“Your head is not an artifact!”

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As a sci-fi short story with the Enterprise crew, it's kind of a mystery with a horror aspect. It's a little "WTF", and a little cheesy at times, but, even as an adult, it retains that allure and tone of tense mystery. The only thing I remembered from seeing it as a kid was the android head and the tone, and I don't consider it a let-down.

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Riker to Data: "It's just that 'Our neural pathways have become accustomed to your sensory input patterns.'"

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Shout by FinFan

And with this we finally learn how Picard and Guinan meet. Have met ? Will meet ? Isn't time travel exciting ?
I always like to think through this kind of story. Guinan (from the present) obviously knows what has happenend as indicated by her comments and suggestion to Picard. And since they found Data's severed head all this seems to indicate it indeed has all happened already. Now, we know Guinan has a unique perception of time but if all of this has happened then why does no one remember ? Am I missing something, I was skipping some lectures on temporal science you know.
Interesting to see that Guinan is at least 500 years old, could be even a couple hundreds more, and that she might have ran away from her real home which in turn saved her from the Borg. I like that kind of background. Yeah, the aliens, that's a bit off. But as I said I think this is not that important as it is but the background for the real plot.
The sets and costumes are great, too. Overall I really enjoyed this first part

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A really interesting concept for an episode, but poorly executed. Why did it need to have Mark Twain in it? The weird aliens with the snake cane makes no sense…

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