That was a stupid season/series finale. What a stupid reason to break up the team

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I did not like this episode as a finale. It was just wrong. nuff said.

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This was such a good show! I enjoyed rewatching it and too bad it did not get the season 5 it deserved.

Lots of good actors, and very relatable characters.

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A whole lot of feelings, four words: WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL????

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rated low because this is one of the worst series finale. this was just a planned season finale because of the twist at the end. there should've been another season to close it and not like this

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the season finale is such a bs as well as the whole plot with Florence

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Possibly the least satisfying series finale I have ever seen! Would've made for a very interesting next season, but I guess we'll never know...

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Walter is still the smartest idiot. I think even Raj in Big Bang Theory gets women more.

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I liked it... must admit.. I hate Walter.
He was likeable for 2 seasons since then he was just a selfish asshole

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I can't believe that is how they left it. Like there would be another season. I was hoping for more.........

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Classic CBS. They care more about the dollar that a cliffhanger doesn’t relate to reputation. I feel for the actors having to leave a story left unfinished.

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That's shit, as a teaser to a next season, ok
but not as a final. And Ralph wasn't even a part of it!!!

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This was an amazing Episode but we all know in the end they will get back together! #RIPScorpion? :O

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