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Lost 2004


Shout by Ben

Oh my - Happy Birthday ^_^

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Shout by Deleted

Muito bom !!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I had heard of it but never watched it. Now I've started watching it, I can't stop. It's an amazing series!!

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Shout by Deleted


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Josh Holloway is just so damn hot!

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Shout by Deleted

The first show I ever became truly invested in, and remains one of the best ever made.

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#GreatestHits Goodbye Charlie :'(

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Best series ever. Thats until S06E17 of course... Would have been a straight 10 if it weren't for that ending.

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The first season's episodes are best of the all times. I don't think any TV series can beat this.

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Shout by Deleted


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Love love love, I don't care what other people or critics say, but this is an amazing drama with great twists and plots! I have the American complete boxset - collectors edition with lots of goodies. Great actors and Matthew Fox the main lead is an amazing actor!

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Shout by Deleted

Le meilleurs scénario que j'ai vu franchement. Je regrette cette série.

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Nice series based on time travelling concept :)

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If you thought this show couldn't get any more surreal and eerie, think again.

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Shout by Deleted

Live together, die alone.

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Shout by Ben

9 years ago a phenomenon was born.
Happy Birthday LOST!

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Shout by Deleted

One of my absolute favorit shows. I have tried multiple times to find a show with the same amount of mystery and suspence, but without success. There is no show like it. Brilliant storyline where every episodes give you almost more questions than answers.

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Shout by Deleted

Suspenseful and addictive

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Ben

"I’ve heard some murmurings of some kind of [10-year LOST] reunion. Whether it will take place at Comic-Con or not I’m not sure. No matter what happens, if anything happens, it will be really hard logistically to put it together."

~ Michael Emerson [meanwhile, check out]

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This is the show that raped my braind

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Shout by Deleted

I love this show, however a HUGE mistake many make when they stop watching is searching for answers, like concrete and logical answers on this show. You have to look this show in a more deeper way, a more "philosophical way". Most people say that the ending was really bad, I think it is just BRILLIANT.
There's more that meets the eye people, think. This show makes you think.

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Shout by Deleted

Season 5 was the ONLY thing good about this series!

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome stuff!

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The Best show ever!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I was absolutely intrigued by this show. Some people say that it was confusing, but I felt like I completely understood what was going on.

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Shout by Deleted

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Unique tv show!!!

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I watched the whole show in 1 month. All I can say is that I'm sad I did because everyday I miss the show more and more. Truly one of (maybe the most) amazing show there is.

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Shout by Ben

I wish I could erase LOST from my memory - so I can relive it all over again!!!


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I really didn't enjoy a lot of things about this show and I hated the ending. But, years later, it's still the show I think about most.

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Shout by Deleted

I was watching The Following yesterday and I remembered Shannon. She was so cool, but she died like all the people that I liked on LOST.

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Shout by Ben

LOST fans should check this out - Waaaaalt all grown up & singing ;D
(and look for the Michael cameo at 1:36)

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Shout by Ben

You have to watch: "This is 40" (2012) -

They talk about LOST at least a dozen times, even play the music & show some sequences (of s6 final episodes) :D

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I really burned through allot of tv-shows, and noticed i have never actually watched lost. (couple of times on tv) but decided to give it a go. im a week into this show and currently on season 4.

Confusing at times but for what i have seen now a great show

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Really liked this show however, it started to lose me around season 3 or 4. Some things fell about, consistency wise, but by that time I had already invested so much time into the series I just had to keep watching just to see how it all ended. I still think it is a must see for anyone who loves mystery, thrillers, or a good adventure.

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lost bitti hayat bitti. life has ended after the lost final

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Shout by Deleted

To me, this show was life-changing. Unforgettable

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I'm watching this show, i'm in the 2nd season, and wooooooow, it's a very good show and amazing. It's awesome!, one of the best shows I watch!

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With all the recent attempts over the last few years of networks trying to find the new Lost, I decided to revisit the pilot. I'm still amazed at how good this show looks compared to all those other shows. It really makes shows like Revolution look like a bad B-movie.

Lost will always be one of my favorite shows, a very strong 9/10. It just misses a Totally Ninja rating from me because IMO the writers caved to all the criticisms in the last couple of seasons. The explanations everyone wanted felt rushed, and it seemed like it was being done to placate those that couldn't deal with what I loved about the show, the mystery. In the end questions were answered with rushed or vague explanations, and some were even answered with answers that just raised five more questions. Criticisms aside the show was such an exiliharating ride that I don't think we will ever see again, the characters, the mythology, it truly was a one of a kind series.

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Shout by Deleted

Best show ever. The ending could have been better, but that should not take away from the overall greatness of the show.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Awesome show. But the end really sucked.

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I don't think there will be any show that will ever suck me in like Lost did.

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Shout by Deleted

This series is awesome

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Shout by Ben

For those who missed it...
This video was presented by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse at Comic-Con 2011, July 22. Their proof that LOST was totally planned all along ;D

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This show is in my top Ten favorite shows of all time. Even tho the last season's weren't all that great and if you ask me the ending sucked. I still love it. Season 1 and 2 are the greatest!

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Lost was the best tvshow I've ever seen. I doubt there will ever be another show that will touch me in a way lost did. I just finished watching all episodes, marathon style, I've never been so absorbed in a tv series.. I think it's the most important show I've ever seen.

What an amazing story, real shame it's over. I could easily watch lost everyday for years, the quality was there, they could've kept going for along time. I think some people didn't like it because they couldn't follow it. I was blown away by the story and how everything ended up and was enthralled the entire time I was experiencing what was happening up until the end.

I actually thought the seasons following the third one were the best, that's when all the really cool stuff started happening. I loved every single episode of every season though! That Smoke monster is just too cool, love the sound it makes. :)

I will miss this series and the characters, wish I could go to the island... Maybe I will someday. .

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The show was the best thing since sliced bread during Season 1 - 3. After that.. Meeehhh.

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Shout by Neil

I absolutely love this show! I wish it was still on, but appreciate the part of my life that i got back when the show ended.

Sure the ending didn't answer as much as it should have, but the story was so much about the characters and the way the show ended really showed that beautifully. We need more shows like this!

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This was a good show, the ending could have been better tough, it left me with more questions than answers....

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