes [iRD] call attention to media resolutions. While a ’resolution’ generally simply refers to a standard (measurement) embedded in the technological domain, the iRD reflect on the fact that a resolution is indeed a settlement (solution), but at the same time a space of compromise between different actors (objects, materialities and protocols) who dispute their stakes (framerate, number of pixels etc.) within the growing digital territories.

Speaker: niinja

Forcing the Netherlands to publicly debate privacy and the intelligence agencies.

Dutch intelligence agencies will soon be allowed to analyse bulk data of civilians on a massive scale, by intercepting internet traffic and through real-time access to all kinds of databases. They will also start hacking third-parties. My friends and I want to stop this. We started an action to enforce a referendum on the law. Surprisingly, it worked! How do we get most out of this opportunity?

Speaker: Max Schrems

In 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has overturned the EU-US data sharing system called „Safe Harbor“ over US mass surveillance, as disclosed by Edward Snowden. Only months later the European Commission agreed with the US government to replace it with the so-called “Privacy Shield”, despite the existence of PRISM and Upstream surveillance. Why the new deal is nothing but the old “Safe Harbor”, what we can learn for the documents exchanged between the EU and the US and why it will very likely be overturned as soon as it reached the CJEU again.

Speaker: mo

What kind of organisational structures exist for free software projects? What funding sources? How can you avoid pitfalls with funding, support volunteers, and stay a happy family?

Speaker: gronke

This talk will discuss practical solutions for both technical and social challenges of collaboration.

Speakers: Will Scott, kopek

Get a unique tour of some of the world’s most unusual networks, led by a Cuban hacker.

Internet access in Cuba is notoriously restrictive. ETECSA, the government-run teleco, offers 60 wireless hotspots in parks and hotels, allowing foreigners and citizens alike to "visit" the Internet for only $1/hour… That’s what most tourists know about the Internet in Cuba, but of course, that can't be the whole story!

In this talk, we'll take a deeper look at what life is like for Cuban hackers, and we’ll get to tour a vibrant set of community-driven networks that typical tourists never see. The story that emerges is an inspiring view of what communities can (and can’t) accomplish in the face of adversity.

34x162 34C3 Infrastructure Review

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Leon

How does the CCC run a conference?

In this traditional lecture, various teams provide an inside look at how this Congress‘ infrastructure was planned and built. You’ll learn what worked and what went wrong, and some of the talks may even contain facts! Also, the NOC promises to try and not have the network fail in the middle of the NOC presentation this time.


34x163 Uncertain Concern

34x163 Uncertain Concern

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Allison McDonald

How Undocumented Immigrants in the US Navigate Technology.

Over 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States today. Immediately after taking office, the Trump administration issued two executive orders pumping resources into border and immigration enforcement agencies, heightening fears of deportation, harassment, and family separation among immigrant communities. In the following months reports emerged of increased immigration enforcement activity and hints about the deployment of new high-tech methods by the immigration enforcement agency. I will discuss the current state of immigration enforcement in the US and associated surveillance capabilities, the results of a study with undocumented immigrants about their technology practices, and the takeaways for the technology and privacy community in supporting communities of heightened risk.

Speakers: Christoph Engemann, [email protected]

A critical look on a new audio Format.

Master Quality Authenticated (MQA) is a new audio format promising studio sound at home and no DRM. We take a critical look both at the sound-quality aspects as well as on the DRM story of MQA.

34x165 Security Nightmares 0x12

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h


34x166 Tracking Transience

34x166 Tracking Transience

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Hasan Elahi

Hasan Elahi is an interdisciplinary artist working with issues in surveillance, privacy, migration, citizenship, technology, and the challenges of borders. An erroneous tip called into law enforcement authorities in 2002 subjected Elahi to an intensive investigation by the FBI and after undergoing months of interrogations, he was finally cleared of suspicions. After this harrowing experience, Elahi conceived “Tracking Transience” and opened just about every aspect of his life to the public. Predating the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program by half a decade, the project questions the consequences of living under constant surveillance and continuously generates databases of imag- ery that tracks the artist and his points of transit in real-time. Although initially created for his FBI agent, the public can also monitor the artist’s communication records, banking transactions, and transportation logs along with various intelligence and government agencies who have been confirmed visiting his website.

Speaker: gannimo

Type confusion, often combined with use-after-free, is the main attack vector to compromise modern C++ software like browsers or virtual machines. Typecasting is a core principle that enables modularity in C++. For performance, most typecasts are only checked statically, i.e., the check only tests if a cast is allowed for the given type hierarchy, ignoring the actual runtime type of the object. Using an object of an incompatible base type instead of a derived type results in type confusion. Attackers have been abusing such type confusion issues to compromise popular software products including Adobe Flash, PHP, Google Chrome, or Firefox, raising critical security concerns.

We discuss the details of this vulnerability type and how such vulnerabilities relate to memory corruption. Based on an LLVM-based sanitizer that we developed, we will show how to discover such vulnerabilities in large software through fuzzing and how to protect yourself against this class of bugs.

34x168 SCADA - Gateway to (s)hell

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: Thomas Roth

Hacking industrial control gateways.

Small gateways connect all kinds of fieldbusses to IP systems. This talk will look at the (in)security of those gateways, starting with simple vulnerabilities, and then deep diving into reverse-engineering the firmware and breaking the encryption of firmware upgrades. The found vulnerabilities will then be demonstrated live on a portable SCADA system.


34x169 Abschluss

34x169 Abschluss

  • 2017-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Speaker: sva


DE: Damit wir als Komputerfrieks nicht länger unkoordiniert vor uns hinwuseln, tun wir wat und treffen uns!

EN: To keep us computer freaks from puttering about aimlessly any longer, we’re doin’ somethin’ and will meet!
