Shout by Ward
BlockedParent2022-10-10T04:16:00Z— updated 2022-11-12T11:18:40Z

Wow! We're finally going on a classic Rick and Morty adventure, with Rick and Morty!

Nevermind. Shit episode happens. The end.

Or, another condescending pretentious writer writes an episode. The end.

Edit: From a reply i made -

The ending was the best part of the episode, that's how bad it was. I don't care about the jibe against people only wanting solely Rick and Morty adventures. I'm fine whether there is or isn't, as when the situation isn't, it allows more character development for the other characters. So it was a good jibe, and i enjoyed them getting the portal gun back.

But this season and the secondary characters have been so bad that i was liking in the beginning it looked like they were going on a solely Rick and Morty adventure. Then they said nevermind.

Ok then, i guess. Then i hoped the episode would be good and we'd have some good character development or a fun adventure, and not pretentious bullshit like in previous episodes this season.

Then the biggest writer-insert in the entire show appeared in the form of the dinosaurs, speaking the writer's condescending pretentious bullshit to the audience.

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“Dinosaurs are back!”
“Monkeys went bald?”

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Damn, I kinda liked how they'd been focusing on the main earth instead of hopping around. Was a nice change of pace, and the dimensional rift seemed cool.

Ah well.

I guess it's also meant to be social commentary about humanity ignoring all the problems we've got, but it kinda fails at that.

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This episode is some bonkers sci-fi fun masquerading as social commentary that doesn't know exactly what it wants to say (although it does have a vague idea)

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the dinosaurs kicked the paedophile of tik tok. haha

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Appreciate the attempt at social commentary but this just felt oddly serious and boring. Not R&M at its best and not R&M at its most cutting political satire either

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Rick and Morty viewers in the comments - LOL. I don't think I've ever seen more uptight, snobbish fans of a show so utterly ludicrous in every way. Hilarious.

This episode was excellent once again.

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LMAO that Joe Rogan scene

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Enjoyed this one the most this season so far the end montage was hilarious of short lived.

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This show is just beyond cringe at this point and the humour doesn't work at all.

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Another nothing of an episode. Concept was sort of interesting but nothing that cool was really done with it. A lot of the humor fell flat and the pacing felt generally off, like it was simultaneously going too fast and too slow all at once. None of the family had anything going on except for Jerry, and even then his little part of the episode is super minor and not played out to its fullest. Also hated that we've essentially been reset to the pre season 5 statis quo so nonchalantly, was really hoping for an actually interesting conclusion to those plotlines. Also, why are we taking a 6 week break? Did they not notice how bad that was for season 4? The only way I'd be willing to accept it is if the final four episodes are all plot episodes. That would be nice, so it probably won't happen.

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What was that ending about!:thinking:

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Ahaha, when they are shitting about commenters from here, epic.

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Loved Lisa Kudra T-Rex!

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Oh thank god the portal gun is working again

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Eh, not sure how I feel about this one. Creative idea as always but felt a little underwhelming and not sure if I’m a fan with how it ended. Feel a little mixed on this one but overall definitely still enjoyable.

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My favorite so far this season!

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