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The Crown

Season 1

I just love this TV show. Though I cannot verify how much truth is in this production, the storytelling is amazing. The pictures are definitely worth seeing. As a fan of Downton Abbey this is definitely even a step up – the right amount of drama and an even bigger budget as well as a little history.
I'm really looking forward to the next season.

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I thought this was going to be more expository. Show a hidden ugly side of the Royal family. But this feels too tame. I was really expecting scandal, borderline defamation. But this show feels like it was sucking up to the Royal family.
Might as well read the Wikipedia page instead

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I wasn't going to watch this show, but my wife watched the first 2 episodes and told me to give it a shot because it was quite good.

Now I'm hooked..

It's always hard to know what is real and what is fiction in period pieces, but in the grand scheme of things the minor details shouldn't really matter. It seems believable, so I'll watch it as such.

I was surprised to find it's 5 seasons so far... we're only just coming to the end of season 1, so I've got lots to look forward to... especially when there's nothing on during the Christmas/New Years time of the year.

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The production value is high, and it is a solid show. Vanessa Kirby is absolutely fantastic and easily the best thing in the show. It's not especially exciting, and the characters don't feel as dynamic as I'd like, but the performances and writing is good. Honestly the biggest frustration for me is how utterly stupid all of the quandaries they face are - it's all this pointless massaging of opinions and political maneuvering that doesn't actually benefit anyone and exists solely because of the archaic monarchical traditions that exist. It's hard to fault the show for that because it is historically accurate, and if anything they highlight the way the crown forces the sacrifice of a personal life and relationships because you have to prioritize the country and appearances over the people you care about. It is an interesting topic that was clearly the focus of the season, but it is also irritating to watch unfold over and over again.

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Duke of Edinburgh, but sexy
The Crown is the most expensive series Netflix produced to date and i really looks like it is. It can definitely parallel Peter Morgan's earlier imagination of Queen Elisabeth in "The Queen". But for me the real star is Matt Smith as Prince Philip. Often times he is just standing or sitting in the backround of a scene, but in the most elegant and at the same time chilled way i ever saw.
The Crown is an ambitous project, set out for six seasons (and a movie?), and it could become an epic telling of Queen Elisabeth II.'s life.

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I'm not waiting until I finish this series to write the review. You should start watching it right away. Although there are definitely rise and falls in this telling, but the highs are spectacular. What a fantastic series! And straight on the heels of the first season of Victoria! (I couldn't help seeing the similarities in the lives of these two women thrust into majestic lives.) Must see series, both of them, may they both have as numerous seasons as their inspirational queens had decades of reign The Crown is on Netflix, and stars Matt Smith and Claire Foy with a fantastic characterization by John Lithgow of Churchill. I give it a 9.5 (spectacular - more 10 episodes than 9) out of 10. The death of George (episode 2) and the anointing of the queen during the coronation (episode 5) moved me to tears. Victoria has already aired in the UK and is available for streaming, but will be on PBS in January.

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