I wanna rizz up B'Elanna so bad, Klingon Rizzpire

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Chakotay mentions it himself and that's exactly the weak point: this story has happened before in TNG. Are they now starting to copy stories from TNG. Other than the first signs of a romance between Tim and B'Elanna this is another inconsequential episode. Neither Tuvok nor Kim will remember anything ...

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An Episode we have Seen 100 Times before. Some of them are better. Some of them worse.
Why coudn t tuvok leave a holoversion of him at The Station. Since it Is ok to Fall in Love with a Hologram?

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Neelix: Tuvok, you forgot to RSVP.
Tuvok: That was not an oversight, I assure you:nail_care:

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This week on Catfish, TUVOK meets a "hot blonde lady".

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Been there, done that. Move along, nothing to see her.

Seriously, this feels like about half a dozen scripts thrown together. And what comes out at the end is neither thrilling nor very engaging. We are still at the point, where whatever a character discovers about himself, will be of little consequence moving forward.

But that Resort set must have been very expensive to build. They use it to death. And I found Sandrine's much mor interesting.

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