I'll never understand why women love having so much clothing.

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5.5/10. This is a one-two punch of middlingness. Again, Britney Spears is not much of an actress, and the entire bit about trying to get back at Ted was ill-conceived and dragged down by downright dumb nature of the story, even if it was meant to be a bit self-consciously so in that regard. Similarly, Lily is, again, pretty unreasonable in not being willing to make sacrifices in order to help solve the money troubles that she had a massive hand in creating. It's sympathetic that she wants to be a great artist, and the "it's the thousand and first time that gets you in trouble" conceit is a solid one, but it makes Lily seem pretty unlikable when she's giving Marshall such a hard time for asking her to make some hard choices for the good of their family. The dogs loving her paintings twist with Larry Wilmore was a neat way to wrap it all up, but it's still a less-than-endearing direction to go with one of the main characters.

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