I’m starting to think Cara is definitely not the problem of this season. It’s Amy Schumer. Been better ever since she’s had no screen time! ;-)

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That was a good episode tbh. The party scene was nice, the expo into Ollie's past and with his son was warm but it all came back in the end and wrapped up nicely.

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I wish we saw Alice and Mabel actually go on a date instead of them just telling us they did but otherwise this was the best episode of the season so far. Oliver's and Charles' banter was off the charts in this one!

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so, who's card is it?
when the camera panning to the son of sam card

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Oliver and his dialogue are getting back to season one standards, and that's a wonderful thing.

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Weird how Selina’s boyfriend from season 1 totally disappeared so she can have a girlfriend now. There’s even no mention of him at all.
That’s my only complaint. Otherwise the show is still really good. I just hate when characters disappear from shows

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I don’t get the Cara Delevingne hate. More tolerable than Amy Schumer.

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Why are there random things in the opening title? This week a lamp in Oliver’s room, last week a flip flop on the tree. In ep. 3 there was a champagne next to the trio.

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A lot of reveals this episode and a lot covered! I liked the little meta 'viewer comments' from their fans.

P.s. Prison Jan is giving me Root from Person of Interest vibes. Such sass

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Oliver was on fire this episode.
'That's one layer of the onion I didn't need to peel back'. LMAO

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Another great episode!! Warming up to Cara’s character and she’s fitting in better (genuinely wondering if her previous appearances being in the same eps as Schumer biased how I felt about her tbh). I still wish she and Mabel had better chemistry but this is a better step!

The murder mystery is fun as always and I enjoyed the red herrings; can’t wait for the next episode.

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This season is on fire another excellent episode !!! (Even if CD is in it)

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Now THIS was a great episode - the best of the season so far. Even Cara Deleveigne comes across as decent.

This show does a great job of throwing red herrings around, and even though you tell yourself, surely it can't be them, you wonder, and when you think, oh it must be this side character that shows up once, the show addresses them.

I'm thinking (and I hope I'm wrong) that it's Amy Schumer by accident - given all the artist references. I just hope I'm wrong - that would be let down.

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