Did no one else cry during this episode, or was it just me? I thought this episode was quite emotional, damn! Charlie was a hero, first he risked his life trying to get down to the station, then dealing with the others, then, he doomed himself to save Desmond's life, afterall Desmond saved Charlie's life four times. RIP Charlie... or don't and come back to life instead! :blush:

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shocking conclusion! Is that Charlie at the end?

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The relief I felt when it turned out it wasn’t a Jack centric episode after all.

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The Oceanic Six reveal, the introduction of Faraday, the creepy shack, a beautiful goodye to Charlie, great season opener.

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Other than being a callback to Ben's line in the season 3 finale, The Beginning of the End really is a perfect title for this episode. From about halfway through season 3 and all the remaining seasons, you can really tell there was a very clear end-goal in mind with how the story moves forward. And this episode really does solidify that "beginning of the end" vibe with everything introduced.

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Does a pretty good job of taking of where last season's finale ended and planting the seeds of what's to come next.

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I'm completely Lost on understanding this show.

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Wow; talk about crazy?...

It seems some of the passengers are back home, but, not who you might think. So far it seems to be Jack, Hurley, Kate and maybe someone in a coffin? That was shown in previous episode but different timeline.

Did Hurley say Oceanic 6? Who are the others? Why aren't there more rescued? Whats with the shack in the jungle... Season 4 questions and plenty of them!

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Am I the only one who understands shit in this episode?!

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