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The 100

Season 6

Whoever writes this drivel watched Altered Carbon and wanted their own one.

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Season 6 and I'm still watching this crap!! Why?? I have no idea, it's stupid and pointless. 4/10

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How the F can this season have such a high rating? They've completely molested the show with all this cult of "immortals", supernatural/magical anomaly gibberish and resurrecting of dead characters. When Kane came back in a new body in episode nine just to die a second time I lost hope...
This show deserved a better faith...

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quite possibly the most brainless series currently on TV. their trick is to cover the same storylines with the same core group of actors. then once that's done they do the same thing again but in a different place. its bad, it's always been bad and i imagine it always will be bad. its too dumb to be called escapism and just popular enough to avoid getting cancelled. if you like soap-operas that require you to switch your brain off then this is the show for you. you have been warned.

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This is a show i've loved since the beginning and i still do. IN MY OPINION the writing of the characters is great, and what i mostly view this show as is as an experimental one. Which I LOVE. The setting and mix of modern, sci-fi and warrior culture (i don't know how to describe this point exactly) is something i've always liked. And I don't mind them diving into even more sci-fi this and the coming season. I really felt the need to comment something more positive here, since other people like to just call something crap or brainless without saying what is.

*If you're looking for dimensional characters you'll find them in the 100. If you're looking for an interesting world to learn about (like me), that's what you'll find. *

I appreciate this show A LOT, for all the boldness of the creators, they take their chances and don't hold back like so many other shows do. They didn't go with the SAFE choice with this season. And enough people appreciate that.

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