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Marvel's The Defenders 2017

piece of shit shit shitttt

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I think it’s better than people give it credit for but the ending is a little anticlimactic. There’s also some jokes that are drawn out even for Marvel. Overall it’s probably right at a 7/10.

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This is really mid, don't really care about any of the characters outside of Daredevil. A stepping stone that serves as a bridge to watching Daredevil Season 3, no any other real reason to want to watch it.

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my only problem is, they make the hand look so powerful (also who to in their right mind names it the hand?, yeah I get the fingers thing but still.)they make it look so powerful and all it took was c-4? anyways

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I will admit that going into this show I have only watched one of the individual shows of this quarter if heroes. That being Jessica Jones. And that was a massive mistake. A lot of interesting story arcs seemed to revolve around things that had happened in the respective stories of the individual characters portrayed here. However the cinematography was brilliant and some of the fight scenes definitely stood out. As for the story it was very cliche, the whole woman dying of cancer who becomes bad because she's afraid of death thing. I've things like this so many times before, give me something new!

I am definitely tempted to watch the other three shows that I haven't got to yet, (Luke, Cage, Iron Fist, and Daredevil), so that I can better understand what went on here as I only partially enjoyed this but feel that that was down to a lack of understanding of individual arcs.

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I watched this just to finish the storyline of Daredevil. As others said the story and finale suck, but overall it was worth it for continuity and the hallway scene was great.

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The best marvel show, without doubt !!! Everything is great when you have these kind of superheros packed in one show.

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Season 1 is fair but D. Rand the fucking Iron Fist sucks

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Another complete fail. I used to like the Marvel universe. Now it seems like a bunch of totally useless and incompetent script writers are competing in the art of destroying it.

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I enjoyed this 8 episodes a lot more then the complete 39 of JJ, LC and IF. It hasn´t got Daredevil quality but it is way above the rest. For me JJ, LC and IF work better in a lesser role so this works well for me. And this is in many ways kind of Daredevil season 2.5 anyway. The format of the season with 8 episodes was allright, more would have only dragged out the plot unnecessarily and I for one was already tired of the whole The Hand thing before this. Therefore I hope we are done with them now because we need something fresh for the next seasons and maybe they can all come together again for a second round of The Defenders to close out another story arc. Kinda like they do with the movies that would be nice.

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Shout by Deleted

La primera temporada de Luke Cage y Jessica Jones y la segunda temporada de Daredevil, siguen siendo el pináculo del periplo de Marvel en Netflix. Esta historia aunque interesante por momentos se siente apresurada en todo momento, irónicamente eso es parte de su encanto. Lo que si no es un encanto es que durante la batalla final del último capítulo ¡no se ve un coño!, para mi eso es un error garrafal.

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Danny Rand just goes from annoying to PAIN IN THE ASS with each episode that passes.

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I've been looking forward to this since the first announcement and I was super excited. I really took my time with it and I only watched 1 episode per night and even skipped a few nights. And I have to say that I really enjoyed it. Sigourney Weaver is one of my all time favourite actresses and I was over the moon to see her in my favourite universe. I REALLY love Daredevil, Jessica Jones and enjoyed Luke Cage. But Iron Fist just isn't my favourite character, I just don't find him interesting when he's standing next to these super dynamic characters. Don't get me wrong, I love Finn Jones and I think he does an amazing job with portraying Danny, it's just the character and his whole entitled vibe that I don't like.

Really enjoyed the rest of the season tho. Looking forward to watching The Punisher!

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Netflix/Marvel need to contract better writers. This should be epic but it was awful to watch. What happen to Netflix/Marvel shows after Jessica Jones? Punisher, please be good.

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I'd say it was a fun binge watch but overall was kinda underwhelming. Daredevil, Luke Cage and Jessica have spectacular chemistry. Iron Fist is still really annoying and has no character development whatsoever. The action scenes were fine in my opinion. Daredevil still has the best fight choreography hands down. The back and forth between Matt and Jess is easily the most entertaining part of the show. But the main issue I have with these Marvel Netflix shows is the convoluted, unfocused and messy plots. The payoff in all these shows are kinda underwhelming. The Hand wasn't really threatening, they came off as kinda lame and unrealistic. The five fingers of the hand had no purpose whatsoever and the character of Alexandra was highly under-utilised and left off. Elektra storyline felt rushed, but her chemistry with Matt was off the charts as always. Love the characters but really hope they go back to the drawing board to focus on their antagonists and make their storylines more compact and focused. Overall, I was satisfied and had fun.

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Who else thinks the third episode should've been the first?

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For me this was probably the biggest disappointment this year so far.
The whole thing was riddled with awkward interactions, massive plot holes (Like Luke is sometimes strong like Hulk and can take any damage, the next hes getting his ass kicked by a random goon. Same goes for Danny... previously he could bested anyone easily, now hes down in the first minute) and boring action scenes. They stretched 3-4 episode worth of stuff into 8.
The pilot twist was, that there is no plot twist...

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oh boy oh boy there are already the angry "i'm a marvel fan and i know better than you" people in the comics. Well, guess what, I'm a hardcore marvel fan and I'm having a nerdgasm. AND its rated fresh on rottentomatoes so hopefully the ironfist haters can suck it up

more than halfway through it and its better than i expected! the intro is as awesome as other shows. danny is more like comic danny. the danny and luke bromance is totally showing which is what ive been waiting so hard for. jessica is still just as badass and matt is still my emo sad son. claire and elektra are still just as charismatic and cool. and the lighting oh my god. everything the solo shows delivered but better. the wayeach one has its own color and the environment changes IS AMAZING!!

Sigourney is such a great villain. im such a sucker for these netflix marvel villains who have flaws and yet are so plainly evil. god bless this show and please, dont be a negative nerd in people's faces. its kinda pathetic. it is just a well-produced tv show after all, even if youre a comic fan.

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A few minutes in and Iron Fist / Danny Rand is already getting on my nerves.

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