I mean, it's still better than most anything else out there, but I'm frustrated by the long episodes on a show that I bought into for the half hours. That situation is made so much worse when they're wasting so much time on this Nate arc. You burned that character so badly at the top of the season and before that I not only don't care if he gets the girl, I'm actively wishing he weren't. Just cut out that storyline and stay with the club and it's current connections and you could have well timed episodes back and be 10 stars all the way!

sidenote - never thought there could possibly be a more likable character than Sam, but then boom, his dad walks in.

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Shout by Dog Watching TV
BlockedParent2023-04-26T06:31:51Z— updated 2024-05-19T03:42:43Z

Magellan with his inflatable dingle crossing the ocean to save England with future doctors, lawyers, and scientists. So brave.

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Every week this show gets me right in my feels :sob::joy::heart:

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Roy Kent is the best thing about this show

“I hate what you’ve done to me”
“Make it stop..” :joy:

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Never thought I'd be the one commenting this but the political stuff was heavy handed and a bit much this episode. On the other side of it though I really liked Sam's dad and he looks like the type of person that would be amazing to get a hug from.

I was worried they were rushing the Keeley x Jack stuff but it ended up quite realistic. I can be quite over the top when I really like someone and gifts are definitely a love language of mine. If I had the resources that Jack does I'd be terrible! Glad it was handled well and they talked it through. That's all it takes, good communication.

And I'll reiterate that it's frustrating they're trying to soften our view of Nate as the season goes on. He can fuck off and doesn't deserve the cute restaurant host.

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Ted Lasso is in full flow once more. Bringing the laughter and tears yet again. It's incredible how much they've made us care about these characters. (Even Trent's been infected).

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Who'd have thought that a TV show about soccer could be both funny as hell and such a tearjerker.

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toheeb jimoh get your emmy sir :sob::sob:

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Best episode of the season and one of the best episodes of the show. We're starting to see the long form of storytelling this show is using, and it's best exemplified in the Total Football strategy. Trent said it best: it's going to work because it's the Ted Lasso way. Ever since Ted showed up at Richmond he has fundamentally changed the hearts and minds of the players on his team into a culture of trust, selflessness, care, and support. Total Football is the ultimate team strategy built on these values, and therefore it is the perfect strategy for a team that has adopted the Ted Lasso way. It's just beautiful writing. On top of that this episode had the great humor and character moments we've come to expect out of the show. Ted Lasso is firing on all cylinders right now.

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These hour long episodes aren't working for me but that was a lovely ending.

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Tell me you're not gonna randomly think of Roy Kent's suggestion to tie a string from five guys to one, and crack up inappropriately. I don't even trust myself that far. That's like Eddie Murphy's bear sh*tting in the woods next to a rabbit joke.

Of course, there was so much more in this episode -- so great.

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This was a hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Brilliant.

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Shout by Silrog
BlockedParent2024-05-23T08:48:20Z— updated 2024-05-24T08:52:04Z

No idea why people are annoyed by "woke" or political content but consider strings connecting dicks quality content.

My rating is mostly based on the "hilarious" strings theme.

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Shout by Demsk
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-03-13T21:59:08Z— updated 2024-03-15T09:49:36Z

A grown man calling a grown woman girl is :face_vomiting:
I despise Nate so much that I can't even look at him.

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It really is stunning to see the different ways in which people watch this show. This was easily the worst episode of the season so far, and even more disappointing given the previous episode was so outstanding.

It seems like so many want to watch this as if it was a soap opera. This show works best when characters are developed, such as we saw in the previous episode. This show has been stagnant since season 1. Most episodes (like this one) are simply moving characters around as if they were furniture (not unlike the last several seasons of Shameless). I felt like I was a fly on the wall to view how mundane life can be. You get a few hacky comments by Ted, a few grunts by Roy... rinse, repeat. At its worst, the show feels like it was written by an AI bot that had been fed season 1 and was asked to write a new season.

Don't take my word for it, they knew that the writing is weak. That's why a music bed permeated the entire episode.

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Extremely funny episode, the string thing had me in tears.
No need for woke and PC stuff on the show, stop doing that on everything.

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Amazing slapstick in another incredibly wholesome episode, just making me swoon.

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Wife thought the string part was hilarious...

Who gets to be gay next week?

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I love that this show leaves me feeling good

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I continue to be confused by Nate's arc. I get (or at least assume) that this relationship is most likely a stepping stone towards his 'redemption.' Problem is, they've solidly established Nate as a villain for this season, and haven't given us much reason at all to think kindly towards him. So why should we root for this relationship of his to work out? At least not at this juncture. Show more progress before doing this.

Leaving the broken mirrors in Ola's as they are is symbolic and all, but that's a hazard to guests! Someone could easily cut themselves on it. At least put plastic or glass over it.

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Time for Tiki Taka Mfers

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Finally a great episode!!! this season was kinda low than the first 2 seasons and i was really upset but this episode prove they can make a great episodes as before!!!
totally liked it

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Shout by Douglas

Wow, I didn't expect they'd go into it, but bravo! I'm not sure if people who don't follow football will understand all the references Sam made but oh well, the "shut up and dribble" is a good enough summary.

That chaotic experiment. :rofl:

And good on Nate for finally listening more and stop getting stuck inside his head thinking of all the ways things can go wrong in his life. I've noticed Rupert has been missing for a while now so I wonder if their next interaction will be less amicable or what.

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It didn't make sense for Jack to be a love-bomber.
Love-bombing is a narcissistic behavior derived mainly from low self-esteem, life-long fears of abandonment, and a desperate, constant need for reassurances. Nate would've been a textbook love-bomber, yet he brushed off the crushing of his elaborate gift way too easily to frame that as a moment of character growth.

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