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Snowpiercer 2020

The only reason I'm here is Jennifer Connelly.

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Is there anything they won't make in to a detective series

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Mixing climate disasters, social inequality, claustrophobia, a defective story and people willing to do anything is not enough to create something original. So is Snowpiercer, taken for granted right with the first two episodes. By now all we have seen so many series, that if in the first episodes it proves boring, with characters that are too obvious, it is not worth spending time on it.

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Shout by MeowMeowFuzzyface
BlockedParent2020-06-15T16:56:34Z— updated 2021-01-26T11:29:29Z

Snowpiercer is a train I should never have boarded. Stick to the (excellent) film

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Logic doesn’t make sense. They got stowaway’s they don’t want to eject but they have no remorse to cut off someone’s hands & legs? And they have a bunch of carts that have no use but to store the stowaways. Also who maintains all the bridges & tracks? How do they keep the wheels of the train greased? I guess I’ll keep giving it a try but at some point this show might seem stupid.

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I find it amusing how Jennifer Connelly is carrying this TV show solo just like the giant train is carrying the rest of those useless actors trough the piles of snow

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"From the creator of Orphan Black." Well, that's good enough reason for me to watch this. :smile: Trailer seems promising.

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The movie was so much better. I am unsure why someone thought it needed to be a series. I am surprised it's had 3 seasons thus far. I couldn't make it through the entire first season.

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Well, was a decent series and then season 3 came along. So bad a season that even watching at 1.5x speed it was still a case of should've just watched the last 2 mins of each episode. Just makes me want to watch the film again instead.
Would've loved for it to end here and be done with it.
Oh, and also, that guy, such a bad actor for having a leading role, just carries no presence whatsoever, wouldn't even expect this calibre for a minor role - he makes 'The King' from The Walking Dead seem Oscar-worthy (minus the smack from Will Smith.)

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I can’t believe this show got 2nd many better shows than this that didn’t even get a 2nd season. Would be good show if they had better actors & writers. Only 1 strong actress; Jennifer Connely. The cheeseness & stupidity in this show, one would think it’s made by CW (TNT doesn’t usually make stupid shows).

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Snowpiercer? Seriously? Do they really have to remake, reboot, and possibly ruin every good thing out there? It hasn't even been a decade since the film came out.

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I'm in the middle of Season 3 at the moment. The show is getting a little stale at this point. There are too many character arcs at this stage that makes it difficult to keep track of what's happening. It also looks like Jennifer Connelly is all but written out of the show at this point.

I have to drop my rating from 9 (Season 1 and 2) to a 7 for Season 3.

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1st season was not bad, 2nd season was passable. As for the 3rd season utter rubbish, slow, boring with terrible plots. I will not be bothering with series 4 at all.

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Still shitty on season 3. Too much drama and full of non sense

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Shout by Vlad Tepes
BlockedParent2022-01-30T10:26:38Z— updated 2022-07-16T11:21:17Z

Woke drivel and agenda driven rants! Too bad, could have been cool.

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This show bored the sh*t out of me. After two very average seasons I decided to gave it a third chance, which turned out to be another waste of time. How can this get a 73% (at time of writing)? Are you all mental? After the S3 premiere, I'm officially out!

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There is a train and everybody who wants to survive has to be on it. There is no reason to drive the train since you can never get off no matter where it goes. So basically the show is stupid right from the start.

It's people living on a train ... forever.

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Excellent show. The first season was primarily a murder mystery then morphed into a revolution. Can't wait to see what the 2nd season brings. Even though I always suspend my disbelief when it comes to science fiction shows, I still had a little bit of a hard time with the seemingly inconsistencies with the size of the train. Some of the cars look and feel normal size. While other cars look and feel like they're two and three times wider than a normal train car. Also, they sure seem to travel from one end of the train to the other (10 miles) very very fast. But other than that I loved the show - lol.

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Sadly this show does very little with the core concept of the Snowpiercer besides some early exposition about the carts and is instead more concerned about it's pointless crime case and drama and does so with extremely uncharismatic characters (except for the "antagonist"). Having now also proven that the action chops aren't there either and wanting to drag things even further out with a second season I'll gladly exit this ride and get frozen instead.

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I know the plot of the original story is problematic for a lot of folks, unrealistic in many ways, but it felt more like an analogy than an attempt at a concise depiction of "what if". This serial adaptation appears to try to keep a lot of the original premise, while making the story a bit more coherent to a traditional narrative. While it might risk making both types of viewers (conceptual and practical) unhappy, I think I'm going to continue watching and see if they can pull it off.

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‘Snowpiercer’: AMC Picks Up Season 4 After TNT Scrapped Sci-Fi Drama

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Despite the quality premise, a great movie, and a pretty solid season 1, I am glad this show was cancelled. The subsequent seasons seemed to endlessly drag on with almost nothing happening. This will surely be a cult favorite to many, but I think for the larger audience, there is better comparable projects out there.

Average Season Review: 6.67/10

Recommendation: Skip (For Dystopian Sci-Fi Fans)

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Shout by sdgdg
BlockedParent2022-03-31T05:29:30Z— updated 2022-04-06T00:59:36Z

this show has some good things going on but has unfortunately been on a steady decline since it started, almost dropped it completely during season 3

jennifer connolly and sean bean outshine daveed diggs (layton) to such an obscene degree that it's just confusing that we're still supposed to consider him a central character

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The original film has a dumb premise. A perpetual motion train engine that keeps running around the world on the oddly still maintained single global track - despite a global catastrophe freezing the entire world.

It never made a lick of sense.

But ok... the film used this conceit to tell a fairly tight story about class.

So why turn it into a TV series? Desperation for content perhaps.

The result is a boring mess that after a reasonably competent opening then follows it up by showing how infected with "modern" writing it is.

I managed to get three episodes in before I just couldn't bring myself to invest any more time or effort in it.

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Incredibly boring characters, the way colours and lightning are handled is making the show hideous to look at. I could not finish even the pilot episode. I was not a fan of the movie, although it has some great qualities. Those qualities do not exist in this trash.

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When will we get season four!? Want to see how it ends! My understanding is that it was shot and edited during the pandemic but then TNT dropped it for some reason.

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My interest in this show plummeted after episode 2, twice. Left it a few years to try again and still can't push forward.

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Got potential but the execution missed its mark. I was more interested in the fucking in THE ICE!!:joy:

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Just seen season four has been cancelled

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I’m enjoying this show. I liked the movie, and I think the show expands on the concept, while building more characters and new story arcs. The show has a Battlestar Galactica vibe to it, which I find interesting.

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2021-06-20T23:44:04Z— updated 2023-03-11T14:33:17Z

This series had been on my radar for a long time, but the premise kept me from beginning it (really!?! All humanity left on a train?!?). But, once I took a deep breath and stalwartly suspended disbelief, it didn’t take long for me to be lost in the story. Great cast, interesting points of view, diverse characters, universal themes. Unfortunately, I thought the series was over, so my binge came to a cliff hanging stop at the end of season 2. But, good news, Season 3 ends filming in a few more weeks, so it might drop late 2021 or early 2021. UPDATE: I've watch and enjoyed all of the series, now. I give this series a 7+ (very good) out of 10. [Apocalyptic Drama]

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We’re two seasons in now and, after watching it because it was interesting enough, I’m watching it now because I look forward to it.

The second season showed the character dynamic and story has plenty of room to grow. It has some of the best acting of the series, especially from unexpected characters. It all made me feel more invested.

This is turning similarly to how I viewed The Expanse. It was slow to begin with while building up the world inside it. Then you start liking the characters and the action even more. Hooked.

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Snowpiercer was a mediocre show until Sean Bean appeared, and now I love it.

He’s completely turned the show around for the better. I adore Sean Bean and part of me hates him as this character; he plays it too well, just to see him on screen in this part makes my skin crawl and feel physically ill!

Season one started well, but it appeared to be turning in to a detective show and I was losing interest. A brilliant turn around with the story of Mr Wilford and his twisted and sick reality. Now I’m looking forward to each episode again, but there is only two episodes left of season 2. Here’s to a 3rd season.

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The only reason this garbage of a show gets any traction is because of corona virus. Once people get vaccinated, the ratings going to drop & hopefully it gets cancelled.

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Shout by Jurre97
BlockedParent2020-08-07T05:58:49Z— updated 2022-10-13T14:56:13Z


  • Visuals + Setting
    • Plot

Season one has a couple of highlights which are a good intro to explain the setting, amazing acting performances, interesting characters, morales, great and sometimes shocking works of CGI. But the good does not comply the ugly. There are plenty of times that the acting isn't in place and the plot feels dumb. The citizens of Snowpiercer don't feel as real people as they make irrational decisions and act inhumane to certain events that occur.

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Very good series with good actors, a great plot and a good ending of season one

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Started with good momentum right out of the station, but by episode 4 it just started to go off the rails. The initial episodes were okay, with some intriguing potential, but flat, predictable writing means that promise was never realized.

If you've seen the movie, there's really no reason to watch this show.

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Shout by Deleted

The story lacks any logical explanation of why the train has to keep moving? The risks involved of running on unmaintained track over staying still beats me. Having said that there remains a compulsion to watch.

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It lacks the visual style and grit of the movie and something makes it all feel a bit cheap, there's a weird moment were "bodyshaming Europeans" come into play but overall this wasn't as bad as I feared it coud be... yet (for the full 4 mins the show was on my mind since it came pretty much out of nowhere).

As a kid I enjoyed making my own Tex Avery-like busses, wacky vehicles and hi-tech houses that had pools, tenniscourts, cinema's and everything else in it whether it made sense or not. Snowpiercer's 1000+ carts are therefore a dream come true and I hope they step into this world and make it possible.

The premise of the "only detective on the train" is a bit cliché and ludicrous but let's roll with it. Having that other charactern as the villain could be interesting too. Let's hope woke-culture and modern-references are kept to a minimum... There's enough in the concept of the train to give us decent storytelling.

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"We want chicken!!!" better not make a fucking appearance on here!!!

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