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Mare of Easttown 2021

Yes it does start a little bit slow but the characters carry a excellent realism to them that engages you into the story. Kate Winslet is incredible. The daughter part is tick the box of today's culture which is the only let down in this great TV series.

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This is one of those rare shows that you can't wait to see what happenes next. I loved every second of it. If you haven't seen it yet, please do, because it's worth it.
The characters act and talk like real people. This is super rare nowadays. I really liked and appreciate that.

Halfway through the last episode i figured out who the real killer was. But the whole season kept me guessing.

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I like Kate Winslet, but I am not a superfan. This series elevated her in my mind to superb/awesome actor. The story is well thought, well writern and well directed. The cast does awesome work and I recommend this to everyone that likes mystery criminal drama. The pshygological play helps the series a lot. 10/10 for me.

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Need a lot more of this Mare

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I was holding off on watching this series despite the high marks given by critics. It was good that I decided to finally watch and got to see a great performance by Kate Winslet. The story kept me engaged the whole time up until the end. This is a great HBO series.

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Absolutely fucking perfect. Highly recommend it.

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This is a cracking good show. Don’t miss it!

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of course it is a "TOTALLY NINJA"

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Yes it does start a little bit slow but the characters carry a excellent realism to them that engages you into the story. Kate Winslet is incredible. The daughter part is tick the box of today's culture which is the only let down in this great TV series.

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This is a series for people who expect something more. Each episode introduces new threads and adds something new to the story. The complicated story makes it difficult to guess who the murderer is. The main character's problems come to the fore all the time. In my opinion, this will be one of the greatest roles in the history of Kate Wintslet. Most likely, it will not end with one season.

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Drama/crime kind of deal. I like the story so far and keeps me wanting to see the next episode everytime. Good story and good acting.

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Great series, Kate makes a memorable act

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Watched the whole thing in one session. I can’t remember the last time I was so invested and shocked about reveals and plot twists, when watching a crime show.

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Fabulous show! Kate Winslet is so talented. The acting and plot are both down so well. Kudos to getting the accents right. I lived in Delco for a wehile and they did a good job of portraying the area.

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Really great show! HBO shows that they still make fantastic shows again. First episode of show was a bit boring, but important introducing of characters. Almost every episode had unexpected twists and they well revealed characters. Main character is very interesting. In the series she sometimes strong, sometimes series shows her problems

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Incredible acting. Touching to the core. Harsh. Brutal. Twisted.

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Another great show from HBO with Kate Winslet being exceptional once again.The mystery is everywhere and you can't wait to see the next episode. 8.7/10

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This show was really interesting. There are multiple, complicated character arcs written in such a way to lead us towards guessing the culprit. I love this "red herring" style of detective story writing. Like others have commented here, Kate Winslet deserves an award for her acting.

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How come Jean Smart didn't get the Emmy for her hole??

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kate winslet. that's all i have to say.

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Just amazing. Wonderful and clever script.

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Amazingly written, directed and acted. Kate Winslet is on a different level but the whole cast is really great. And the best thing about it is that even though the mystery is quite interesting, I didn't really give a fuck about the whoddunit, I just wanted to spend time in that place, with those characters. But still, the mystery works. Amazing.

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this was really a beautiful series. visceral and bleak, but also funny and familiar. highly recommend, i binged it all in one go and it was amazing. also, the fuckin ACCENTS were so good, god.

anyway petition for evan peters to never have his hair longer than he did in this series, he's never looked better

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The first episode broke my heart. Then the last episode crushed it to a million pieces. Well done. 9/10

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[HBO] While in other good thrillers the investigation thrives on interesting subplots, in this case the investigation is a subplot of the protagonist's drama. It's the ghost of her pain, her trauma, and her guilty feeling that drives Mare's life forward obsessive dedication to work. It's a story of mothers who feel like failures, a drama shrouded in mystery, a character study that is satisfying in all its aspects. .

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This is an excellent show. A well-crafted story. The killer is. . . someone I never would have suspected. I knew something was amiss as only 15 minutes into the final episode it appeared that the story was all neatly wrapped up - and I wracked my brain trying to figure out who the real killer might be. . . and still couldn't guess the right person.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Slow burner yet a good crime/thriller/mystery!

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This show has been on my TO WATCH list but the recent Emmy wins propelled it to the top of the list. It is well deserving of its awards. The cast is not only stellar but the performances are flawless. There is a well written story line, and, although it teased cliche plot lines, it twisted away from them to more intricate workings. Although this is a Crime Drama, it’s true measure is in the emotional depth of the themes: grief, trust, failure, love. I give this series an 8 (great) out of 10. [Crime Drama]

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Winslet is a homicide detective in suburban Philadelphia, obsessed with a case and haunted by her own past. This show is objectively good. The characters are real and well-developed and Winslet is good as always (even if her Philadelphia accent comes and goes).

But it's a hard watch, even harder than you think it's gonna be. One episode depicts full-on sexual abuse. And the whole thing is depressing from start to finish, with not enough comic relief to give the viewer a break. I was invested but also wanted to get out over with. I recommend but with trigger warnings and caution. This is not light viewing.

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It took me far too long to get around to it, but Mare is a great pure mystery procedural. Winslet is excellent in the lead and her character's arc in particular was handled very thoughtfully. The attention to detail in setting the atmosphere of Easttown was great and the mystery was an entertaining one. Really solid limited series.

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A fascinating series, the plot unfolds naturally until the last episode reaches its peak.

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Excellent wrting, acting, great limited crime drama tv show, and my recommendation!

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I wouldn't say I watch the show for the characters rather than the mystery (since the mystery is actually compelling as well), but Brad Ingelsby's writing and Craig Zobel's depiction lend this town's population and their relationships a tremendous amount of natural, lived-in authenticity, with both dramatic and comedic moments, that feels so engaging to watch. I could have watched these people dealing with their problems both personal and public all day, which the show has in spades. And the many lively digressions serve dual purpose as both effective storytelling and mystery's clue camouflage as well.

This also extends to the reveal, since however satisfying or not one may find it, we still see its effects reverberate and ripple outwards to the show's cast. The way they're affected is an unexpected but fitting continuance from the town's and especially Mare's arcs (with a never-better performance from Kate Winslet), so that it is a neat trick of plot-based reveal transforming so satisfyingly into concluding tangents of character-based drama too.

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A troubled hero, an unknown murderer almost to the very end and intricate stories of side characters, what more could you want from this mini crime series? It turned out to be a good series.

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Good show with a lot of strong characters and great acting to back it up. The actual plot is good, but not great, and there's just enough complexity and twists to keep you invested. But the true strength of this show is in the characters and their struggles.

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Stellar performance by Winslet who probably does the best role of her entire career and that's really saying something.
Pulls you in from the very first episode and ends every single one in a cliffhanger that never unravels entirely as you would expect.
This will leave you beaten, bruised and heartbroken.
One not to miss.

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Great acting for Winslet, great bore for me.

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It, was good they said.
The first episode was great, I myself admitted.
But of course, but of course!
At times, as clichés after clichés followed, and the apparent cliché to subvert those clichés started falling on their faces, the entire thing unraveled.
Never have I been so angry at a show that promised to be something great, something different, but that was just bait. I curse my own stupidity for not dropping this after the 2nd episode.
'The Making Of' was 100x more interesting.

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Shout by hhk9

Overrated garbage. So we have a philandering 17 year old named Erin who has been killed and then we go into a typical whodunit story. The writing is so extremely bad that every 10 min we are introduced to a new suspect. Who could it be? Her abusive father, her ex-boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend, the husband of Mare (Erin's teacher), a local church deacon, a local pyscho rapist in the town, or one of the two cousins of Erin's father? No...the twist is a 13 year old kid of Erin's father's cousin who killed her. Wow. I am sure I am missing many more suspects, all of whom do an incredible job of giving off pedo vibes. In fact, at one point the show would have had us believe every guy in that town was the suspect. I think this is lazy writing, not clever. Suspenseful for the sake of being suspenseful.

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This show is not for everyone, it is kinda soap opera-detective - guess Who something. I am not seeeing a 2nd season, also this push so hard the PC agenda and kate mary Sue winslet carácter is awful.

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wow, i loved this series, HBO is always a step ahead of everyone else!

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Just when you figure you know who the killer is, "BOOM", you realize you know Jack squat. This show has more twist and turns than the Road to Hana. Kudos to everyone involved in this drama, from the actors, writers, producers and casting.

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This show was quite the ride. Very refreshing and worth every minute. Captaivating story with well thought out characters. It's a change from the typical investigative series. Characters are well played by the actors. 8.5/10

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Shout by chat1978

An excellent drama. Short, well played and with drama worthy of American life in rural America.
If you haven';t watched, don't really read the spoiler. The entire script will be destroyed for you and it's a good show. Worth the 7hours.

Usually the social circle is there to support the primary character and provide a 2ndary story line to the crime and its investigation.
Instead, the show should had been named.
Mare of wherever all incredible tough things happen in your immediate social circle.

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Maybe it's because I'm Latina, but the idea that teenagers can talk to their parents or other adults without an ounce of respect like Dylan and Brianna do, the worst people in this show so far, is baffling to me. The way they think they can do and say whatever they want without regard for anyone else and their parents don't correct them gets on my nerves.

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nothing new we havent already seen but still a correct tv show. it was good and intriguing.

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Excellent series well worth watching.

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