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iZombie: Season 4

4x08 Chivalry is Dead

I could be mistaken (I took a little hiatus from the show after season two), but I don’t remember brains taking over Liv’s personality so fully. While humorous, it seems like a bit of a change to watch Liv speak that way for the entire episode. Not sure how I feel about it.

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Shout by kinky

What could be dumber than last episode's ending? Peyton being OK with it and actually wanting to get on board with the whole thing. Sigh! First Liv, now Peyton... Why are they writing them all out of character? Also, I like Blaine's dad (because I appreciate the actor), but his character this season and the whole cult thing, that's just not clicking for me. Honestly, this season has been a mess. I really miss the Max Rager days... Anyway, at least the rest of the episode was fun, including Liv's brain personality of the week (which, no, I did not find annoying, quite the opposite, it provided us with some good laughs whenever she was paired with Clive).

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The first few minutes of Liv’s personality was amusing then it began to wear thin very quickly.

I love Ravi & I like Peyton but I’m just not feeling them together. I feel like Ravi needs someone fun and silly and Peyton with someone more serious...but R & P don’t have chemistry. They just look like friends kissing.

I love Blaine but his dad is nuts. His new ‘religious’ self is just as annoying as Liv’s personality this week.

I feel for Clive and love him but I’m over his relationship. I know it makes sense to the show to explore that topic but I feel like it’s taking too much screen time.

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This is the first time a persona that Liv takes on was just flat out annoying.

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Liv and Clive have some terrific moments yet again in this one. And while I enjoy the Team Blaine stuff, that just isn't carrying over to his dad and his followers at all. Not in the least. Nothing against Robert Knepper, but I'd be more than okay with seeing that arc go away entirely so that the time could be spent on pretty much any other story line that's going on at the moment.

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liv looks so much better in Zombielook.

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There was a lot of meh in this episode but the end kinda saved in somehow.
Althooough, it was somewhat clichéd that a dying person is to be the cure.
But on the other hand how would Liv get in contact with someone who is apparently immune to the zombie virus.

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