"I wish you were dead"
"So do I"
That fucking hit me hard in the feels...

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When I first saw it, this episode was almost my breaking point. A lot of moments in Mr. Robot have hit too close to home, but this was one moment stretched out over an entire episode and I almost said I couldn't do it. Take your time and wait it out.
Make it to the end. This episode is now a safe haven I return to when I need it. Have patience in yourself.

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"The ending was never the favorite part anyway."
"It was the wishing."

The entire show is a poetry. Season 2 was kind of a letdown compared to season 1 but man it made a fucking great comeback this season.

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What an episode. A complete masterpiece from beginning to end, it could be its own short film and work perfectly.

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As promised , watched again after 12 hours, things make sense now , I guess there is something behind the Back To The Future reference made in the few episodes lately.

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Loved this episode. So deep.

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I love this show so much. That Elliott and Angela scene at the end was perfection.

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Watched it after about 20 mins , didn't have a clue what's going on and who that young boy is, but I can't connect this episode to the previous ones. Need to re-watch. In 12 hours.

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That part with Angela and Elliot speaks volumes about how less is more. Simple set, simple light on the set and yet so powerful with Elliot monologue.

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There is good in the world. I hope that kid plays a President in some future movie or series.

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Mohammed: "The Martian" has 92% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Elliot: That's because most critics have shitty taste.

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ep8 scene where Elliot and Angela sit across each other with the door between them, as he's telling her about "the wishing game" that they used to play when they were young, loved that moment so much, ep8 had a special cinematic feel to it

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Brilliant episode! The scene when Elliot talks to Angela is incredible <3

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There is good in the world. I hope that kid plays a President in some future movie or series.

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"Because you said you were sick" Trenton's little brother is so innocent <3

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I just got hit by a feels train

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Seemed like a filler episode.

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Wow....this episode was so bad... it's on its own league. After like 10 minutes i started to play on my phone something. From time to time i rose my eyes on it and went straight back to the game. This show should have ended last episode.... now nothing happens.!? Why do we keep seeing Darleene and Angela!? They are not doing anything...they dont bring any plot...they're just 2 hysterical women.. that cry... and that's it. Filler episode...you can skip it completely!!!

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This episode was emotional and incredible. I keep thinking the show can't outdo itself, but there it goes again.

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Incredible episode. Scenery was perfect.

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Ugh this episode is so fucking emotional. Every moment was gut wrenching and gosh, those poor families. Definitely not filler. Filler is the entire current season of The Walking Dead. This episode is masterful.

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- Where were you born?
- Trenton.

Right in the feels :'(

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"It's because most critics have shitty taste"

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I really really really wanted Elliot to punch the kid in the face.

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