I'm wondering if the writers were asleep the entire season (or maybe they were spinning wheels after Gibson got fired) but they finally have started writing our beloved characters back into character! Love Reid finally becoming a behavioral analyst again after forgetting that right along with forgetting who killed the doctor. And what's with pulling two forgotten characters back with daddy issues? Nice twist though either way. As for the whole "Scratch" thing...I really miss the days when they adamantly refused to call the killers by the media names and only referred to them as "unsub" or their actual given name. (or maybe it's just because I think Scratch is the dumbest name ever but I digress...) sigh All for sensationalism right? (rolls eyes)

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Talk about trauma upon trauma. I think it's safe to say Reid is the Danielle Steel novel of this show. It's never ending torment for poor Reid.
He was forced to be an addict, anytime someone is to be captured and beaten it's usually him, he keeps losing integral people in his life, got his love interest killed in front of him, his mother is going senile and now prison... goodness! Can you guys leave Reid alone now! I don't know how much more I can take! lol

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Shout by Si_Crazy

Quite the twist! A really great episode! And it's nice to finally see Reid out of prison. I also liked that Luke carry on his promised and took everything from Shaw

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And yet another episode ruined by the Reid bullshit. Just leave him out of the show or bring him back instead of this crap.

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It was good to see the team FINALLY working Reid’s case, because I really found it frustrating how little they did that the last episodes.
Also, I was happy to see that Reid actually started to use his brain again this episode, and I hope he won’t loose that ability again.

P.S. Luke was an absolute badass. He might actually be my favourite right now!? I mean, he hardly even knows Reid, but he was somehow the person who has done the most to help him.

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