Hell no to Zari and Nate!

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I wish the writers would take their cues from Doom Patrol or Umbrella Academy.

The wrestling stuff bored me. Found myself tuning out the first half.

I thought Ava was the jerk in that fight.

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I suppose it's normal to have high expectations when a show returns from a long hiatus, but this one would have fallen flat even if there'd been no break. Almost nothing works. Despite a target-rich environment where the subject is WRESTLING!, the humor completely misfires. The best and most cringeworthy example comes at about the midway point when Ray bellows out "Let's prepare ourselves to wrestle!" I mean, I get it. They probably didn't have the rights to use the famous line, but then don't say anything at all! It was just so not funny, as was pretty much everything in this one. It also doesn't help that Mona arrived on the show with a fresh appeal based on her childlike way of looking at things and now the writers are trying to give her heavy material. It's just dumb. And disappointing. Even a Wilhelm scream couldn't help this one.

The only real positive? Zari has never looked better.

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God, Zari looked hot it that dress. I thought Hank was gonna touch her bum, which would have been wrong.

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Oh no, such a sad and emotional ending. :cry:

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I know, it's not much, and thinking it was the first episode in 4 months (I expected a time jump, not really continuing exactly the moment we left, and that the episode was "just ok" compared to what we usually get - I mean that as of most of the plot, but the interactions were top notch, as always), but that "Go haircut!" on the paper just made my day.

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This episode is only going to air in April please fix this

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