I've missed this group of characters so much and I can't believe i'm finally seeing them as one! This episode was a really good starting point to let everyone know how the season will pan out. Very excited to see how Elektra's arc will pan out.

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Strong start! I'm so happy to finally see all 4 of them in the same TV show... It's the first episode and I'm already sure it's gonna be a good run. I love how they color graded the scenes to match the people they're following! Also, the Luke soundtrack is simply amazing.

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The 4 characters with 4 stories, each of a color, Madam Gao a pleasure, good start, although Iron fist still stunned

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I watched the first seasons of Jessica Jones (my favorite so far, and I don't have as many problems with it as many others do) and Daredevil. Lost interest a few episodes into Luke Cage and Daredevil Season 2. Never bother with Iron Fist. I read a quick, very brief recap of all the seasons on Buzzfeed before watching this. Two episodes in and generally enjoying it so far; the first is a good drop-in into the four characters, maybe even more enjoyable for me because after skipping a few seasons, I don't find their many tangents to feel redundant. But the second episode kinda feels that way though, and is too long a set-up, even if it ends very well. Ritter is as great a presence as ever, so is Weaver in her still not significant screentime.

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Wait a minute... Why just EIGHT episodes???!!

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Not good, not bad, we are just waiting for the point of this show right now.

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Nothing much happens, just catching up with where we left our 4 heroes. That means normal boring daily routine. Another show would have had more space for something else, but it needed to be done 4 times so...

Also they didn't meet yet, I guess it's a choice to show the encounters, but I think opening by Matt lawyering Luke out of prison would have been much better.

Also, Misty, what a bitch... like it couldn't have waited for one day ?

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Shout by Nick

Very slow opener.. but they have to bring all the story lines together.. so just be prepared. It starts picking up some after this.

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I hope that the series picks up because I think this episode was really boooooooring.

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I really love the transistions between scenes. Feels very comic book-y.

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I probably should have watched Defenders before Jessica Jone's second season cos... Trish....ugh.

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I was wondering what the opening credit would look like and I'm happy to say I was not disappointed. It's really awesome, I love it. I also love how the season opened with Elektra kicking some ass, it got me even more fired up for it, or at least the part I'm actually a fan of. Which is Daredevil. Because Iron Fist is still an out of control child who needs serious therapy. Jessica Jones is still an asshole. Luke Cage is still unlikable and uninteresting. But at least we got Misty and Claire out of his part. Even though I was seriously worried he'd do some damage to her when they were "making love." One last very important thing, Sigourney Weaver is so damn beautiful. I'm so excited to see and know more about her character. And the fact that Madame Gao is scared of her and takes orders from her puts a smile on my face. Ha! Bonus: Matt and Karen still make you feel the awkwardness and second hand embarrassment deep in your soul.

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I've been SO excited to watch this show! Sigourney Weaver is one of my favorite actresses , I'm super pumped to see her in my favorite univers, the Marvel universe. Jessica Jones and Daredevil are my favorite Marvel shows and I was most excited to see them again. I liked the first episode. Not too much going on, just a typical 'where are they now' episode. Can't wait to watch the rest and see them all together!

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Watching that ending on today of all days was spooky

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For a pilot episode and to set the stage for what is to come this was OK. I wasn't expecting out of the door action right away. The one thing that is bothering me a little, that each of the shows ended on individual cliffhangers that builded a tension that simply wasn´t satisfied with this opening episode of The Defenders. And, if you´ve whatched on or the other, you are forced to watch this to know what went on. And that is the one downside of the whole idea of the universe concept. You are basically forced to watch shows you simply might not enjoy. And I'm speaking from experience. Yes, you read up a synopsis but that might not always work.

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