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Cosmic Disclosure

Season 4 2016

  • 2016-03-08T05:00:00Z on Gaia
  • 30m
  • 5h 32m (11 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Documentary, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery
Studying the galaxy

18 episodes

Season Premiere


4x01 Jason Rice — A New Insider

Season Premiere

4x01 Jason Rice — A New Insider

  • 2016-03-08T05:00:00Z32m

Jason Rice boldly comes forward as a new insider to reveal his incredible experiences within the secret space program. For the first time ever, he divulges events from his childhood that led to his induction into a recruiting arm of the MILAB programs, where he was identified as an intuitive-empath. The training he received was merely preparation for the true ordeal to come, serving in a 20 & Back program which took him to distant worlds.

For the first time on camera, an SSP insider, Jason Rice, is put to the test as he is hypnotically regressed by Georgina Cannon and given a polygraph examination concerning his service with a secret space program and extraterrestrial contact. He shares details of his introduction to these clandestine operations, including a tour of an underground base and an encounter with an extraterrestrial being. One small step into an elevator would become a giant leap into the depths of a top-secret space program.

During his 20 & Back tour, Jason Rice was privy to the origin and development of the secret space program into which he was recruited. From Antarctica to Mars and beyond, agreements made with extraterrestrial civilizations for advanced technology enabled the Germans to create a breakaway civilization. He gives us an insider’s view of Operations Highjump, Paperclip & Deep Freeze, and reveals the continuing conflict between the Mars-Germans and the Cabal. As contracts with the Draco near completion, what lies ahead for humanity in a post-disclosure world?

Jason Rice discusses the events that triggered the formation of IDARF and Solar Warden. The looming threat of the Mars-German breakaway civilization sent a wave of urgency through secret government agencies on Earth. Thus, a massive clandestine buildup of advanced technology began, giving terrestrial-based governments a leg up in the secret space race. In order to secure such encroachments into the cosmos, new deals were made with the Mars-Germans and the Draco.

4x05 Battle for Planetary Dominance

  • 2016-04-05T04:00:00Z30m

Imagine the nightmare scenario of a civilization intentionally struck by a massive meteor then invaded by werewolf-like creatures. This was the situation Jason Rice faced after he completed his two-years of training and was deployed to a distant world. He was told that it was a humanitarian mission, to protect the peaceful populace from a hostile invading force. After four years of conflict, he learned that both sides were being manipulated by the Draco, who had long-term plans for this planet.

As Jason Rice’s accounts of his tour of duty with the SSP continues, he describes the level of technological sophistication of his battle dress uniform and weaponry. He elaborates upon the technical details of the suits he wore into combat and the various weapons he carried. The capabilities of these are far in advance of current military issue, with the exception of certain special access programs.

4x07 The Ultimate Battle Continues

  • 2016-04-19T04:00:00Z30m

The battle rages on for Jason Rice, as invading forces seem poised to overrun the meager defenses of this once peaceful planet. Jason continues his accounts of combat on a planet the Draco sought to control by using a proxy combat force made up of werewolf-like beings. He describes the weapons and tactics used to eventually defeated the invading forces. Behind the scenes, the Draco and the Cabal worked together to bring about an unexpected outcome to the conflict.

Jason Rice reveals what he learned about the stakes being waged upon the ultimate goal of human ascension. Life in our universe follows a distinct path of evolution and ascension. Some species stumble along this path, usually taking other civilizations along with them. Others follow a less encumbered road and become instrumental as they offer subtle guidance for civilizations ready for such growth. Humanity appears to be caught in such a conflict as a war rages for the evolution of the human soul.

4x09 Pathogens and Space Viruses

  • 2016-05-03T04:00:00Z30m

Emery Smith relays his experience with bacteria and viruses originating off world. He explains that life thrives throughout the cosmos, even in the microscopic realms. Despite the implication of threats in science fiction media, he explains that the greatest danger concerning these pathogens is not extraterrestrial, but human-based organizations actively collecting these microorganism for their own research and development.


4x10 Induction into the SSP

4x10 Induction into the SSP

  • 2016-05-10T04:00:00Z30m

The startling revelations from Jason Rice continue as he offers details of his own 20 & Back experience and Georgina Cannon continues to help him recover memories of his early days in a secret space program. He takes us back to his first day, when he found out that the induction into these clandestine operations is an ordeal, unto itself. As part of the process, he was injected with nanites, highly-programmable microscopic machines, which would become an integral asset to his duties. Perhaps the most startling revelation comes when he finds out who is really running this operation.

Season Finale


4x11 Invasion of a New World

Season Finale

4x11 Invasion of a New World

  • 2016-05-17T04:00:00Z30m

After the fighting quelled on Planet One and cleanup underway, Jason Rice is given a new assignment. He is deployed to a new world which is also facing imminent invasion from an alien species. Nearly five years pass after the invasion and the battle is nearly lost. What will it take to turn the tide in this war, or will the invading forces finally conquer this world? And what will the true cost be, to these people?

4x12 Jason's Fiercest Battle

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Jason Rice is soon whisked away to a new planet; one unlike anything he has ever seen before. Three indigenous species must learn to put aside their conflicts with each other to deal with the fiercest invading force that Jason has ever encountered. After almost six years of endless combat, he is gravely wounded, and medevacked to Mars. What is to come of the remainder of his time with the 20 & back program?

4x13 The Long Journey Home

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After being gravely wounded on Planet Three, and taken to Mars for healing, Jason Rice returns to Planet Two, to see the full effects of the Draco’s plan of planetary domination. Once this final interplanetary mission is completed, he is returned to the Sol system to serve what may be his remaining days as a combat trainer for new recruits. Finally, his service is completed, and he is age-regression and prepared to returned home as a 24-year old with no memories of his past 20 years. This long journey home is a process which leaves him mysteriously suffering from PTSD and depression.

Looking back at his time in the secret space program, Jason Rice realized that from day one in Cape Canaveral he was lied to and great deceptions followed him throughout his career. He gives us deeper insight to the intricate machinations of the Draco and the Cabal, which give us the illusion of free will yet sinks us deeper into their machines of control. He explains that their interest in humanity stems from our uniqueness in the universe. This means that many other E.T. civilizations also have an active interest in our evolution, enacting plans which may be in direct opposition to the Draco’s long history of planetary manipulation.

4x15 E.T.s Helping Humanity

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Throughout every industry and within high level government positions, extraterrestrials have infiltrated every stratum of our society. Emery Smith explains that this is actually not a bad thing as many are here to help humanity. He shares with us what he learned working alongside many different extraterrestrial beings within the compartmentalized programs. He explains that many of them look exactly like us, with only small differences, and that we have very little to fear from many of these otherworldly visitors.

4x16 Technologies of the SSP

  • no air date30m

Jason Rice helps to give us a better understanding of the technologies and weapons he used during his combat deployments. From the simplest to the strangest, we cannot begin to image just how advanced the technology is within the secret space programs. He explains the different types of shuttlecrafts and drones used, as each mission required a craft ideally suited for the mission parameters. Even the suits they wore into combat and the computers which guided them, gave troopers superhuman capabilities.

4x17 IDARF Tech

  • no air date30m

During his time with IDARF, Jason Rice had access to advanced technology such as medical technology which included nanite enhancement therapy and cloning to replace lost limbs. He also details some of the tech used in vehicles, like neural interfaces for pilots, antimatter power systems and forcefield protection. Some of this technology is trickling its way into mainstream use.

Jason Rice describes the culture and customs of the people a distant worlds he calls Planet 1, including how their society functioned, the guild system of education and their entertainment. What was once an idealistic world, changed as the invasion came and war raged on. He shares what he feels is important for us to learn from this civilization and the circumstances which caused their massive changes.
