A great look at conspiracies and how they can originate. You can basically make every case with whatever evidence you have because you'll always adapt it to your theory. Something that is very much true today. The part with Janeway and Seven on the Flyer was a bit too thick but that's my personal opinion.
But, man, would I like an alternate version where the first of Seven's theories were true ?

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Janeway beaming over to the shuttle. Man that was some intense conversation! How did these two not become a thing??

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I really loved this episode, so much fun to see the different relationships that Seven has formed.

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Fair. After my re-watch I gave an extra point to this episode. It's now a 7/10. I didn't see it's relevance in my first runs but given recent pandemic and political events, I've seen stranger conspiracy theories that twisted the minds of otherwise intelligent people. A witty tale telling you how intelligent people can spiral into conspiracy theories. Seven is again front and center. And she is great. I don't like the fact that she is actually successful to pull the crew's legs. Isn't it obvious that Seven is malfunctioning due to her alcove database download experiments? It takes a long time before the crew understands what's going on with Seven.

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After a really promising set up it all got a bit silly, but I still found it quite enjoyable. The final scene on the shuttle with Janeway and Seven was quite lovely and heartfelt, although I would put that far more down to the performances rather than the script.

This episode may contain the first example in television history of two character resolving a serious misunderstanding based on false information by just having a quick conversation. Seriously, in most stories the Janeway/Chakotay standoff would have been the entire crux of an episode because fictional characters are usually incapable of talking to each other.

Did we ever get an explanation for the strange tractor beam in the image?

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not my favourite seven of nine episode. Seeing her messed up like that is kind of sad. But it's credible.

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I highly doubt Janeway could quote Stardates like she does toward the end. But otherwise an entertaining episode.

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