Star Trek meets Shakespeare? Sounds like an odd mix, but it works very well.

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LOOK: 60
FEEL: 85

Quirky episodes like this one, whether good or bad, tend to stick with the fans for decades. This is Star Trek going Shakespearean, and it’s oddly fascinating and surprisingly natural. Star Trek doing Shakesopereand murder mystery is even better. I also love the way Kirk goes all out suave lover boy, while Spock starts investigating Kirk’s past actions. Even though the story is tense, it allows for some fine character moments and never turns theatrical. It turns a bit overly dramatic towards the end though.

81% = :white_check_mark:

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A good episode, but something felt off. Having Lenore kill people to protect her father just doesn't seem to fit. There had to be another way to resolve this episode.

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The story ain't even bad. Kirk is painful to watch, though. I don't blame the actor, but does he always needs to womanize? Does Kirk always needs to be that stubborn? Not telling his crew what's going on? He's a liability to the ship. And his idea of hands-on justice isn't representative for a future justice system I hope. Arrest him, let the authorities and justice decide his faith.

And do women always need to signal their sexual desire in such an apparent way? And do women always need to resemble Playboy bunnies? And do they always need to be emotion-driven and crazy insane (while men are composed and reasonable)? I mean, it's the 60's and standards were different but this show was never a champion of women's rights ....

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Pretty corny with the Shakespeare, almost embarrassingly so.

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What the hell was this?

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This one's for those of us who can't get enough Shakespeare with our Star Trek. This is one of those episodes that seems like they wrote the story based on the props and costumes they had lying around. It certainly gave the impression that this was a budget saving episode. Even with the great Gerd Oswald directing, this one is as dull as a rubber ball. The casting was way off. Never once did the actor playing Kodos (the mass killer) relay that his character was capable of such a thing.

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I was making a list with my favorite Star Trek episodes so far, but now I've seen so many I've loved it became irrelevant. I'm becoming increasingly in love with this series.

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another member of the 'i'm a girl and i'm insane' cinematic universe

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Shout by FinFan

At it's core a good mystery with an unexpected twist at the end. A little bit high on pheromones at the beginning.

But what I find a little bit disturbing is that Kirk is looking for proof that it is Kodos, not to bring him to justice but to decide whether to kill him or not. There never really is talk about turning Karridian over and Kirk even tells his daugther that if he is Kodos he gave him more mercy then he deserves.

Really good performances again by the guest stars.

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