Funny her name is Elaan, coz she has none... Lololol

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She's a mixture of Cleopatra, Barbarella and a female cast member from Baywatch. What a swimsuit! And she got an attitude. A French diva. Kirk of course knows how to handle her. Even if that means slapping her in the face. He's a natural ladies' man. Who cares about her wish not being married? Kirk will talk some sense into this woman.

This episode is basically like a blueprint for every Lwaxana Troi episode. A demanding and eccentric ambassador causes trouble everywhere she goes. I mean she is from Troyius (or marries someone from Troyius). Naming her Troi is probably a homage to this episode. She turns out to be less likeable than Lwxana, but still ...

The rest of the episode is mediocre. For a brief moment it's exciting when the Klingon ship is suddenly appearing while the Enterprise is sabotaged but most of the time it's a 5/10. We don't even get to see the marriage ceremony. The depiction of alien weddings were always one of my most favorite parts in Star Trek

PS: I like the ambassador guy's skin and hair. An eclectic mixture of Shrek and -don't know- Robert Redford on a bad hair day.

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Shout by D.seL

Could have been a much better episode, if they would have stuck with the initial premise of teaching the brat how to be civil, instead of wasting it on the usual fluff. Now that would have been interesting to see.

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Gross fratenization and dereliction of duty from Kirk abounds on TOS

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Kirk hits her, insults her, basically calls her a man's property, how could she not fall for him after all that, right? Disgusting and painful to watch.

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This episode was brought to you by Captain Kirk, yet again trying to get laid. This episode was just so lame and boring

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There's a peperoni pizza slice, sabotaging the ship. This is in my top 3 list of worst episodes. With the previous one being one of the other three.

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Apparently I can recognize Dr Shrinker no matter how much makeup he has on.

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Kirk was literally standing beside the Ambassador's bed when the later told Chapel about the tears. You could say it was to low for him to understand. But McCoy obviously did and he was about the same distance as Kirk.

Yeah, well - 60s TV.

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