I know Selena had been ill for a while, but omg what happened to her? Did she eat Bunny and then some? :o not healthy.

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Season 1 wasn't exactly superb but was passable. Season 2 just sucks. Lame story dragged out over 10 episodes and nothing funny along the way.

Please... someone force Selena Gomez to take acting lessons!! She has the acting skills of a cardboard box. At the very least, teach her how to use a non monotone voice, its called inflection I believe.

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Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9.5/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 9/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 44.5/5 = 8.9

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The second season really sucks. It features a complex and illogical story with very poor acting. I will not continue to watch Season 3.

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The second season aimed higher, but at the same time lost some of the spark. The case got more complex and involved more characters, although things mostly went all over the place with obvious red herrings that didn’t add much to the narration. The direction also felt less inspired than in the first season, losing most of those surreal bits that used to spice up the character-driven moments. The chemistry between the core characters still makes the show worth watching though. The dialogue didn’t feel as snappy and witty as it used to be, but it gets better along the way. The setup for the third season also looked pretty interesting.

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OMITB is an example of a series that grows with the seasons. Careful writing, lovable characters, great acting from the cast, and catchy adaptive humor are enough to describe this series.

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A very mediocre season. Too much rambling and general filler. The story is neither tight nor clean. Lots of pointless and useless side stories that detracted from the main story, mostly because they put the main story on hold for several episodes. I would have enjoyed the side stories a lot more if they weren't so tangential.

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Oliver is just horrible in this season. They wrote him to be a shell of the character he was in season 1. Martin Short is still fantastic, but the writers just did a pathetic job with his character.

At least Mabel is a bit more than the non-emotive character she was in season 1. The writers did manage to give Selena a bit more to work with.

Not sure why they couldn't have given more substance to both characters. It isn't exactly like they were strapped for time. This season definitely has a lot of episodes that were really stretched to fill time.

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While I don't think that this season did as much for me as season 1 did, I think that's mostly due to the novelty of the show wearing off. The first season was something equally so unique and captivating that it stood out so much, while this season the show hasn't dropped off at all in terms of overall quality, but the uniqueness is somewhat lost just because the concept of the show isn't as groundbreaking anymore. This feels like an unfair point to make because its no fault of the show for season 2 being less memorable than season 1, but in the end I do think that the novelty being worn off holds this season back just a little bit. Even though I wasn't as in love with this as much as season 1, this is still one of the best written, funniest, and most charming shows out there right now and I still thoroughly enjoyed this season.

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This is exactly what you would expect from a second season. It is of course less "new and exciting" but it's more confident and it knows from the beginning what it wants to be. It gains a few guest stars that want to be in the new shiny thing and it works very well on the knowledge that we are here watching it because we like spending time with those characters. It never made me laugh to the point I had to pause it like it happened twice during season one ma it really entertained me and, apart from the mystery plot and the humour, I liked how characters and storylines evolved. I also liked a lot that it tied everything up and used something (apparently) completely new to set up season three.

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Shout by mookie

While not as good as the fantastic first season, this second season was still entertaining. The cameo by Amy Schumer was a complete misfire and a distraction that didn’t need to be in the season. The casting of Cara Delevingne was not the greatest either, she doesn’t fit in with the vibe of the show. Paul Rudd on the other hand was great. I look forward to next season.

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Bad writing. Bad acting (especially Selena Gomez). Lack of focus.
The big reveal has more holes than Swiss cheese. Though some aspects of it were almost clever.

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The murder mystery was all over the place this season (too many storylines, plotwists just for the sake of it etc) but I do love the show for its fun and silly vibe most of all and it delievered in that aspect!

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