People are disappointed become they are expecting what they saw in the movie, a comedy. I liked this episode.

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I understand why the therapist scene exists but , seriously we didn’t need an entire episode. Worst episode so far. Thankfully there’s fast forward buttons.

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Did I miss your first movie? :joy:

People are taking this show too seriously, I think. I'm having quite a good time finding out how they wrap the comedy aspects around the missions. Y'all need to relax more.

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Mehhh most boring piece of tv i have seen in a while :sleeping::zzz:

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I was just waiting for the “but did you die tho?” Line and it never came, shame

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Absolutely 100% boring as... what were they thinking?

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What a waste of a chapter dedicated to couple therapy, they are not a couple, they are agents.

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I found this episode quite funny and loved how the therapist was becoming more and more astounded about how intense a coding job is :joy:

Suddenly John turns out to be quite chauvinistic, I did not expect that from him. He wants Jane to need and look up to him more and (because of that?) seems to fall more and more in the caveman role. Obviously Jane is having none of that. I wonder if this is going to be a consistent problem or was it just written in the episode to have something to argue about in therapy...

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Quite a boring episode for the season.

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I started fast-forwarding this episode. Ohhhh the drama. ffs. Next.
Sure its important for setting up for the violent divorce, but come on does it have to be this way? I just felt annoyed and ready to kill Jane myself. Ungrateful passive aggressive piece of sh*t

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