Never in my life have I wanted to punch someone through the screen more than Barnes.

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i love Spencer and Emily's relationship so much i wanna cry:weary:

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Boring! Boring! Boring! Boring! I don't know how producers waste so much time focusing on useless politics instead of staying on the content that matters.

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God she makes me really miss Strauss

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Another episode ruined by the asshat writer hacks bringing in that bullshit desk jockey.

But then I guess that's realism since Obama stuffed all the government institutions with useless far left beuraucrats loyal to the party.

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I would not hate an episode where this lady gets kidnapped and tortured tbh.

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Barnes is like a more ambitious Erin Strauss. FBI bitch 2.0

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This is reminding me of when Strauss temporarily inserted herself onto the team during Hotch's investigation. At least Strauss was somewhat likable as a "villain". Jody Mills--er, I mean, Linda Barnes is just insufferable.

Reid walking out was just an excuse to have him talk with Prentiss. He didn't walk away when Strauss was questioning Hotch and Rossi, and he wouldn't just turn his back on victims like that. Out of character and cheap way to get him off the case.

Wow, WTF? I don't even know what to say about that...


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This was probably the most frustrating episode I ever saw! Damn, I felt like strangling Barnes myself! What a b***!!!

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Well, they did cast the actress who portrays Linda Barnes really well. She is really good at making me loatheeee the character!

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This last season has surprised and entertained me immensely after several seasons where I just wanted it to end. Good job on the writers and actors cause I'm wanting to see (a bit) more.

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I hate how powerful Barnes is, this is bad!

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Linda Barnes aka the Dolores Umbridge of Criminal Minds.

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