Everyone is here together, where are these Agent's ot SHIELD, in the centre of New York, where they are supposed to be all knowing? :joy::joy:

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So weak the ending nobody can survive this lol

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Shout by Deleted

Lazy. This show was a deception for me.

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I wish that I watched it before Daredevil season 3 and Jessica Jones season 2.
Good series with my beloved heros, and I guess you couldn't hold your tears when he died :( There were some emotional moments in this episode.

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I hope we're done with ninjas. Enough of the damn ninjas please.

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Shout by Deleted

Foggy and Karen deserve to be like this.

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The fight scene with Electra and daredevil was probably one of the worst fight scenes i've ever seen!

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Shout by FinFan

As if Netflix would let their best character die. But I am curious how they will explain this.

I wasn´t quite blown away by the finale. It feels like the interlude it was supposed to be. Some plot holes in the writing like the elavator not coming down and we only see them planting bombs on one of the pilars. I guess we need to assume the rest happened. Oh, and who had the brilliant idea showing us a phone call while Coleen and Bakuto started thier fight ? Personally I hope they are done with the Hand but since Matt got out it is possible Gao did, too. Well, we have to wait and see.

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Simone Cooke as playing Misty the detective is really bad. She just gets on the walkie talkie and yells, "Get the bomb squad, neeeoooww!" Really? I think it requires a little more information than that.

Another issue: what in the world happened to the elevator once Jessica let it fall? As Electra and Matt were fighting, it never came down. Makes no sense.

The final scene where the building imploded and is collapsed also was ridiculous. A few blocks of C4 on a single structural beam takes down the entire buikding. Right... Further, they made it seem like there were bombs on every single floor with explosions on each as it fell. That didn't happen. Also the cops were all about a block away as the top fell. They would have been screwed, if we have learned anything from 9/11.

Overall, lazy editing, writing, and production.

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that's it!? that was the show???

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Season finale. Danny is still stupid, Jessica shining with her phrases and the others standing out. The end has not been wrong

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I guess that the series was pretty good, overall... This last episode was quite predictable: main storyline coming to an end and each one of the four characters, along with their sidekicks, getting something to worry about in the following season. However, although it was really enjoyable to watch all 4 of the heroes in one show after following their individual stories, I feel like this crossover could've gone a whole lot better, or could've dealt with more... For me, 30% of the show was disappointing. I really hope that Jeph Loeb doesn't f*ck up the TV universe. It's Marvel, and I hate when they do something I don't love. Nevertheless, this was an entertaining series that lived up to my expectations. Looking forward to more episodes!

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Welp, I guess we're not having Daredevil season 3 anymore. Psych!

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I have to agree with AndrewBloom and to add this: This Elektra Version was written poorly and her motivation is just not backed up by anything. Then... we have the 5 fingers... 3 or 4 of them are dead dead... well I'm disappointed... they've build us up through Daredevil and Iorn Fist and now they died easily and gratuitously. If Gao's survival will be the sole engine of next Iron Fist I'll be disappointed. Finally, Mat's survival... such bs... you do realize that the only way he would survive a building crushing down is... teleporting. If they'll ever bother to explain how he escaped... i hope its teleportation otherwise anything else is B S

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Very awesome show. Very disappointed with Murakami though. He was portrayed as one of the deadliest of the five finger but in the end he did nothing and just fell off the lift lol. His follower Nobu was so much more of a threat and did more damage. Should have been 12 episodes maybe they could have developed his character more

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when matt pulled danny back for a sec to whisper to him i legit thought he was gonna kiss him and i got so confused "like ???? this was NOT in the comics EVER what the fuck is happeni- oHH"

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Shout by C Monster

PSC - Premature Season Completion... That is all....

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As often with Marvel shows or movies the villains in this were borderline bad but I just don't care because of the heroes and their interactions.

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Dear NETFLIX, 8 episodes of this goodness is NOT enough!

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