Probably just me, but Elbrun looks and is dressed similarly like Will Farrell in Elf. Except Farrell’s Elf is a lovable character and Elbrun is annoying and generally a butthead.

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To belong... that is all, that is everything. ♡

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This is one of my I-don't-like-'em episodes. It seems useless and a waste of time. I would rather have learned more about the alien. Instead the focus lies on Elbrun, an unlikeable fellow to begin with, who, in my eyes never redeems himself.
And than there is the question of the purpose of this whole story. I just saw an interview with Michael Piller where he said that the guest stars are a catalyst through which our heros learn something about themselfs. They shouldn't be the center. This episode doesn't follow up on that. And as good as Data's realization about himself at the end is, it was never established that he harboured doubts about being on the Enterprise. So all of this is rather fruitless.

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What a glacially dull episode with a really terrible guest character.
Geordie sure does shout a lot when talking on the comm or to the computer.

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