the protags get somehow more emotionally immature and embarrassing to the point where i'm incredibly confused over whether we were ever meant to root for them, every scene in this gets increasingly more miserable and self masturbatory in how it puts its characters through complete torture with no payoff and it's sealed off with revoltingly homophobic overtones. subversive revolutionary writing at work i guess!

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Seeing Tetris cry did give me some form of joy, but another pathetic episode

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Truly, truly painful to watch. Terrible. Shit. Trash. Big yikes.

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I think Abel is really deteriorating his image in this series like.... He was the most sexy man in the music industry and now he looks really cringe in my opinion... It's just sad...

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But seriously……..what was HBO thinking?

This show is absolutely awful. The cinematography is decent, but everything else is so bad. Art is subjective and people's views are different, but just on a base level, this show isn't art. It's "im14andthisisdeep" levels of writing.

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the most misogynistic and homophobic thing on tv. It's just disgusting

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It's getting harder to watch this.
What was that with Troye Sivan?

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Enough already! I stopped watching half-time through this episode. What a piece of crap. The participating actors promised some quality, they just don‘t deliver. The writing seems to be from a bunch of 14 year olds. The mysoginy is off the charts. The young girl with the interesting lyrics is the only decent charcter in this show. The rest of them I despise.

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At this point, I don't even know why I'm making myself suffer by watching this sht.

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Out of everything that’s wrong, there’s so many wardrobe inconsistencies, that just shows how of a poor and rushed job they did with the reshoots

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