• 6
  • 247
  • 14
  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z
  • 1h
  • 6d 23h (167 episodes)
  • English
The Chaos Communication Congress is an annual meeting of the international hacker scene, organized by the Chaos Computer Club. The congress features a variety of lectures and workshops on technical and political issues. The event takes place regularly at the end of the year since 1984, with the current date and duration (December 27–30) established in 2005.

167 episodes

Season Premiere


36x01 Opening Ceremony

Season Premiere

36x01 Opening Ceremony

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Opening Ceremony CCC

(Security Track Keynote)
The impact of scale in our field has been enormous and it has transformed the tools, the jobs and the face of the Infosec community. In this talk we discuss some of the ways in which defense has benefitted from scale, how the industry might be transitioning to a new phase of its growth and how the community will have to evolve to stay relevant.

Nowadays, Windows is still the most popular OS used in the world. It's very important for red teams / attackers to maintain the authority after they get into the OS by penetration test. So they need a vulnerability to hide in windows to escalate their account to system privilege.

In this presentation, we will share the methodology about how we started this work to analyze Windows internals. We will explain the inner workings of this technique and how we analyzed ALPC and Component Object Model(COM) in Windows OS. By analyzing historical bugs, we are able to extract their features from multiple vulnerabilities.

We will develop an IDA plugin to analyze the execution path of target interfaces. Through this way we could find out the interface that called the specified sensitive operation.
In fact, we found a large number of vulnerable modules in the ALPC and COM object, which allows the attacker to cross the security boundary and directly access the system.

(How Betrusted Aims to Close the Hardware TOCTOU Gap)
While open source is necessary for trustable hardware, it is far from sufficient. This is because “hashing” hardware – verifying its construction down to the transistor level – is typically a destructive process, so trust in hardware is a massive time-of-check/time-of-use (TOCTOU) problem. This talk helps us understand the nature of the TOCTOU problem by providing a brief overview of the supply chain security problem and various classes of hardware implants. We then shift gears to talk about ways to potentially close the TOCTOU gap, concluding with a curated set of verifiable components that we are sharing as an open source mobile communications platform – a kind of combination hardware and software distribution – that we hope can be useful for developing and deploying all manner of open platforms that require a higher level of trust and security.


36x05 Leaving legacy behind

36x05 Leaving legacy behind

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(Reducing carbon footprint of network services with MirageOS unikernels)
Is the way we run services these days sustainable? The trusted computing base -- the lines of code where, if a flaw is discovered, jeopardizes the security and integrity of the entire service -- is enormous. Using orchestration systems that contain millions of lines of code, and that execute shell code, does not decrease this.

It is easier to chat online securely today than it ever has been. Widespread adoption of signal, wire, and the private mode of WhatsApp have led a broader recognition of the importance of end-to-end encryption. There's still plenty of work to be done in finding new designs that balance privacy and usability in online communication.

(Humanitäre Hilfe zwischen Propaganda, Information und Spendenwerbung)
Katastrophen, Krisen & Kriege lassen sich heute live mitverfolgen. Wir erleben eine kaum überblickbare Quellendiversität in den sozialen Medien – jeder wird zur Quelle. Welchen Einfluss hat das darauf, wie ein Konflikt wahrgenommen wird, wie setzen Konfliktparteien aber auch Helfende die sozialen Medien ein und was bedeutet das für Diejenigen, die vor Ort humanitäre Hilfe leisten. Wir diskutieren dies anhand des türkischen Überfalls auf Rojava.

(Einblicke in die Forschung und Ausblick in die Umweltzertifizierung! )
Im Vortrag wollen Marina Köhn (Umweltbundesamt) und Dr. Eva Kern (Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld) die Messergebnisse aus dem Labor der Forschung präsentieren und die entwickelte Methode des Forschungsprojektes erläutern. Weiterhin möchten wir die Inhalte des geplanten Umweltzeichens für Software vorstellen.

(Everything about the Archimedes computer (with zero 'Eureka!' jokes))
This talk will cover everything about the Acorn Archimedes, a British computer first released in 1987 and (slightly) famous for being the genesis of the original ARM processor.

(Spoiler: Apple is bad at patching)
This talk is about running unsigned code at boot on iOS 11. I will demonstrate how you can start out with a daemon config file and end up with kernel code execution.

So called “0-click” exploits, in which no user interaction is required to compromise a mobile device, have become a highly interesting topic for security researchers, and not just because Apple announced a one million dollar bug bounty for such exploits against the iPhone this year. This talk will go into the details of how a single memory corruption vulnerability in iMessage was remotely exploited to compromise an iPhone. The insights gained from the exploitation process will hopefully help defend against such attacks in the future.


36x13 Vom Ich zum Wir

36x13 Vom Ich zum Wir

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(Gesellschaftlicher Wandel in den Reden im Bundestag)
Ein von Zeit Online entwickeltes Tool macht es möglich, die Plenarprotokolle des Bundestags grafisch und inhaltlich auszuwerten, und zwar seit seiner ersten Sitzung 1949 bis heute. In den 200 Millionen Wörtern zeigen sich historische Zäsuren, sie machen gesellschaftliche und sprachliche Entwicklungen sichtbar: Wie ernst nahm der Bundestag in den vergangenen Jahren den Klimawandel? Wie häufig redeten die Abgeordneten über Datenschutz, über Arbeitslosigkeit, über Rechtsextremismus, über Geflüchtete? Es wird sichtbar und vergleichbar, zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Themen debattiert wurden, wie sich die politische Aufmerksamkeit über die Jahre verändert hat. Und die Daten belegen, wie die Sprache selbst sich verändert, nicht nur weil neue Themen aufkommen, sondern auch weil sich der Sprachgebrauch wandelt. Am Ende kann das Publikum selbst Wörter vorschlagen und versuchen, die entsprechenden Graphiken zu interpretieren.

(Wohin eigentlich mit all der erneuerbaren Energie?)
Wir verlassen uns in unserem Alltag permanent auf die Verfügbarkeit von elektrischer Energie. Aber wenn wir vom dauerhaften Betrieb von Kraftwerke, die fossile Energieträger verbrennen, wie stellen wir die Versorgung sicher, wenn nachts kein Wind weht?
Elektrolyse oder Pumpspeicherkraftwerk? Superkondensatoren oder mechanische Speicher? Was geht heute überhaupt schon?
Ähnlich unklar ist die Zukunft der Mobilität, wenn Verbrennungsmotoren von unseren Straßen verschwinden sollen. Batteriefahrzeug oder Wasserstoffauto? Und bekommt man sein Fahrzeug überhaupt so schnell vollgetankt wie heute mit Benzin?

(Exploring a new attack surface on the 3DS)
The 3DS is reaching end of life but has not revealed all its weaknesses yet. This talk will go through the process of reverse engineering an undocumented communication protocol and show how assessing hard-to-reach features yields dangerous results, including remote code execution exploits!

(An open source project for education, research and tinkering)
Modern smartphones offer a whole range of sensors like magnetometers, accelerometers or gyroscopes. The open source app "phyphox", developed at the RWTH Aachen University, repurposes these sensors as measuring instruments in physics education.

Herzstück der digitalen Gesundheitsversorgung für 73 Millionen Versicherte ist die hochsichere, kritische Telematik-Infrastruktur mit bereits 115.000 angeschlossenen Arztpraxen. Nur berechtigte Teilnehmer haben über dieses geschlossene Netz Zugang zu unseren medizinischen Daten. Ein "Höchstmaß an Schutz" also, wie es das Gesundheitsministerium behauptet? Bewaffnet mit 10.000 Seiten Spezifikation und einem Faxgerät lassen wir Illusionen platzen und stellen fest: Technik allein ist auch keine Lösung. Braucht es einen Neuanfang?


36x18 How to Break PDFs

36x18 How to Break PDFs

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(Breaking PDF Encryption and PDF Signatures)
PDF is the most widely used standard for office documents. Supported by many desktop applications, email gateways and web services solutions, are used in all sectors, including government, business and private fields. For protecting sensitive information, PDFs can be encrypted and digitally signed. Assumed to be secure for 15 years, our talk reveals how to break PDF Encryption and how to break PDF Signatures. We elaborated novel attacks leading to critical vulnerabilities in all PDF viewers, most notably in Adobe, Foxit, and Okular. As a result, an attacker can retrieve the plaintext of encrypted PDFs without knowing the password and manipulate the content of digitally signed PDFs arbitrarily while a victim is unable to detect this.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the biggest particle accelerator on Earth. It was built to study matter in more detail than ever before and prove physical theories like the Standard Model of Particle Physics. This talk will focus on the engineering aspects of LHC. How was it built? What makes it tick? Which technologies are needed to create a such powerful machine? This talk will take you on a journey to explore how the most complex machine ever built by humans works.

(Pleiten, Pech und Pannen in der Zahlungsdiensteregulierung)
Seit dem 14. November ist die letzte Schonfrist zur Umsetzung der Europäischen Richtline 2015/2366 über Zahlungsdienste im Binnenmarkt (neudeutsch PSD2) verstrichen. Das hat erst vielen Banken viel Arbeit gemacht, und macht jetzt vielen Kunden viel Ärger. Warum eigentlich?

A deep dive investigation into Siemens S7 PLCs bootloader and ADONIS Operating System.

We present the next step after Rowhammer, a new software-based fault attack primitive: Plundervolt (CVE-2019-11157).
Many processors (including the widespread Intel Core series) expose privileged software interfaces to dynamically regulate processor frequency and operating voltage. We show that these privileged interfaces can be reliably exploited to undermine the system's security.
In multiple case studies, we show how the induced faults in enclave computations can be leveraged in real-world attacks to recover keys from cryptographic algorithms (including the AES-NI instruction set extension) or to induce memory safety vulnerabilities into bug-free enclave code.

One apparent paradox of the digitisation of work is that while productivity in manufacturing is skyrocketing, productivity in caring professions (health, education) is actually declining - sparking a global wave of labour struggle. Existing economic paradigms blind us to understanding how economies have come to be organised. We meed an entirely new discipline, based on a different set of values.

In this talk Julian will outline his work as sysadmin, systems and security architect for the climate and environmental defense movement Extinction Rebellion. Responsible for 30 server deployments in 11 months, including a community hub spanning dozens of national teams (some of which operate in extremely hostile conditions), he will show why community-owned free and open source infrastructure is mission-critical for the growth, success and safety of global civil disobedience movements.


36x25 Climate Modelling

36x25 Climate Modelling

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(The Science Behind Climate Reports)
When climate activists say you should listen to the science they usually
refer to reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC is an Intergovernmental organization (IGO) providing an objective summary of scienctific results regarding climate change, its impacts and its reasons. The simulation of future climate is one
fundamental pillar within climate research. But what is behind it? How does the science sector look like? How do we gain these insights, what does it mean?

(Fables from building a startup in Silicon Valley)
Over the past 2 years we've been building delivery robots - at first thought to be autonomous. We slowly came to the realization that it's not something we could easily do; but only after a few accidents, fires and pr disasters.

Der Europäische Menschenrechtsgerichtshof beschäftigt sich nun schon seit Jahren mit der Frage, ob die durch Edward Snowden öffentlich bekanntgewordene geheimdienstliche Massenüberwachung mit der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention kompatibel ist. Wie ist der Stand der Dinge?

(Understanding the ME at the OS and hardware level)
Reverse engineering a system on a chip from sparse documentation and binaries, developing an emulator from it and gathering the knowledge needed to develop a replacement for one of the more controversial binary blobs in the modern PC.

(A review of the best art & tech projects from 2019. With a focus on e-waste)
Once you start looking at electronic trash you see it everywhere: in laptops of course but also increasingly in cars, fridges, even inside the bodies of humans and other animals. The talk will look at how artists have been exploring the e-junk invasion.

Making climate predictions is extremely difficult because climate models cannot simulate every cloud particle in the atmosphere and every wave in the ocean, and the model has no idea what humans will do in the future. I will discuss how we are using the Julia programming language and GPUs in our attempt to build a fast and user-friendly climate model, and improve the accuracy of climate predictions by learning the small-scale physics from observations.

There are countless post-quantum buzzwords to list: lattices, codes, multivariate polynomial systems, supersingular elliptic curve isogenies. We cannot possibly explain in one hour what each of those mean, but we will do our best to give the audience an idea about why elliptic curves and isogenies are awesome for building strong cryptosystems.

(From Unanimity to Anonymity)
The people of Hong Kong have been using unique tactics, novel uses of technology, and a constantly adapting toolset in their fight to maintain their distinctiveness from China since early June. Numerous anonymous interviews with protesters from front liners to middle class supporters and left wing activists reveal a movement that has been unfairly simplified in international reporting. The groundbreaking reality is less visible because it must be - obfuscation and anonymity are key security measures in the face of jail sentences up to ten years.


36x33 The Great Escape of ESXi

36x33 The Great Escape of ESXi

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(Breaking Out of a Sandboxed Virtual Machine)
VMware ESXi is an enterprise-class, bare-metal hypervisor developed by VMware for deploying and serving virtual computers. As the hypervisor of VMware vSphere, which is the world's most prevailing, state-of-the-art private-cloud software, ESXi plays a core role in the enterprise's cloud infrastructure. Bugs in ESXi could violate the security boundary between guest and host, resulting in virtual machine escape. While a few previous attempts to escape virtual machines have targeted on VMware workstation, there has been no public VMware ESXi escape until our successful demonstration at GeekPwn 2018. This is mainly due to the sandbox mechanism that ESXi has adopted, using its customized filesystem and kernel. In this talk, we will share our study on those security enhancements in ESXi, and describe how we discover and chain multiple bugs to break out of the sandboxed guest machine.

(Von Handyauswertung, intelligenten Grenzen und Datentöpfen)
Die sogenannten digitalen Assistenzsysteme des BAMF, „intelligente Grenzen“ in der EU und immer größer werdende Datenbanken: Wer ins Land kommt und bleiben darf, wird immer mehr von IT-Systemen bestimmt. Davon profitiert die Überwachungsindustrie, während Menschen von automatisierten Entscheidungen abhängig werden.


36x35 Science for future?

36x35 Science for future?

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(What we can and need to change to keep climate change low - the scientist view)
This talk is to show the current state of the discussion on climate change and the necessary and possible changes from a scientific perpesctive. It is to give some typical relevant answers and to foster the resiliance against climate sceptic questioning. This is one of the main tasks the scientist for future are trying to tackle.

(show + tell)
We make Standard Cells for LibreSilicon available, which are open source and feasible. And we like to talk and demonstrate what we are doing.

Our research shows that network-based cache side-channel attacks are a realistic threat. Cache attacks have been traditionally used to leak sensitive data on a local setting (e.g., from an attacker-controlled virtual machine to a victim virtual machine that share the CPU cache on a cloud platform). With our attack called NetCAT, we show this threat extends to untrusted clients over the network, which can now leak sensitive data such as keystrokes in a SSH session from remote servers with no local access. The root cause of the vulnerability is a recent Intel feature called DDIO, which grants network devices and other peripherals access to the CPU cache. Originally, intended as a performance optimization in fast networks, we show DDIO has severe security implications, exposing servers in local untrusted networks to remote side-channel attacks.

The AMD Platform Security Processor (PSP) is a dedicated ARM CPU inside your AMD processor and runs undocumented, proprietary firmware provided by AMD.
It is a processor inside your processor that you don't control. It is essential for system startup. In fact, in runs before the main processor is even started and is responsible for bootstrapping all other components.
This talk presents our efforts investigating the PSP internals and functionality and how you can better understand it.

36x39 The KGB Hack: 30 Years Later

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(Looking back at the perhaps most dramatic instance of hacking of the 1980s and the role it had in shaping the public image of the CCC)
This spring marked the 30th anniversary of the public uncovering of the so-called KGB Hack, bringing with it a number of new articles remembering the event and forging bridges to the present.

(Was müssen Medizinproduktehersteller einhalten (und was nicht)?)
Es soll grundlegend erklärt werden, nach welchen Kriterien Medizinprodukte entwickelt werden. Dazu werden die wichtigsten Regularien (Gesetze, Normen, ...) vorgestellt die von den Medizinprodukteherstellern eingehalten werden müssen. Diese regeln, was die Hersteller umsetzen müssen (und was nicht).
Hier wird auch die Frage beantwortet, warum beispielsweise die Apple-Watch (oder genauer gesagt nur zwei Apps) ein Medizinprodukt sind aber die card10 nicht.

(Ein nicht nuklearer Blick auf das Ende der Welt)
Einführung in das Forschungsfeld der Kritikalitätsanalysen. Anhand der Rohstoffe Tantal, Wolfram, Zinn und Gold werden exemplarisch die quantitativen und qualitativen Indikatoren für eine Versorgungsengpassanalyse vorgestellt.

36x42 SIM card technology from A-Z

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

Billions of subscribers use SIM cards in their phones. Yet, outside a relatively small circle, information about SIM card technology is not widely known. This talk aims to be an in-depth technical overview.

36x43 Inside the Fake Like Factories

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(How thousands of Facebook, You Tube and Instagram pages benefited from purchased likes and how we reverse engineered facebooks user IDs)
This talk investigates the business of fake likes and fake accounts: In a world, where the number of followers, likes, shares and views are worth money, the temptation and the will to cheat is high. With some luck, programming knowledge and persistence we obtained thousands of fanpages, You Tube and Instagram account, where likes have been bought from a Likes seller. We were also able to meet people working behind the scenes and we will prove, that Facebook is a big bubble, with a very high percentage of dead or at least zombie accounts. The talk presents the methodology, findings and outcomes from a team of scientists and investigative journalists, who delved into the parallel universe of Fake Like Factories.


36x44 Let’s play Infokrieg

36x44 Let’s play Infokrieg

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(Wie die radikale Rechte (ihre) Politik gamifiziert)
Manche Spiele will man gewinnen, andere will man einfach nur spielen. Bei vielen Spielen will man beides. Spielen macht Spaß. Gewinnen auch. Warum also nicht immer und überall spielen? Warum nicht Politik spielen wie einen Multiplayer-Shooter? Mit motivierten Kameraden und ahnungslosen Gegnern? Mit zerstörbarer Umgebung, erfolgreichen Missionen und zu erobernden Flaggen? Teile der radikalen Rechten tun das mit Erfolg. Der Vortrag schaut sich einige Beispiele aus Deutschland und den USA näher an.

(--Gaining code execution using a malicious SQLite database)
SQLite is one of the most deployed software in the world. However, from a security perspective, it has only been examined through the narrow lens of WebSQL and browser exploitation. We believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
In our long term research, we experimented with the exploitation of memory corruption issues within SQLite without relying on any environment other than the SQL language. Using our innovative techniques of Query Hijacking and Query Oriented Programming, we proved it is possible to reliably exploit memory corruptions issues in the SQLite engine. We demonstrate these techniques a couple of real-world scenarios: pwning a password stealer backend server, and achieving iOS persistency with higher privileges.


36x46 Hack_Curio

36x46 Hack_Curio

  • 2019-12-27T00:00:00Z1h

(Decoding The Cultures of Hacking One Video at a Time)
Hacking and hackers can be hard to visualize. In the popular imagination, the figure alternates between a menacing, hooded figure or some sort of drugged-out and depressed juvenile hero (or perhaps a state-sponsored hacker). To counter such images, a group of us have spearheaded a new digitally-based video project, Hack_Curio that features hacker-related videos, culled from a range of sources, documentary film, newscasts, hacker conference talks, advertising, and popular film. In this talk, the Hack-Curio creators and builders will briefly discuss the purpose and parameters of Hack_Curio and spend most of the talk featuring our funniest, most compelling videos around hacking from around the world. We will use these to reflect on some of the more obscure or less commented on cultural and political features of hacking--features that will address regional and international dimensions of the craft and its impacts around the world.


36x47 Hacker Jeopardy

36x47 Hacker Jeopardy

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Zahlenraten für Geeks)
The Hacker Jeopardy is a quiz show.


36x48 Der Pfad von 4G zu 5G

36x48 Der Pfad von 4G zu 5G

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Die Luftschnittstelle und das Core im Wandel der Zahlen)
Mit 4G wurde gegenüber früheren Mobilfunktechnologien das Air-Interface komplett neu gestaltet. Mit 5G wird dieses nun auf mögliche Zukunftstechnologien erweitert. Wir stellen die Neuerungen und die Möglichkeiten auf dem 5G-Air-Interface und im Core-Netz gegenüber 4G vor.


36x49 Lightning Talks Day 2

36x49 Lightning Talks Day 2

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

There's a variety of places - on Earth and beyond - that pose challenging conditions to the ever-shrinking digital circuits of today. Making those tiny transistors work reliably when bombarded with charged particles in the vacuum of space, in the underground tunnels of CERN or in your local hospital's X-ray machine is not an easy feat. This talk is going to shed some light on what can be done to keep particles from messing up your ones and zeroes, how errors in digital circuits can be detected and corrected, and how you may even re-purpose those flipped bits in your RAM as a particle

(A security study of turbine control systems in power generation)
A deep dive into power generation process, industrial solutions and their security implications. Flavoured with vulnerabilities, penetration testing (security assessment) methodology and available remediation approaches.

(Wie gründe ich einen Betriebsrat, bevor die Kacke dampft?)
Aktiv werden zur rechten Zeit - Stand up for Your Right!
Betriebsrat - klingt für viele IT-ler*innen doch nach letztem Jahrtausend. Dabei ist dies ein hart erkämpftes und wichtiges Instrument, um der Stimme der Beschäftigten bei der Geschäftsleitung Ausdruck zu verleihen. Wir schildern anhand eines konkreten Beispiels, wie ein Betriebsrat gegründet wird, ohne dass die Chefetage zwischendurch schon den Stecker zieht.


36x53 SigOver + alpha

36x53 SigOver + alpha

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Signal overshadowing attack on LTE and its applications)
As Long-Term Evolution (LTE) communication is based on over-the-air signaling, a legitimate signal can potentially be counterfeited by a malicious signal. Although most LTE signaling messages are protected from modification using cryptographic primitives, broadcast messages and some of the unicast messages are unprotected. In this talk, we would like to introduce a signal injection attack that exploits the fundamental weakness of unprotected messages in LTE and modifies a transmitted signal over the air.

(How to understand the environmental impact of the digital products you build, and take measurable steps to “green your stack”)
In this talk, you'll learn about the environmental impact of the digital products and services you build, why this matters. You’ll be introduced to a mental model, known as Platform, Packets, Process, for measuring and identifying emissions hotspots in digital products, and the steps you can take to reduce them.

(Reducing the attack surface with pure embedded Go.)
TamaGo is an Open Source operating environment framework which aims to allow deployment of firmware for embedded ARM devices by using 0% C and 100% Go code. The goal is to dramatically reduce the attack surface posed by complex OSes while allowing unencumbered Go applications.

(Featuring the shortest movies and the largest lasers)
Did you ever wonder what happens in the time period it takes light to cross the diameter of your hair? This is the femtosecond, a millionth of a billionth of a second. It is the time scale of electron and nuclear motion, and therefore the most fundamental processes in atomic and molecular physics, chemistry and biology start here. In order to take movies with femtosecond time resolution, we need ultrafast cameras – flashes of light that act faster than any camera shutter ever could. And imaging ultrafast motion is only the first step: We aim to control dynamics on the femtosecond time scale, ultimately driving chemical reactions with light.


36x57 Der Deep Learning Hype

36x57 Der Deep Learning Hype

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Wie lange kann es so weitergehen?)
Deep Learning ist von einem Dead End zur ultimativen Lösung aller Machine Learning Probleme geworden - und einiger anderer auch. Aber wie gut ist dieser Trend wirklich? Und wie nachhaltig?
Wir setzen uns mit wissenschaftlicher Nachhaltigkeit, sozialen Auswirkungen, und den Folgen für unsere Ressourcen, unseren Energieverbrauch, und damit unseren Planeten auseinander.

(Können wir Software bauen, die nützlich /und/ unbedenklich ist?)
Eine Software ist unbedenklich, wenn man sie auf ungefilterte Daten aus einem Webformular aufrufen kann, ohne prüfen zu müssen, ob dann etwas schlimmes passieren kann. In der Praxis lässt sich ein Kontinuum zwischen Nützlichkeit und Unbedenklichkeit als Kontrahenten beobachten. Software fängt häufig eher unbedenklich an, und wird dann immer bedenklicher, je mächtiger sie wird. Dieser Vortrag will a) diese Beobachtung beschreiben und b) fragen, wie man die Unbedenklichkeit beibehalten kann. Gibt es da Abstufungen? Metriken? Kriterien, die bei einer konkreten Entscheidung helfen können?

36x59 The search for anonymous data

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Attacks against privacy-preserving systems)
Data is core to the digital economy. Scandals such as Cambridge Analytica, however, serve as a reminder that large-scale collection and use of data raise serious privacy concerns. In this talk, I will discuss past and current research in data anonymization and anonymous use of data. More specifically, I will describe how historical statistical disclosure control methods fail to protect people's privacy in a world of big data and discuss the potential and challenges of modern security-based approaches to data privacy.

(Hardware attacks on the latest generation of ARM Cortex-M processors.)
Most modern embedded devices have something to protect: Whether it's cryptographic keys for your bitcoins, the password to your WiFi, or the integrity of the engine-control unit code for your car.
To protect these devices, vendors often utilise the latest processors with the newest security features: From read-out protections, crypto storage, secure-boot up to TrustZone-M on the latest ARM processors.
In this talk, we break these features: We show how it is possible to bypass the security features of modern IoT/embedded processors using fault-injection attacks, including breaking TrustZone-M on the new ARMv8-M processors.
We are also releasing and open-sourcing our entire soft- and hardware toolchain for doing so, making it possible to integrate fault-injection testing into the secure development lifecycle.

(E-ID, E-Voting, Netzsperren und andere netzpolitische Schauplätze)
Die Intensität des Kampfes um die Freiheit im digitalen Raum lässt auch in der Schweiz nicht nach. Wir blicken auf das netzpolitische Jahr 2019 zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn zurück. Wir behandeln jene Themen, die relevant waren und relevant bleiben.
Weiter zeigen wir, was von der Digitalen Gesellschaft in der Schweiz im neuen Jahr zu erwarten ist.


36x62 The ecosystem is moving

36x62 The ecosystem is moving

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Challenges for distributed and decentralized technology from the perspective of Signal development)
Considerations for distributed and decentralized technologies from the perspective of a product that many would like to see decentralize.

(Psychedelic Therapy as a fundamentally new approach to mental health issues)
Psychedelic research constitutes a challenge to the current paradigm of mental healthcare. But what makes it so different? And will it be able to meet the high expectations it is facing? This talk will provide a concise answer.


36x64 Fridays for Future

36x64 Fridays for Future

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Schule schwänzen für das Klima)
Der Diskurs hat sich von Klimaschutz als Aufgabe von Individuen hinzu einer strukturellen, systemischen Frage verschoben. Welche Veränderungen brauchen wir und warum lohnt es gemeinsam und aktivistisch gegen fossile Energieträgern und Co. vorzugehen. Viele Bereiche der Digitalsierung heizen die Klimakrise momentan an. Ich möchte eine aktivistische Perspektive darauf geben, welche Rolle Digitalisierung beim Ende des Ressourcenraubbaus spielen kann. Eine Energieversorgung ausschließlich aus erneuerbaren Energien ist ohne Digitalisierung nicht möglich. Digitale Kommunikation ist entscheidend bei der Organisation von Fridays For Future, wie sie aktuell gestaltet wird verbrennt sie viele persönliche Ressourcen.

Für Sinti*zze und Roma*nja gehören Anfeindungen zum Alltag. Auch bei Ermittlungsbehörden stehen sie unter Generalverdacht: Es steht zu befürchten, dass die Polizei in unterschiedlichen Bundesländern rechtswidrig Daten zu ethnischer Herkunft erhebt und veröffentlicht.
Warum ist es so gefährlich, ethnische Herkunft in Polizeidatenbanken zu erfassen? Und was für Konsequenzen hat es, sie in Berichterstattung zu erwähnen? Wann darf die Polizei überhaupt Daten zu ethnischer Herkunft erheben? Und wann und mit welchen Methoden tut sie es vielleicht trotz Verbots?

Low-power, single-purpose embedded devices (e.g., routers and IoT devices) have become ubiquitous. While they automate and simplify many aspects of our lives, recent large-scale attacks have shown that their sheer number poses a severe threat to the Internet infrastructure, which led to the development of an IoT-specific cybercrime underground. Unfortunately, the software on these systems is hardware-dependent, and typically executes in unique, minimal environments with non-standard configurations, making security analysis particularly challenging. Moreover, most of the existing devices implement their functionality through the use of multiple binaries. This multi-binary service implementation renders current static and dynamic analysis techniques either ineffective or inefficient, as they are unable to identify and adequately model the communication between the various executables.

Wireless connectivity is an integral part of almost any modern device. These technologies include LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC. Attackers in wireless range can send arbitrary signals, which are then processed by the chips and operating systems of these devices. Wireless specifications and standards for those technologies are thousands of pages long, and thus pose a large attack surface.

(Cybercrime-Ermittlungen: Vorsicht vor der Polizei! Oder: Nicht im falschen Forum posten)
Der Hackerparagraph § 202c StGB ist seit August 2007 in Kraft. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht nahm eine dagegen gerichtete Verfassungsbeschwerde nicht an, wies aber darauf hin, dass er verfassungskonform auszulegen sei. Wie ist also die Rechtslage? Und wie sieht die Realität der Strafverfolgung aus? Reality Check!


36x69 Extinction Rebellion

36x69 Extinction Rebellion

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Jahresrückblick 2019)
Extinction Rebellion (XR) ist eine global agierende, schnell wachsende, klimaaktivistische Graswurzel-Bewegung, die mit gewaltfreien Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams auf die drohende Klimakatastrophe hinweist und Regierungen zum Handeln bewegen will. Die Ortsgruppe Berlin präsentiert in einer Art Jahresrückblick eine Auswahl an aktuellen Aktionen und stellt vor, wo wir als Bewegung gerade stehen, was wir bislang erreicht haben und was weiterhin gebraucht wird, um ein dringend notwendiges politisches Umsteuern einzuleiten. Let's act now.

In Brüssel wird über eine Verordnung verhandelt, die es allen EU-Staaten ermöglichen soll, Provider zur Herausgabe von Inhalten oder Metadaten zu verpflichten – egal wo die Daten gespeichert sind, egal ob die Tat, um die es geht, dort eine Straftat ist. Werden CLOUD-Act, e-Evidence und ähnliche Kodifikationen bald dafür sorgen, dass Strafverfolgungsbehörden aller Länder Daten von Providern weltweit abgreifen können?

Browsers are the ones who handle our sensitive information. We entirely rely on them to protect our privacy, that’s something blindly trusting on a piece of software to protect us. Almost every one of us uses browser extensions on daily life, for example, ad-block plus, Grammarly, LastPass, etc.

(Taking a look at a covert CIA virtual fencing solution)
In this talk we will take a look at the 'Vault 7' Protego documents, which have received very little attention so far, and challenge the assertion that Protego was a 'suspected assassination module for [a] GPS guided missile system ... used on-board Pratt & Whitney aircraft' based on system block diagrams, build instructions and a few interesting news items. In addition, we will discuss hypothetical weaknesses in systems like it.

(The environmental costs of digital industry and pathways to sustainability)
A lecture on the environmental impacts of digital industry today and how to think about and design digital tools with limited energy and resources.

Der Talk soll die Geschichte der senseBox von Beginn bis jetzt wiedergeben. Dabei möchte ich vor allem auf unsere Arbeit im Bereich Open Source, Open Data, Open Hardware und Open Educational Resources eingehen. Die Motivation von Teilnehmern des senseBox Projekts möchte ich basierend auf einer Nutzerstudie kurz wiedergeben. Außerdem möchte ich auf aktuelle Probleme sowie technische Hürden und die Genauigkeit der Daten eingehen. Zu guter Letzt gebe ich einen kurzen Ausblick in die Zukunft des Projekts.

(How an agency implements Fortress Europe by degrading Non-Europeans to second-rate people)
Robots, Satellites and biometrical traps - more than a Billion Euro will be spent in 2021 for what they call "Border Security." The European Border and Coastguard, formerly Frontex, dreams of a fully automomus border surveillance system.

What sort of tools and methodologies should you use to write software for a car that will go on sale in 2023, if you have to support security patches and safety upgrades till 2043?

(Break Isolation and Sandbox in the Instant Apps)
With the rapid development of mobile internet, apps become more and more complex. However, their most used functions are limited to a few pages.
Enters instant app. It has many advantages over normal apps, such as click-to-play and concise design, and it's becoming more and more popular. There is some form of instant app framework in many popular apps, such as Google Play, TikTok, etc. In addition, many phone vendors have also embedded instant app frameworks in their pre-installed applications.
However, there is barely any public research on attacking instant apps.

Individuals conducting reverse engineering for research purposes face several legal issues arising from IP and competition law. The legislation has reacted by introducing a new law on trade secrets specifically allowing reverse engineering. While the new law is certainly an improvement, many questions still remain as to conflicts with opposing domestic laws as well as other possibilities to waive the permission. In this talk, we provide guidance through the jungle of the current legal situation from a techno-legal perspective.

‘Listening Back’ is an add-on for the Chrome and Firefox browsers that sonifies internet cookies in real time as one browses online. By translating internet cookies into sound, the ‘Listening Back’ browser add-on provides an audible presence for hidden infrastructures that collect personal and identifying data by storing a file on one’s computer. Addressing the proliferation of ubiquitous online surveillance and the methods by which our information flows are intercepted by mechanisms of automated data collection, ‘Listening Back’ functions to expose real-time digital surveillance and consequently the ways in which our everyday relationships to being surveilled have become normalised. This lecture performance will examine Internet cookies as a significant case study for online surveillance with their invention in 1994 being historically situated at the origins of automated data collection, and the commercialisation of the World Wide Web. I will integrate online browsing to demonstrate the ‘Listening Back’ add-on and explore it’s potential to reveal algorithmic data capture processes that underlie our Web experience.

Development-fused iPhones with hardware debugging features like JTAG are out of reach for many security researchers. This talk takes you along my journey to create a similar capability using off-the-shelf iPhones. We'll look at a way to break KTRR, a custom hardware mitigation Apple developed to prevent kernel patches, and use this capability to load a kernel extension that enables full-featured, single-step kernel debugging with LLDB on production iPhones.


36x82 Megatons to Megawatts

36x82 Megatons to Megawatts

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Military warheads as a source of nuclear fuel)
Can nuclear warheads be used as energy sources instead of exhausting resources? And if, how does this even work?
Concerns during the cold war era mainly focused on the diversion of Uranium intended for commercial nuclear power towards usage in weapons. During the 1990s, these concerns gave way to a focus on the role of military Uranium as a major source of fuel for commercial nuclear power.

(How to understand this historic challenge and what we can do to defend ourselves)
The unprecedented charges against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks constitute the most significant threat to the First Amendment in the 21st century and a clear and present danger to investigative journalism worldwide. But they also pose significant dangers to the technical community. This panel will explain the legal and political issues we all need to understand in order to respond to this historic challenge.

(Mediterranean Migration Monologues)
Von Menschen, die den riskanten Weg übers Mittelmeer auf sich nehmen, in der Hoffnung, in Europa Sicherheit zu finden.
Nach 700 Aufführungen der Asyl-Monologe, Asyl-Dialoge und NSU-Monologe das neue Theaterstück von Autor und Regisseur Michael Ruf.
Die Mittelmeer-Monologe erzählen von Menschen, die den riskanten Weg über das Mittelmeer auf sich nehmen, in der Hoffnung, in Europa in Sicherheit leben zu können – von libyschen Küstenwachen, italienischen Seenotrettungsstellen und deutschen Behörden, die dies verhindern und von Aktivist*innen, die dem Sterben auf dem Mittelmeer etwas entgegen setzen.

Seit Anfang 2019 hat David jeden einzelnen Halt jeder einzelnen Zugfahrt auf jedem einzelnen Fernbahnhof in ganz Deutschland systematisch gespeichert. Inklusive Verspätungen und allem drum und dran. Und die werden wir in einem bunten Vortrag erforschen und endlich mal wieder ein bisschen Spaß mit Daten haben.
Rechtlicher Hinweis: Es liegt eine schriftliche Genehmigung der Bahn vor, von ihr abgerufene Rohdaten aggregieren und für Vorträge nutzen zu dürfen. Inhaltliche Absprachen oder gar Auflagen existieren nicht.

Xbox 360 video game console had a number of widely known hacks for firmware of its optical disc drives. However, it was never the case with Blu-ray disc drives of Sony PlayStation video game consoles. In fact, up until recently there was no much information available on this subject publicly.

(Be prepared for the coming Digital Winter. And play Impossible Mission.)
Civil society depends on the continuing ability of citizens to communicate with one another, without fear of interference, deprivation or eavesdropping. As the international political climate changes alongside that of our physical climatic environment, we must find ways to create mobile communications systems that are truly resilient and sustainable in the face of such shocks. We have therefore identified a number of freedoms that are required for resilient mobile phones: Energy, Communications, Security, Innovation, Maintenance and Scale-Dependency. These can be summarised as making it possible for people to create, maintain and develop mobile communications solutions, without requiring the capital and resources of a large company to do so. In this lecture I will explain why each of these is necessary, as well as describing how we are incorporating these principles into the MEGAphone open, resilient and secure smart-phone project.

(A rough guide to over-regulating free speech with anti-terrorist measures)
We will examine the European Commission’s proposal for a regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content from as a radical form of censorship. Looking at the rationale and arguments of policy-makers in Brussels, we will discuss normalisation of a “do something doctrine” and “policy-based evidence”. How can citizens and activists influence that legislative process? And what does it mean if they won’t?


36x89 ZombieLoad Attack

36x89 ZombieLoad Attack

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

(Leaking Your Recent Memory Operations on Intel CPUs)
The ZombieLoad attack exploits a vulnerability of most Intel CPUs, which allows leaking data currently processed by other programs. ZombieLoad is extremely powerful, as it leaks data from user-processes, the kernel, secure enclaves, and even across virtual machines. Moreover, ZombieLoad also works on CPUs where Meltdown is fixed in software or hardware.

(Uncovering and assessing a second authentication mechanism in modern vehicle immobilization systems)
Modern road vehicles are fitted with an electronic immobilization system, which prevents the vehicle from starting unless an authorized transponder is present. It is common knowledge that the security transponder embedded in the key fob should be secure, and quite some work has been published on the (in)security of such transponders. However, we identify another crucial part of the immobilizer system, that has not yet received any academic attention. We investigated three vehicles, and found that the security transponder does not communicate with the ECM (Engine Control Module) but with the BCM (Body Control Module). After succesful authentication of the key, the BCM will then authenticate towards the ECM, after which immobilization is deactivated and the vehicle may start. If either the security transponder or this ECM-BCM authentication protocol is weak, vehicles may be started without presence of a valid security transponder.

Das Jahr 2018 stand ganz im Zeichen der bundesweiten Proteste gegen die Polizeigesetze. Und 2019? Es ist leiser geworden um noPAG, noPolGNRW & Co. Aber das Biest lebt!

(3 different RCE vulnerabilities on Ruckus Wireless access points devices.)
Ruckus Networks is a company selling wired and wireless networking equipment and software. This talk presents vulnerability research conducted on Ruckus access points and WiFi controllers, which resulted in 3 different pre-authentication remote code execution. Exploitation used various vulnerabilities such as information leak, authentication bypass, command injection, path traversal, stack overflow, and arbitrary file read/write. Throughout the research, 33 different access points firmware examined, and all of them were found vulnerable. This talk also introduces and shares the framework used in this research. That includes a Ghidra script and a dockerized QEMU full system emulation for easy cross-architecture research setup.
Here's a fun fact: BlackHat USA 2019 used Ruckus Networks access points.

(Lesung des öffentlichen Sourcecodes)
---This event is not going to be recorded---
Kommet zusammen Ihr Jüngerinnen der Bits und Bytes und hörtet die frohe Kunde des offenen Sourcecodes. Halleluhjaz!


36x94 Chaos Communication Slam

36x94 Chaos Communication Slam

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Chaos meets Poetry Slam.
Der humoristische Dichterwettstreit mit Informatikhintergrund. Mitmachen ausdrücklich erwünscht.


36x95 Algorithm | Diversion

36x95 Algorithm | Diversion

  • 2019-12-28T00:00:00Z1h

Before media art has emerged, traditional art and dance are already applying algorithms to make sophisticated patterns in their textures or movements. Hieda is researching the use of algorithm through creation of media installations and dialog with artists, dancers, choreographers and musicians. He also presents his current interest in machine learning and art which potentially exclude (or already excluding) some populations due to the dataset and modality.

Seit Jahren wird über den Einfluss des Internets auf die Gesellschaft diskutiert. Desinformationskampagnen in den sozialen Medien, russische Bots und Empfehlungs-Algorithmen hätten die Gesellschaft gespalten. Doch viele Unterstellungen lassen sich einfach widerlegen.
Dieser Vortrag gibt einen Überblick und schlägt Ansätze vor, wie sich die Phänomene des Rechtsrucks zu einem konsistenten Bild zusammenfügen lassen.


36x97 Lightning Talks Day 3

36x97 Lightning Talks Day 3

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

OpenBSD markets itself as a secure operating system, but doesn't provide much evidences to back this claim. The goal of this talk is to evaluate how effective OpenBSD's security mitigation are, in a systematic, rational and comprehensive way.

(Von E-Bikes in der Connected Mobility zur Entstehung eines nachhaltigen Open-Source-E-Bike-Projekts)
Was haben E-Bikes mit Connected Mobility zu tun? Und ist so was wie LineageOS auch für Bike Computer möglich? Außerdem: wie lassen sich Cradle to Cradle Prinzipien auf E-Bikes anwenden? Der Vortrag gibt einen Einblick in die Rolle von E-Bikes in der Connected Mobility und umreißt ihren Stand der Technik. Zudem berichtet er von den Herausforderungen, ein nachhaltiges Open-Source-E-Bike zu entwickeln. Last but not least möchte er die Idee eines Open-E-Bike-Wiki vorstellen.


36x100 Protecting the Wild

36x100 Protecting the Wild

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Conservation Genomics between Taxonomy, Big Data, Statistics and IT-Security)
Conservation genomic approaches are crucial for establishing long-term sustainable conservation and management strategies for the protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. In this talk, the diverse and disparate fields of expertise and activism are presented, which are involved in building effective conservation genomic reference datasets and their infrastructures, analytical inference/prediction environments and operational tools for practical application.


36x101 Die Affäre Hannibal

36x101 Die Affäre Hannibal

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Eine erste Bilanz)
Sie sollen den Staat schützen, sind aber selbst eine Gefahr: Soldaten und Polizisten, die sich in Chat-Gruppen organisieren und auf den „Tag X“ vorbereiten. Mit aufwändigen Recherchen hat ein Team der taz ein bundesweites konspiratives Netzwerk aus Preppern und Staatsbediensteten aufgedeckt. Kopf war „Hannibal“, Elitesoldat beim Kommando Spezialkräfte – und Auskunftsperson für den Militärischen Abschirmdienst. Hier geben die ReporterInnen Einblick in die Recherche und zeigen, was aus ihren Berichten folgte. Oder auch nicht.

Quantum technologies are often only over-hyped showed as threat for cybersecurity … But they also offer some opportunities to enhance the cybersecurity landscape . As an example, you may know that a quantum computer will be able to break RSA keys but Quantum communication technologies can also provide a new way to exchange securely a cipher key. More, with Quantum networking technologies, communication eavesdropping are , by design, detectable and thus this could lead to some good opportunities to use them to enhance cybersecurity. Some even begins to build a Quantum internet ! We may also solve main security issues face by cloud computation (privacy, confidentiality etc) via the use of "Blind quantum computation" in the cloud.

(Evolve your hack into robust software!)
How do we write software that works - or rather, how do we ensure it's correct once it's written? We can just try it out and run it, and see if it works on a few examples. If the program was correct to begin with, that's great - but if it's not, we're going to miss bugs. Bugs that might crash our computer, make it vulnerable to attacks, stop the factory, endanger lives, or "just" leave us unsatisfied. This talk is about techniques every programmer can use to avoid large classes of bugs. You think about general properties of the things in your code, verify them through automatically generated tests, and (when it's particularly critical) proofs. This is a surprisingly fun and satisfying experience, and any programmer can do it. You need just a bit of high school math (which we'll refresh in the talk) to get started.


36x104 Provable Insecurity

36x104 Provable Insecurity

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(where artifacts come from, and how constructive math may help)
Cryptographic hash functions are everywhere, yet modeling the characteristics of their real-world occurrences is surprisingly complicated when trying to prove security. We argue how seemingly convenient features of doing classical math may make it actually harder to model them correctly.

(Warum wir zivilen Ungehorsam und Subversion mehr brauchen denn je)
Ein lustiger Rückblick über die Aktionen des Peng Kollektivs.

36x106 Cryptography demystified

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(An introduction without maths)
This talk will explain the basic building blocks of cryptography in a manner that will (hopefully) be understandable by everyone. The talk will not require any understanding of maths or computer science.
In particular, the talk will explain encryption, what it is and what it does, what it is not and what it doesn't do, and what other tools cryptography can offer.

(When SPF is not enough)
Forget look-alike domains, typosquatting and homograph attacks. In this talk we will discuss ways of forging perfect email counterfeits that (as far as recipients can tell) appear to be coming from well-known domain and successfully pass all checks on their way. Prime focus of this talk will be modern anti-spoofing strategies and the ways around them. Join us as we try to figure out answers to questions such as "Isn't SPF enough?", "Do I really need DMARC?" and "Does ticking all three (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) provide the best protection possible?" (answers to these questions are "no", "yes", "no" by the way).


36x108 Wifibroadcast

36x108 Wifibroadcast

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(How to convert standard wifi dongles into digital broadcast transmitters)
This talk is about modifying cheap wifi dongles to realize true unidirectional broadcast transmissions that can transport digital data like HD drone video with guaranteed latency over a range of tens of kilometers. The talk will show the necessary changes to the firmware and kernel of the wifi dongle, the forward error correction and software diversity (fuse several receivers in software) that is added to improve reliability and the most prominent use case: Flying a remote controlled drone at a distance of tens of kilometers.


36x109 HUMUS sapiens

36x109 HUMUS sapiens

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Open Soil Research)

36x110 FinFisher, See You in Court!

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Rechtsbrüche beim Export von Überwachungssoftware)
Die GFF hat gemeinsam mit Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG), dem European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) und netzpolitik.org Strafanzeige gegen die Geschäftsführer der Unternehmen FinFisher GmbH, FinFisher Labs GmbH und Elaman GmbH erstattet.

(An introduction to quantum computing and a review of the progress we made in the last 5 years.)
Five years ago I spoke about my work in quantum computing, building and running a tiny two qubit processor. A few weeks ago, Google announced a potentially groundbreaking result achieved with a 53 qubit quantum processor. I will therefore review the state of experimental quantum computing and discuss the progress we made in the last 5 years. I will explain quantum supremacy, surface code architecture and superconducting quantum processors and show which challenges we still have to overcome to build large scale quantum computers.

Modern grey-box fuzzers are the most effective way of finding bugs in complex code bases, and instrumentation is fundamental to their effectiveness. Existing instrumentation techniques either require source code (e.g., afl-gcc, ASan) or have a high runtime performance cost (roughly 10x slowdown for e.g., afl-qemu).
We introduce Retrowrite, a binary rewriting framework that enables direct static instrumentation for both user-mode binaries and Linux kernel modules. Unlike dynamic translation and trampolining, rewriting code with Retrowrite does not introduce a performance penalty. We show the effectiveness of Retrowrite for fuzzing by implementing binary-only coverage tracking and ASan instrumentation passes. Our binary instrumentation achieves performance similar to compiler-based instrumentation.

36x113 Mensch - Kunst – Maschine

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Mit künstlicher Intelligenz zu neuer Kunst zum kybernetischen Verstand)
Kann künstliche Intelligenz Kunst erzeugen?
Können Menschen von künstlich intelligenten Systemen erzeugte Kunst verstehen? Ist Kunst ein Weg zu neuen Stufen eines kybernetischen Verstandes?
Der Stand der KI-Kunst ist keine Kunst oder keine KI.
Aber wir werden mit unserer menschlichen Eitelkeit konfrontiert werden, nicht die Einzigen zu sein, die schöpferisch und auch künstlerische Relevanz in Betrachtern auslösen. Dies liegt mitunter an unseren bisherigen Kunstbegriffen und -verständnissen, die oftmals mit Intentionalität assoziiert sind.
Eliza: Warum?
Simon Hegelich widmen sich diesen Fragen und zeigt eigene (?) Werke (Videos, Bilder, Gedichte), die mit KI erzeugt wurden, wobei er seine großen Leidenschaften;- Kunst, maschinelles Lernen, Hegelsche Dialektik, Science Fiction, Kybernetik und Transhumanismus- der Erweiterung durch Diskurs unterzieht.

Der Diskurs um die "Digitalisierung" kann vor allem eines: Verheißen. Roboter befreien uns von mühsamer Arbeit, Effizienzsteigerungen sorgen von ganz allein für den Schutz von Umwelt und Ressourcen und Algorithmen erleichtern uns den Alltag. Dass diese Verheißungen vor allem Tech-Konzernen in die Tasche spielen und wir dank der datenraff(inier)enden Geschäftsmodelle des digitalen Kapitalismus auf ökologische und soziale Katastrophen zusteuern, soll in dem Vortrag gezeigt werden.
Kann die Wirtschaft dank effizienterer Technologien weiter wachsen ohne dabei Ressourcen zu verbrauchen? Oder merken wir bei unseren immer voller werdenden Leben gar nicht, dass uns in Wahrheit die Rohstoffe ausgehen? Wenn wir schon sehr bald kein Material mehr haben, um Technik zu bauen, die alle Verheißungen erfüllt - was machen wir dann? Ist die Antwort dann reparieren, selber machen, vielleicht sogar kreativ werden?

(Whistleblowers and the Cases of The Snowden Refugees and Edward Snowden)
An update on the circumstances of Mr Snowden and the Snowden Refugees will be provided at the 36C3 event and venue in December 2019. There have been many significant events and incidents during 2019.

36x116 High-assurance crypto software

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Software bugs and timing leaks have destroyed the security of every Chromebook ECDSA "built-in security key" before June 2019, ECDSA keys from several popular crypto libraries, the Dilithium post-quantum software, the Falcon post-quantum software, and more. Will we ever have trustworthy implementations of the cryptographic tools at the heart of our security systems?

In this talk we will see how chaos can be used to find very peculiar trajectories for space crafts within the Solar System. To understand this, we will also have a short look at the basics of orbital mechanics as well as three-body problems.

(DECT is korrekt.)
Seit 2018 betreibt Eventphone ein neues Telefonsystem auf den chaosnahen Events. Natürlich wird neue Soft- und Hardware sofort zum Forschungsgegenstand. Schnell gab es die üblichen Fragen: Wie funktioniert das genau? Ist das alles an Features? Kann man das updaten? Kann man nicht kompatible Geräte vielleicht kompatibel machen? Was kann man noch verbessern? Ist das sicher?

In this talk I will report on Databox, the focus of a UK-based research collaboration between the University of Cambridge, the University of Nottingham, and Imperial College, with support from industrial partners including the BBC. Databox is an open-source software platform that seeks to embody the principles of Human-Data Interaction by enabling individuals to see and exercise dynamic control over what is done with their personal data. The research project has melded computer systems design with ethnomethodological approaches to Human-Computer Interaction to explore how such a platform can make use of personal data accountable to individuals.

(Underestimating the dangers of designing a protection system)
Everybody knows about the Boeing 737 MAX crashes and the type's continued grounding. I will try to give some technical background information on the causes of the crash, technical, sociological and organisational, covering pilot proficiency, botched maintenance, system design and risk assessment, as well as a deeply flawed certification processes.


36x121 Boot2root

36x121 Boot2root

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Auditing Boot Loaders by Example)
The Achilles heel of [your secure device] is the secure boot chain. In this presentation we will show our results from auditing commonly used boot loaders and walk through the attack surface you open yourself up to. You would be surprised at how much attack surface exists when hardening and defense in depth is ignored. From remote attack surface via network protocol parsers to local filesystems and various BUS parsing, we will walk through the common mistakes we've seen by example and showcase how realistic it is for your product's secure boot chain to be compromised.

(The Not-So Secret Data Sharing Practices Of Menstruation Apps)
In September 2019, Privacy International released exclusive research on the data-sharing practices of menstruation apps. Using traffic analysis, we shed lights on the shady practices of companies that shared your most intimate data with Facebook and other third parties.


36x123 Grow your own planet

36x123 Grow your own planet

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(How simulations help us understand the Universe)
This year the Nobel prize in physics was awarded to three astronomers changing the understanding of the Universe and finding the first exoplanet. This is a good reason to dive into astronomy, numerics, and programming and to learn how modern astronomy creates the pictures and models of the reality we observe in the night sky.
Let’s find out together how we can simulate the Universe and grow new planets – computationally!


36x124 p2panda

36x124 p2panda

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Social, artistic & theoretical experiments with decentralized festivals)
Festivals and events are organized by a small group of deciders. But what would Eris do? (chaos!) We will look at some of our experiences with decentralised festivals where every participant can truly participate, reflect on how they influence our way of discussing and producing art and technology and discuss p2panda, an idea of a p2p protocol for (self-)organising resources, places and events, which is based on the SSB protocol.

Checkm8 is an unfixable vulnerability present in hundreds of millions of iPhones' SecureROM. This is a critical component in Apple's Secure Boot model and allows security researchers and jailbreakers alike to take full control over the application processor's execution.

(War alles schon mal besser)
IT-Sicherheitsgesetz 2.0, Staatstrojaner für den Verfassungsschutz, Uploadfilter und Leistungsschutzrecht, Plattformregulierung und Terrorpropaganda-Verordnung, dazu die Suche nach der künstlichen Intelligenz in der Blockchain – 2019 war ein ereignisreiches Jahr in der Netzpolitik.


36x127 The Planet Friendly Web

36x127 The Planet Friendly Web

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Warum unser Web nachhaltiger werden muss und wie wir das anstellen!)
Wo beginnt unsere Verantwortung bei der Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer Website und wo endet sie? Wusstest Du, dass die durch das Internet hervorgerufenen CO2-Emissionen die der Flugindustrie überschritten haben? Beim Design einer Website oder Web-App denken die wenigsten an CO2-Emissionen. So ist auch dieser Fakt weitgehend unbekannt. Warum wir uns dringend über ein nachhaltigeres Web Gedanken machen sollten und wie wir das in unserem Alltag umsetzen können, erfahrt Ihr in diesem Vortrag.

(Human agreements, comunication infrastructures, services in Campi Aperti, Bologna, Italy)
We will analyze the approach to tecnology (decisional method, mesh network and cloud) of a farming community near Bologna: Campi Aperti.
Speaking about: human organization, connectivity, managing of a server, resources and incidents handler, femminism, maintaining and growing in a non-gerarchical organization. Technologies involved: humans, antennas, orchestrator of containers.

(Eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion der Haecksen, der tuwat-Gruppe Bildung und Chaos Siegen)
In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die von der tuwat Gruppe Bildung erarbeiteten "Welcome Pattern" zum Empfang und Integration von Neuankömmlingen und ihre Anwendung in Siegens Hackspace "HaSi" vor.


36x130 Hirne Hacken

36x130 Hirne Hacken

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Menschliche Faktoren der IT-Sicherheit)
Die überwältigende Mehrheit der erfolgreichen Hacks in freier Wildbahn setzen auf menschliche Faktoren. Wie können wir Systeme und Interfaces gestalten, um diese Schwachstellen zu mindern?

(Früher war mehr Schnee)
'In meiner Jugend war mehr Schnee!' oder 'Früher war es auch schon heiß!' könnte man so glauben, je nach Vehemenz des Ausrufs, oder man schaut halt nach.


36x132 Hacking (with) a TPM

36x132 Hacking (with) a TPM

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Don't ask what you can do for TPMs, Ask what TPMs can do for you)
Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) are nowadays included in all consumer-grade devices. Whilst "the Trusted Platform Modules available for PCs are not dangerous, and there is no reason not to include one in a computer or support it in system software" (Richard Stallman, GNU) they have yet to gain wide-ranged adoption, especially for the daily needs of your average nerd.
This talk will introduce OpenSource software and use cases that are already supported and how your everyday nerd can benefit from those by security your personal credentials, securing your system credentials, encrypting your storage and detecting BIOS manipulations. This talk is based on the https://tpm2-software.github.io contributions. It will also give a quick rundown to debunk some myths and call for participation in the OpenSource efforts for supporting more use cases via TPMs.


36x133 The Eye on the Nile

36x133 The Eye on the Nile

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Egypt's Civil Society Under Attack)
What happens when we come across a surveillance operation targeting Egypt’s civil society? And what happens when the attackers expose all of their backend code by mistake? This is The Eye on the Nile.


36x134 Art against Facebook

36x134 Art against Facebook

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Graffiti in the ruins of the feed and the party-info-capital is emigrating)
There is graffiti in the ruins of the feed and the event-info-capital is emigrating.

(Die Realität beim Arztbesuch nach 15 Jahren Entwicklung einer medizinischen Digitalstrategie)
Seit spätestens 2005 wird in Deutschland an der Einführung der Telematik Infrastruktur, kurz die TI, gearbeitet. Diese soll nicht weniger als die komplette Digitalisierung der deutschen Medizinbranche bedeuten. Vom Arzt, Krankenhaus, Psychotherapeut bis hin zum Apotheker sollen alle Heilberufler miteinander vernetzt werden. Der Patient soll dabei die Datenhoheit behalten, und seine Daten mittels elektronischer Gesundheitskarte, sowie alternativ per mobiler Smartphone App steuern.

36x136 Das Bits&Bäume-Sporangium

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(8 Mikrokosmen, 8 Expert*innen, je 8 Minuten zu Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit)
So wie Farnpflanzen ihre Sporen aus der Kapsel mit bis zu 10m/s heraus in die Welt katapultieren, auf dass sie dort auf fruchtbaren Boden fallen, werden unsere 8 Expert*innen ihr Nerd- und Fach-Wissen weitergeben – spektakulär, wirkungsvoll und unterhaltsam. So bunt wie die besten Slams, so dicht wie die besten Lightning Talks: 8 Antworten auf die Frage, warum Techies und Ökos zusammengehören.

(EU plans to swipe our freedom of expression under the carpet)
The quest towards a “cleaner” internet continues – with “censorship machines” included in the EU Copyright Directive, upload filters proposed in the Terrorist Content Regulation, and numerous other initiatives to push dominant platforms to police online content. This talk will present the next big battles for free speech online at the European level.

3D-gedruckte Kleidungsstücke finden sich mittlerweile auf immer mehr Laufstegen in der Modebranche. Der Herstellungsprozess erlaubt gänzlich neue Abläufe und die Chance, durch mehrfache Materialverwendung und Abfallreduzierung nachhaltiger zu produzieren. Aber wie alltagstauglich und bequem sind diese Teile eigentlich? Wann ist ein Kleidungsstück überhaupt bequem? Welche Funktionen können 3D-gedruckte textile Flächen übernehmen – und welche nicht?

36x139 Speaking Fiction To Power

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Strategies and tactics to ‘hack’ public spaces and social conventions)
Louise Ashcroft will talk through strategies and tactics she uses to ‘hack’ public spaces and social conventions in order to suggest new ways of living which challenge rules and hierarchies.

Der Vortrag gibt auf der Basis umfangreicher korpuslinguistischer Analysen einen Überblick über den Fundus herabwürdigender und ausgrenzender Ausdrücke, die in rechten und rechtsextremen Onlinediskursen geprägt wurden. In den tiefensemantischen Strukturen des invektiven Wortschatzes der neuen Rechten wird ein stark schematisiertes Weltbild sichtbar, das von der grundlegenden Verachtung nicht nur des Fremden, sondern auch des eigenen Landes, seiner Institutionen, seiner Werte und seiner Bevölkerung geprägt ist.


36x141 5G & Net Neutrality

36x141 5G & Net Neutrality

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

(Status of the Net Neutrality Reform in Europe)
Three and a half years after Europe enshrined net neutrality in law, the protections for the open internet are being renegotiated. Europe finds itself in the middle of an immense lobbying battle about the legality of internet blocking, zero-rating and the internet as a common carrier for everyone. All this while the EU is also the first world region trying to fit the next mobile network standard 5G into the net neutrality framework as we currently know it. This talk will give a brief summary about the past years of regulatory enforcement, how the internet has developed in Europe and what to expect from the ongoing reform.

Want to run Linux on open hardware? This talk will explore Open Source Hardware projects capable of that task, and explore how RISC-V and free software FPGA projects can be leveraged to create libre systems.


36x143 Hebocon

36x143 Hebocon

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

(The sumo robot fight for the technically ungifted)
Let's build funny robots and let them fight each other as long as we are superior to them :) Please let's dishonor high tech and celebrate everything made out of stuff we usually throw away (and blinks).

(A dive into the foundations of hardware reverse engineering and our netlist analysis framework HAL)
Since the Snowden revelations the fear of stealthy hardware manipulations is no longer regarded as far fetched.
This fear is also reflected in the massive discussions sparked by last year's Bloomberg allegations on a supposed hardware spy implant on Supermicro serverboards or the recent USA ban on Huawei telecommunication equipment.
Hardware reverse engineering (HRE) is a promising method to detect such manipulations or hidden backdoors.
However, HRE is a highly complex and cumbersome task.
It takes months of work as well as expensive equipment to even obtain the netlist of a chip, the equivalent to the binary in software reverse engineering (SRE).
In contrast to SRE where various paid or open-source tools for binary analysis exist, e.g., IDA Pro or Ghidra, in HRE simply no tool for netlist analysis were available - neither commercial, nor free.
To close this gap, researchers from the Ruhr University Bochum developed HAL, the first open-source netlist analysis framework.
In this talk, we start with a basic introduction into the challenges of HRE.
Then, we demonstrate the capabilities of HAL before giving a brief overview on our current research with HAL.


36x145 Lightning Talks Day 4

36x145 Lightning Talks Day 4

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h


36x146 Fairtronics

36x146 Fairtronics

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

(A Tool for Analyzing the Fairness of Electronic Devices)
Electronic gadgets come not just with an ecological footprint, but also a human cost of bad working conditions and human rights violations. To support hardware makers who want to design fairer devices, we are building a software tool to easily discover social risk hotspots and identify measures for improvement.


36x147 Gerechtigkeit 4.0

36x147 Gerechtigkeit 4.0

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

(Makroökonomische Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den Globalen Süden)
In den gegenwärtigen Debatten um die Digitalisierung werden systemische und strukturelle Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer und damit verbundene potentielle Risiken und Herausforderungen bislang kaum betrachtet und diskutiert. Ein schwerwiegendes Versäumnis, hatte doch bereits die Weltbank, einer der größten Förderer von IKT in den Ländern des Globalen Südens, in ihrem Weltentwicklungsbericht ‚Digital Dividende‘ (2016) selbstkritische eingeräumt, der digitale Wandel bleibe nicht nur hintern, sondern verschärfe die soziale Ungleichheit.
Der Vortrag setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, inwiefern die Digitalisierung zur Überwindung von Armut und sozialer Ungleichheit in den Ländern des Südens beitragen können. Erweitern sie die Chancen auf gesellschaftliche und ökonomische Teilhabe von benachteiligten Menschen oder verengen sie diese?
Schwerpunkt der Analyse bildet die Auseinandersetzung mit dem digitalen Handel. Fast unbemerkt hat sich in der Handelspolitik eine neue Dynamik entwickelt. Führende Tech-Konzerne, allen voran die aus dem Silicon Valley, instrumentalisieren zunehmend das Handelsrecht für ihre Interessen. Dabei geht es längst nicht mehr nur um die Reduzierung von Zöllen auf digitale Produkte wie Software oder einheitliche Standards für Telekommunikationsdienste. Patente auf Künstliche Intelligenz sowie die (Nicht)Regulierung von Datenflüssen sind inzwischen auch Bestandteil handelsrechtlicher Regelungen und Gegenstand kontroverser Debatten in der Welthandelsorganisation WTO. Für die Länder des Globalen Südens – aber nicht nur für sie – steht dabei viel auf dem Spiel, einschließlich der Gefahr eines neuen, digitalen Kolonialismus.
Im Vortrag zeigt zudem erste Ansätze zum Aufbau einer fairen und menschenwürdigen Digitalisierung auf.

(Introduction to IC reverse engineering for non-chip-reverse-engineers.)
Reverse Engineering of integrated circuits is often seen as something only companies can do, as the equipment to image the chip is expensive, and the HR costs to hire enough reverse engineers to then understand the chip even more so. This talk gives a short introduction on the motivation behind understanding your own or someone else’s chip (as a chip manufacturing company), and why it might be important for the rest of us (not a chip manufacturing company). The focus is on understanding what millions of logical gates represent, rather than the physical aspect (delayering, imaging, image processing…), because everyone can do this at home. I will introduce some proposed countermeasures (like logic encryption) and explain if, how and why they fail.

(How to Stop the Dubious Use of Passenger Name Records by Law Enforcement)
The talk will address how passenger name records (PNR) of flight passengers are currently used by law enforcement throughout the European Union to track and identify suspects of a variety of crimes, how this is likely to be only a first step by the security state to surveil our every movement. Two NGOs have joined forces to stop this new form of indiscriminate mass surveillance in the courts and build safeguards against future infringements of our fundamental right to privacy.

(Resilient. Trustworthy. Sustainably Open.)


36x152 Weichenstellung

36x152 Weichenstellung

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

(In welcher digitalen Welt werden wir leben?)
Wir müssen jetzt entscheiden, in welcher digitalen Welt wir leben wollen.

36x153 Verkehrswende selber hacken

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

Der Talk wird eine wilde Fahrt, vorbei an umfallenden Rollern, etwas Kunst mit Sharing-Daten, einer Shoppingtour aus Recherchegründen auf asiatischen Großhandelsplattformen, Sicherheitslücken in Fahrradschlössern, welche einen deutschen Bikesharer dazu bringen, seine 6000 Räder weltweit wieder einzusammeln, der Analyse von risikokapitalgetriebenen Sharingsystemen bis hin zum Gegenentwurf: Wie angewandte Lobbyarbeit für mehr offene Mobilitätsdaten aussieht. Und wie man es selbst in die Hand nehmen kann.

(A media-art project which automates the search for flats in Berlin and challenges automation narratives)
At the center of Clemens Schöll's latest art project is the "Wohnungsbot" (flat-bot), which automates flat searching in Berlin. But it doesn't only try to search flats for everybody, it fundamentally questions power-relationships in (flat-searching) online platforms. Where are the utopias about public automation? Who should be able to automate what, and how?

36x155 Jahresrückblick der Haecksen

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

In diesem Vortrag nehmen wir euch mit auf eine Reise durch das Haecksenjahr 2019.

(Governments around the world are implementing digital identity programs that don't work)
Aadhaar is India's national biometric identity database, with over one billion records comprising fingerprints, iris scans and basic demographic information. It is presented as identity technology, allowing an individual to identify themselves, but also as an identification technology, allowing the state to see an individual, identify fraudulent welfare beneficiaries, and thus realise savings. These claims are not complementary. They are in fact contradictory, compromising each other. If one must be true, the other must somehow be false, and this is the reality of Aadhaar.

I will explore the ways in which music is influenced by making and hacking, including a whistle-stop tour of some key points in music hacking history.

Ausgehend von den behördlichen Messnetz für Stickoxide soll der Aufbau einer preisgünstigen Open Source Messstation für Stickstoffdioxid, inklusive Kalibrierung und der behandlung von Störenden einflüssen behandelt werden. Zusätzlich soll eine Webanwendung vorgestellt werden welche die Daten aus einem Messnetz der NO2-Messstationen sammelt, auf Karten visualisiert und somit dem Citizen Science Ansatz Rechnung trägt.


36x159 Das Mauern muss weg

36x159 Das Mauern muss weg

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

(Best of Informationsfreiheit)
Mit immer neuen Gesetzen gewinnt die Exekutive in Deutschland an Macht und Ressourcen. Die öffentliche Kontrolle von Ministerien und Geheimdienste gerät ins Hintertreffen. Wir sprechen darüber, warum dank Anfragen und Klagen nach dem Informationsfreiheitsfreiheitsgesetz in diesem Jahr der Kampf noch nicht verloren ist, wie wir gegen den BND vor Gericht gewonnen haben und wann das Zensurheberrecht endlich abgeschafft wird. Plus: Das Beste aus 100.000 Anfragen über FragDenStaat in diesem Jahr.

(Eine industrielle Perspektive für die Lausitz?)
Weltweit verlaufen die Entwicklungstrends des Markthochlaufs der Elektromobilität und die Weiterentwicklung relevanter Batteriefertigungs- und Recyclingtechnologien hoch dynamisch. Maßgebliche Faktoren für die Entstehung eines industriellen Batterierecycling-Marktes nehmen dabei erst langsam Gestalt an, der regulatorische Rahmen ist noch modellierbar. Zugleich ist der Technologiepfad Elektromobilität als eingeschlagen zu begreifen - die Notwendigkeit einer Verkehrswende zur Reduzierung des CO2-Ausstoßes begründet Umbrüche in der Automobilbranche, die mittelfristig zu steigenden Verkehrsanteilen von Fahrzeugen mit rein elektrischem oder hybridem Antrieb an den PKW-Neuzulassungen führen werden. Damit steigt der Bedarf an geeigneten Traktionsbatterien und die Nachfrage nach den zu ihrer Herstellung erforderlichen, endlichen Rohstoffen.
Im Energiesektor stellt der Beschluss zum Kohleausstieg 2038 eine Zäsur dar: Mit der Zielstellung, die Lausitz – bislang Braunkohlerevier - als Energieregion zu erhalten und die Angleichung der Lebensverhältnisse in der strukturschwachen Region zu schaffen, gehen wir der Frage nach, ob durch die Errichtung einer Recyclingstrecke für Traktionsbatterien der Elektro-Mobilität ein Beitrag zur Gestaltung einer „Energieregion der Zukunft“ geleistet werden kann. Dies einerseits im Hinblick auf die Schaffung von Beschäftigung, um die im Kontext des Braunkohleausstiegs drohenden Verluste von Industriearbeitsplätzen zu kompensieren. Andererseits unter Maßgabe der Etablierung einer nachhaltigen, regional verankerten Kreislaufwirtschaft.

36x161 Security Nightmares 0x14

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

(Was Sie schon immer nicht über darüber wissen wollten wer Ihre Geräte wirklich kontrolliert.)
Was hat sich im letzten Jahr im Bereich IT-Sicherheit getan? Was werden die nächsten Buzzwords sein und welche neuen Trends sind schon heute absehbar?

36x162 36C3 Infrastructure Review

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

36C3 is run by teams of volunteers. In this event, they will provide some insight into the challenges they faced while building the GSM, DECT and IP networks, running video streams, or organizing ticket sales. All graphs will be pointing up and to the right.


36x163 Closing Ceremony

36x163 Closing Ceremony

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h


36x164 Ansible all the Things

36x164 Ansible all the Things

  • 2019-12-30T00:00:00Z1h

In diesem Talk wird es um die Grundlagen von Ansible gehen, warum es für den Vortragenden das beste Werkzeug ist und welche alternativen es noch gibt.
Vom ersten Host Inventory im YAML Format über die kleine Rollen (NTP/Fail2Ban) und Playbooks bis hin zum ersten kompletten Einrichten des Rasberry Pi oder Servers mit eigenen Dotfiles und den Basic Paketen die man so braucht.
Auch wird drauf eingegangen, wie und warum reproduzierbare Infrastruktur Builds das Leben eines Admins erleichtern können und im Alltag der händischen Arbeit vorzuziehen sind. Abschließen wird der Talk mit dem Thema "Ansible Playbooks aus dem Internet herunterladen oder selbst machen?" und worauf man achten sollte, wenn man Playbooks für mehrere unterschiedliche Linux Distributionen baut.


36x165 Autocomplete Texting

36x165 Autocomplete Texting

  • 2019-12-29T00:00:00Z1h

Mitmachspass mit Autocomplete: Entdecke KI-Seele deines Smartphones

Ein Spiel mit dem Publikum:
Menschen nutzen die Autocomplete/Predict-Funktion ihres Mobilgerätes, um basierend auf einem (wechselnden) vorgegebenen ersten Wort Sätze zu bilden, also immer nur das nächste vorgeschlagene Wort zu bestätigen.
Die Ergebnisse werden mehr oder minder live und total willkürlich ausgewählt verlesen.
Auch wenn's erstmal sinnlos erscheint: Und auch wenn den Absendenden Anonymität zugesichert wird und im Gegensatz Schummeln verboten ist: Die Art der Sätze, die die trainierte/konditionierte Maschine dabei hervorbringt offenbaren mindestens einen eigenen Charakter oder sagen zumindest etwas über die bevorzugte Nutzung des Gerätes.

Ein howto für Dummis, Freifunk Infrastruktur selber zu betreiben.

Es ist gut, wenn viele Menschen Freifunk Router einrichten können. Doch es ist besser, wenn auch Leute selber einen Super Node betreiben können. Es gibt viele Wege, dies umzusetzen. Ich möchte zeigen, wie ich in letzter Zeit es umgesetzt habe mit mittleren Kenntnissen. Und es wird gezeigt, wie man Provider werden kann.

In this talk I will outline my journey implementing my X11 window manager hikari and the corresponding Wayland compositor shortly after. hikari is a stacking window manager/compositor with some tiling capabilities. It is still more or less work in progress and currently targets FreeBSD only but will be ported to Linux and other operating systems supporting Wayland once it has reached some degree of stability and feature completeness.

This talk covers:

  • a brief explanation regarding differences between X and Wayland
  • some of hikari's design goals and motivation
  • choice of programming language
  • an overview of libraries that were used
  • tools for ensuring code quality and robustness
  • obstacles
  • resources that helped me to implement the whole thing