There’s just no gettin’ round how much that stalactite Kirk grabs looks like a giant pink styrofoam mcjohnson.

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Shout by FinFan

The old dream of immortality. A civilization building machines that ultimately will overcome them. The moral questions of playing god for the greater good. All those are typical traits of scifi that will be used again throught all of Star Trek.

And they did it well here. Sure, on a rewatch, when you already know the story, the revelations in the plot don't work that well. But I remember they did on my first watch.

I like Ted Cassidy in here a lot. He's an intimidating figure and it's very easy to believe he can throw Kirk around like a puppet. I'm not sure what the title refers to. My guess is the "little girl" is Andrea and since the androids are made from some gooey mass.... well, makes as much sense as anything I guess. But she was crucial for the story in that she started to display feeling. And that ultimately led to their doom. There's another metapher to think about.

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Weird name but whatever. Really good :thumbsup:

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2021-11-16T17:29:59Z— updated 2024-02-02T01:43:20Z

Is that the monster from Murnau's Nosferatu? Christine's skirt is inappropriately short for an away mission. So I thought. Entering Andrea dressed in a piece straight from JLo's 2000 Grammy wardrobe. Is that bold and sexy? Or is it plain 1960s sexism? Yeah, probably....

It's not a bad episode. Only caves and the laboratory (and the cloning procedure) look bad. It's apparently what scientists isolated from society do for love and satisfy their scientific curiosity. What could go wrong? Classic Star Trek.

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So why's the giant android guy wearing a nite gown and bath robe?? Is this an early transtesticle???

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A much more action-oriented episode with more dynamic shots than usual! Pretty exciting overall and kept me at the edge of my seat constantly. The giant reminded me of the "To Serve Man" episode from The Twilight Zone.

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LOOK: 65
FEEL: 65

We finally get a traditional sci-fi adventure in the style of Doctor Who with this episode. This is Star Trek the way it’s never been before. It’s Star Trek goes Frankenstein in this one, as we deal with the downsides of technological innovation and experimentation. This is also a good look of the creative future technology the writers have come up with. This Kirk-centric episode allows for more character exploration and fine-tuned acting with some impressively directed shots.

70% = :heavy_minus_sign:

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Ruk is an absolute unit, he flew all over the place like a giant wide putin

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A bit edgier than I was expecting, but still enjoyable. The plot was full of twists and turns.

Content Concerns: Kirk is seen shirtless; a female humanoid character wears a tight, low-cut dress that also exposes her side and part of her back; two characters die (off-screen); one character is a bit freaky-looking; a derogatory usage of the term "half-breed"; lots of emotional intensity.

Score: 4/5

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Got TOS on Blu-ray and watching the show for the first time. Was inspired to check it out after digging Beyond so much. This was my favorite episode so far. Genuinely excited and I actually gasped a few times. The giant guy was great. Semi-spoiler for first 20 minutes: Also...uh...was a fan of the female android uniform. Seemed pretty racy for 1960s primetime.

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A cool proper little sci-fi tale with androids and mystery. It isn't particularly deep and falls apart when really deconstructed (Corby is okay with removing love/kindness to create a better civilisation? Becoming an android doesn't transfer your consciousness, it just creates a copy so the original you is still going to live an die). Great guest stars, and the Kirk double was fun.

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