Funny, entertaining, suspenseful, a high stakes story, great stage design (I wonder what they build the Prometheus for - that's extremely ambitious stage design for just one episode), A-plot: Zimmerman's creations become unlikely heroes; great B-plot: Seven and B'Elanna in the Astro Lab. One of my favorite episodes. It's not even an isolated, inconsequential episode: it takes Voyager's mission seriously and advances the overaching story arch; it adds a chapter to the Dominion wars from DS9; it has Romulans; it foreshadows the Hirogen. It's just great.

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I was waiting for the day Alpha Quadrant knows about Voyager!

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Shout by FinFan

I am all in for a fun episode with The Doctor. And it was time to finally reconnect Voyager with the Alpha Quadrant in some form. But the two ideas don't go along well. Re-establishing contact should have had more weight and not be a side effect.
I also looking very much forward to the Hirogen arc. They are so much more interesting than the Kazon. I actually had to surpress a laugh when Seven mentioned, a couple episodes back, that the Kazon were not worth assimilating. I interpret that as the late realization by the writers how weak the Kazon had been.
But alltogether the fun is what makes this episode worth while and it was a turning point in more than one way.

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This episode still cracks me up after all these years. Hilarious! Robert Picardo is BRILLIANT!

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