i guessed it right! wahooo

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A good ending. Well , happy that they gave a closure for Mabel's love arc and didn't completely forget about it like her first 2 relationships.

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Good, fun episode with a good conclusion to the murder mystery even though I personally wanted it to go a different way. Someone had the theory that Tobert's elephant story didn't actually happen, instead it was an allegory for him watching Ben trip and hang from the elevator door and instead of helping he just watched him die. I found this theory to be brillant. There was also talks about him working with Cinda. I get that the love insterest being a culprit has already been done with Jan but I don't think the actor's chemistry with Selena has been great enough for me to just accept him as nothing more than a LI, but whatever. The actual confessions and motives were well done so I'm not too mad, it was not bad at all, just a tad too predictable for my taste.

The trio has been great again all season and I did adore the musical aspect of the whole season but I hope in S4 we stay more in the Arconia and its resisdents. More Theo please as well and I hope Meryl sticks around!

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Shout by Reiko LJ

The 'twist' was obvious very early in the episode as soon as she confessed. This show has not been subtle at all this season. Perhaps trying to better appeal to the general masses.
And oh look another murder to drag it out another season!

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Not a fan of using very minor characters for big plot points.

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A bit uneven but fun season and a great final and the great charter actress Linda Emond was my favorite

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What a great ending!! For real the finale was worth it and cool mystery for next season..

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A good ending that solves the Murder of Ben and set's up the next murder mystery for season 4. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Loved it! Not every show has to be profound and serious and with crazy plot twists, this is something easy to watch, enjoyable and entertaining. To me it was an improvement from S2.
Every character ends up being so likeable that you don’t want for any of them to be the murderer. I even feel sad for the producer and her son.
My only issue is that 30 episodes later and Mabel has no house, no job, nothing solid and just hers, so I hope next season changes that.
I can’t wait for season 4!

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Not a big fan of musicals and plays but this one I’d have totally enjoyed, such great performances!

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Wow, so unoriginal !!! So soon you figure out the killer, not twist no nothing, dragging season, nothing fresh except from Selina. It is time to cancel it. This does not need anything more. The season was mediocre at best with a very very underwahlimg finale.

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Not the funniest season, but certainly the most thoughtful one with the mother-son relationship concept weaving throughout giving quite a lot of emotional weight that we didn't have before. The same cannot be said though for the trio, I felt there was a plan to emphasize why they still need eachother, and that just went out the window at some point without really explaining it, also erasing how Mabel tried to make others understand that a person actually died, so there was a good drama there that was let go of. Anyway, Jane Lynch! LA! But also more Arconia? I know the "building" part is important, but it's never explored fully, nor they decide to go somewhere else except for now, so LET'S GO!

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but i love sazz!!!

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Possibly the greatest ending I’ve ever seen - what an annoying character!

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Oh look, another obvious murder that be solved so easily in the next season. They need to end this show.

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Please cancel it and make it stop. Huge loss of quality and originality in this season.

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