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Cosmic Disclosure

Season 5 2016

  • 2016-05-24T04:00:00Z on Gaia
  • 30m
  • 8h 30m (17 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Documentary, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery
Tune into the ongoing, weekly series of Cosmic Disclosure as David Wilcock interviews insider Corey Goode about the details of Corey’s 20-year participation in the Secret Space Program.

17 episodes

Season Premiere


5x01 Celestial Timeline

Season Premiere

5x01 Celestial Timeline

  • 2016-05-24T04:00:00Z30m

Corey Goode relays the cosmic history of our solar system, which began with the arrival of the Ancient Builder race. Shortly after the formation of our solar system, colonization began. More than just their presence, it is the mysterious disappearance of this ancient race which has spawned so many civilizations in search of what was left behind. This quest for the tattered remnants of a lost civilization lies at the core of the timeline which has shaped our celestial neighborhood.

One of the most powerful tools within the Cabal and Secret Space programs is Remote Viewing and Influencing. Corey Goode explains that the information we have been exposed to concerning Remote Viewing is just the tip of the iceberg. These long-running programs, enhanced by technology, have perfected methods for controlling locations, situations and individuals through the mental network that we are all a part of.

If Earth has been the central hub for a flurry of extraterrestrial activity for centuries, you would think that some evidence of their presence would have lingered through the ages. In this special presentation, William Henry joins the program to reveal imagery from historical works of art which corroborate Corey Goode’s testimony as to long-term presence of extraterrestrial beings. From ancient Egypt and Tibet into the heyday of Christian art, we will find depictions of the blue sphere beings and blue avians as benefactors to humanity.

Hidden in plain sight, centuries of sacred artworks have tried to tell us that we are not alone in the universe. William Henry returns, in this special presentation, to confirm the symbiotic relationship between human beings and extraterrestrials which Corey Goode conveys through the Blue Avians’ message. While some aliens are here for their own benefit, others came where with the intent of helping our conscious evolution. Traces of this influential connection has been documented within the iconography of paintings depicting sacred people throughout the centuries.

In this special presentation, William Henry expounds upon the threat from Artificial Intelligence. What he has uncovered confirms what Corey Goode has conveyed to us from the secret space programs. We all have a natural desire for transcendence and technology can seem like a simple solution. But the spiritual path to ascension is our natural way and it will help us to avoid becoming slaves to the machine.

Modern science has defined life within certain criteria based upon physical forms. But, as we are finding, life is not limited to the physical realms. Corey Goode discusses the nature of energetic lifeforms from plasma beings to spiritual attachments. We learn that every planetoid with an electrical field is home to a mysterious form of life known as plasma beings. More than that, occult scientists within the Cabal know how to create invisible forms of life which can have drastic effects upon unwitting victims.

Major updates concerning Corey Goode’s latest activities within the secret space programs are coming your way. In this first installment, we learn of veiled threats against Corey to try and scare him into ceasing his release of information. Despite the Cabal’s concern, the cat is really out of the bag as members of the Earth Alliance are working with factions of the SSP to ready a massive document dump. Plus we learn details of a telepathic communication technique used by Kaaree of the Anshar which plays a critical role in the rest of our updates.


5x08 From Venus to Antarctica

5x08 From Venus to Antarctica

  • 2016-07-12T04:00:00Z30m

The time has come for Corey Goode to visit Venus with the Anshar, but rival factions prevent his arrival. Instead, he is shown a secret base hidden within a massive ice cave underneath an ice shelf in Antarctica. After his fantastic voyage, things go from bad to worse as demands from an intimidating agent of the SSP Alliance, known as The Wrangler, which sets up a precarious situation with the Sphere Being Alliance.


5x09 Anniversary Special

5x09 Anniversary Special

  • 2016-07-19T04:00:00Z30m

Join us in a celebratory recollection of our journey to explore humanity’s secret history in space. One year ago Corey Goode began sharing his personal experiences within the secret space programs. In this anniversary special, we look back on the highlights of that journey and reflect upon how far we have come in understanding the clandestine efforts to establish thriving human civilizations throughout the cosmos. During this time, many secrets have been revealed as to the extent of the technological buildout of our solar system, the extraterrestrial races which have helped our progress, and the organizations responsible for these advancements.

In this special presentation of Cosmic Disclosure, we meet William Tompkins, an insider who worked with top Navy brass during some of the secret space programs’ most pivotal proceedings. We hear firsthand accounts of Project Paperclip, Operation High Jump, and the construction of Nazi UFOs with the help of reptilian extraterrestrials. Corey Goode is astounded as much of what Tompkins reveals matches what he read on the glass pads during his tenure with the secret space program.


5x11 William Tompkins Bio

5x11 William Tompkins Bio

  • 2016-07-26T04:00:00Z30m

As a teenager, William Tompkins’s keen eye for detail nearly landed him in hot water with the Navy as his models of Navy ships included specifications which were classified. However, the Navy took interest in his capabilities and recruited him into their Intelligence programs to work on advanced technology projects. After the Navy, Tompkins worked within highly classified think tanks designing advanced weapons for aerospace companies, including North American Aviation, Northrop and Douglas Aircraft Company. He even assisted with the Saturn and Apollo Space Programs for NASA.

During his tenure with the Navy, William Tompkins worked with a secret think tank which designed spacecraft carriers and other military capabilities in space. All of their work was mired in cover-ups of cover-ups so deep that no one really knew who they were working for or what they were really trying to accomplish. Anyone who tried to push the limits of this secrecy seemed to have met an untimely end. What Tompkins and his associates worked so diligently to design, became the technological reality Corey Goode experienced while in service with the secret space programs.

Clifford Stone is perhaps one of the most intense witness in the disclosure process currently unfolding before us. He relays incidents from his years of service with the U.S. Army where he served as an empath charged with making contact with extraterrestrial beings. It began in early childhood with an interest in UFOs and telepathic contact with otherworldly beings and grew as members of the military got wind of his abilities. This is only the beginning of his testimony, and already we can see how Clifford’s involvement shaped the early days of the SSP and what would become Corey Goode’s own experiences as an intuitive empath.


5x14 Clifford Stone Bio

5x14 Clifford Stone Bio

  • 2016-08-09T04:00:00Z30m

Clifford Stone has become a monumental figure in the disclosure movement. He served 22 years in the U.S. Army where he worked with an elite secret group which was dispatched to crash sites with orders to recover extraterrestrial craft, bodies and technology. He states that the recovery of these artifacts has allowed the U.S. government to make astounding advancements in science and technology which could benefit the world – if these discoveries were to be made public. He claims to have personally cataloged 57 species of alien life forms.

We get deeper into the some of the most intense close encounters Clifford Stone experienced during his service with the U.S. Army. His empathic abilities uniquely suited him to communicate with extraterrestrial beings in their care. He recounts one such tale where he helped an extraterrestrial "guest" of the military to flee its captors. Also he is taken on a secret mission to Vietnam where he encounters beings impervious to conventional weapons. Corey Goode is able to offer his insights into these events, building upon his own similar experiences within the SSP.

Many years before helping William Tompkins pen his autobiography, Bob Wood also worked at the same Douglas Aircraft facility. Instead of building out the Secret Space Program, his career placed him deep within the technical aspects of designing conventional aircraft and space-bound technology. But it was his deep interest in UFOs and technical prowess which gave him the opportunity to investigate how UFOs might work, despite not being given direct access to exotic materials. Eventually, the wall of secrecy crumbled and he now comes forward to share many of the secrets he has been able to uncover and authenticate.

Bob Wood’s extensive career as an aeronautical engineer has given him the years of experience necessary to be able to discern credible information from the disinformation being spread concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. This has placed him in the unique position to be able to confirm the testimony of William Tompkins and other whistleblowers from within the Secret Space Programs. His investigations have traced the origin of the Secret Space Programs, from the early days with German scientists to TRW and eventually the Rand Corporation. All of their secrets hidden within layers of compartmentalization.
