Very late to the game here! These shows aren't usually my thing in all honesty, but I've been running out of shows to watch (with a 115 days watch time, it was inevitable), so have finally started this after hearing positive things. Have to say the pilot surprised the hell out of me, found myself liking more than one character already, mostly Blakes character 'Serbriba', something a lot of shows fail to do in their pilot episode. Speaking of which this didn't feel like a pilot, in all honesty 85% of pilot episodes are awful! This falls into the 15% of great ones for me, am definitely sticking with this for now, good job Gossip Girl - Episidd 1: 8.3/10

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Can I ship YOU wit7h Serena? It took me years to watch it but I actually liked it.

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Shout by Diego

I came into Gossip Girl after the series ended, hearing the hype I chose to give it a look and see what happened. This pilot took far to long to get into the story-line for me, and that was disappointing. When it did get into the story-line, I found that I liked the characters. It was like watching a pre-teen Days of Our Lives, drama, scandals, rich families, and over the top situations.

To be honest even though it was interest and Soap Opera like, I feel that if I never saw it again I wouldn't be upset, nor do I sit and dwell on what will happen in the next episode as I do with other shows. I feel no hunger to continue, it will be a show that fills my time when there is nothing else to watch, or when I have on NetFlix in the background and want something that I don't have to pay attention to.

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Shout by LukieB

Interesting first episode. Chuck is a complete asshole what the fuck is wrong with that ass. I actually like Dan and Serena. My predictions so far: the gossip girl is either one of the adults or Jenny or Dan.


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Wow, what kind of profoundly depressing line is "You are never going to be more beautiful, or more thin, or more happy than you are now." I mean, I guess that's the point but these are the most pretentious and sad people I have ever witnessed and I have zero interest in watching this show further. It doesn't help that while this may have been how it felt to be a teenager, watching this as an adult just makes me want to grab and shake and yell at these people "grow up!" and that goes for the actual adults even more so. Hard pass.

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It’s weird we like chick at the end considering what an absolute cunt he starts off as

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looking for some drama to invest in right after binge watching cartoons from my childhood, and this really scratched the itch! I cannot figure out how old the characters are supposed to be and so far they are all kind of just blending in together. Really good pilot that can hook you right in.

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A great pilot.

Blake Lively was mesmerizing as Serena.

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I am rewatching the whole series. I do not know if the writers had their Gossip Girl in mind from the start, but I think I've seen a pretty good hint in this episode! Wonder if that conitnious during the rest of the show :)

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Wow, Chuck is a nasty piece of work. Very brave to have him sexually harass two girls in a pilot episode. It didn't feel like a pilot. I honestly thought maybe I'd started watching the second season by accident but once I got used to the fact we've jumped straight into the drama, I liked the set-up. It seems more realistic. Much like 90210, it started with an entrance, in this case a return and I think that's a great catalyst to begin a story. Taylor Momsen's character Jenny is my favourite so far: clever, pretty and witty. Want to know more about Blair so she doesn't feel so much like a stuck-up bitch.

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