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Helstrom 2020

I thought this show was great. After I read about what the original plans were, I was so disappointed that Marvel dropped the ball. A Helstrom/Ghost Rider combo would have been awesome.

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Dont understand why this was canceled. The acting was good & so was the story. the nun would make poor decisions constantly though that made her very annoying.

To the comment about "man-splaining"... It's not always man-splaining just because he is a man & talking to a female character like that. You have to admit she is an extremely naive character, and anyone, male or female, trying to walk into a situation like that with no understanding & then refusing to believe the truth because of all of their years of religious training etc... Basically im sitting here and i would have done the same & i definitely dont have a dick.

Bummer this couldn't have been more than 1 season....

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I’m confused to why the decent shows get cancelled and the rubbish and mediocre continue.

This was not as phenomenal as let’s say both of the Penny Dreadful series, but it was still good.

Farewell to cancelled shows that should remain:
Penny Dreadful
Penny Dreadful City of Angel’s
Castle Rock
Chanel Zero
Da Vinichs Demons

To name a few.

I just simply don’t understand, why bother if they’ve no intention of carrying on.

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This is not a bad series nor is it a great one. It's pretty much your average fantasy, horror, sci-fi show. There's nothing really in it that sets it apart from other series. It is however watchable and can be enjoyed.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I'm not gonna say this show was horrible but, I really wasn't impressed by it, it was ok. I gave it a 6.

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Bing watched in one day, ending was not that great for me but I will give season 2 a shot though.

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The show has so much potential but it's wasted by poor story telling. This would've worked better as a 2hr movie or 6 episode show. Unfortunately, you'll have to sit through 10 hours of torture as the characters constantly talk about their feelings while boring you to death. You'll literally feel ever minute of the 10 hours tick by. And oh yea there's a random gay couple that makes no sense to the story but you know it's 2020 so you need the token in the show.

I would say if you have 10 hours to kill, nothing better to do, and want to listen to characters constantly talk about their feelings, this is the show for you. If you don't like all that stuff or don't want to waste 10 hours, I would skip this show.

I wish I had watched this show in 2x or 2.5x speed...I think I would've liked it better.

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Dont enjoy this. Rather poor writing and bad story.

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Way too heavy on the religion and drama, and not enough action. The story is boring and none of the characters are very interesting, or likeable.... Basically a wasted opportunity for what could have been the next Constantine.

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For the majority of this show, I really enjoyed both the story and the characters. I was honestly invested in both Anna and Damien, and I really enjoyed seeing what happened next. 

My problems withthis show begin as they introduce the organization about halfway through. I didn't think it was necessary, it wasn't interesting, and honestly, everyone involved just frustrated me to no end. 

Those feelings got compounded in the last two episodes when Damien gets posessed and Gabriella and that group basically vow to get revenge. With everyone else the show was trying to say and do, I had absolutely no investment in this conflict, and I think this incessant need to keep coming back to it just soured the latter half of the show for me. 

Despite that, however, I still really enjoyed a lot of the show up until that point, and I think the show could have easily course-corrected had they been given a season 2.

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A mashup of other franchises that results in boring.

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I gave up after two episodes. It looked really promising. The first episode is shaky, but they often are... there's a lot to introduce. Things get worrying when the gratuitous progressive inserts start - even in the first episode. "man-splaining"... really. Seriously get some better writers.

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This show started well with good performances and a sensible balance between plot progress and character development.

Supernatural franchises with adult themes are difficult to find so it was refreshing to see the attempt. That said, they are difficult for a reason and that is that the subject matter tends toward an immature brand of fantastical fiction. The show held its own until episode 8 and then reverted to form.

I don't want to spoil in any way so I will just say if you were anticipating something other than the usual supernatural trope you will be disappointed.

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Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-04-22T00:08:11Z— updated 2022-04-25T03:23:46Z

Another show that wasn't given a chance to truly evolve and flourish. All the actors are good, but oh my, Elizabeth Marvel's talent is a delight to watch and her voice work in this show is amazing. I wish they had been given at least a Season 2, it's a shame really, to see some of the garbage that's allowed to stay on air instead.

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