That shit was beautiful man.

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Probably the most beautiful episode of anything you could ever watch. What a masterpiece of show The Orville has become.

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As a diehard old school trekkie, I have fully fallen for this show. This episode is the best so far, and wonderfully written. Just had to throw my +1 in there for everyone saying this show is better Trek than all the newer Treks.

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This is a classic and by far my favourite episode so far. Gordon is great.

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WOW this was a good episode. I loved everything about it. Truly one of the best episodes this season next to Alara's exit.

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Shout by Ahmed Hamdy
BlockedParent2019-03-22T18:34:48Z— updated 2019-05-31T15:29:07Z

I really had to stop and write a comment about my favourite 3 lettered word, WTF , does it really mean Wireless Telecommunications Facility? :P That cracked the hell out of me laughing XDD

On the other hand, I really feel bad about Gordan, he is so lonely.

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Strongest episode of the series so far, even without space battles, this really said alot in one little episode and was beautifuly acted. The Orville has really grown into its own show now.

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I was rather surprised to discover the lack of an easy and bog-standard SF trope classic: the massive plot-twist ending reveal of how this was all either a novel the girl was working on or an inflated ego. Playing it straight was an unusual choice that I didn't expect and they pulled it off thanks to the show's well-developed characters. Not what I expected and they pulled off what SF often tries to do but often fails at: looking at today's world with a future perspective without sarcasm, rancor or sounding preachy.

It's kinda different as a SF story but for all the right reasons.

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Gordon is right on, it's not unhealthy...bring on the AI sex robots! Especially if they can make them look like Leighton Meester!! (as long as they don't talk, nag or cry too much...or wig out and turn me into a billion paperclips)

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Anyone else ever notice that Bortus seems to ALWAYS have some level of drama going on? Think about it; the gender of his kid, public urination, porn addiction, his spouse killing someone, facial hair, nicotine addiction... I know I must have missed some but you get the gist of it...

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I don’t really get why it’s inappropriate for this relationship to happen… when Claire is having a relationship with a robot that lacks freewill. Wouldn’t this be healthy when you’re on a military ship? Having your children and partner on a ship that could be blown up seems a little dangerous…

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I don’t really get why it’s inappropriate for this relationship to happen… when Claire is having a relationship with a robot that lacks freewill. Wouldn’t this be healthy when you’re on a military ship? Having your children and partner on a ship that could be blown up seems a little dangerous…

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I don’t really get why it’s inappropriate for this relationship to happen… when Claire is having a relationship with a robot that lacks freewill. Wouldn’t this be healthy when you’re on a military ship? Having your children and partner on a ship that could be blown up seems a little dangerous…

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Oh, it's Geordi falling in love with a holodeck character again! The Orville truly is the Star Trek show that Trekkies want.

BTW: Tim Russ looks weird without pointy ears!

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ddictions are bad, whatever they are if you can not control them, It's strange to see Leighton Meester good after seeing her in Gossip girl :-)

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This is merely an okay episode for The Orville. So little 6-7 our of 10 basically. There's just not a lot interesting going on.

I have to assume everyone else reviewing these episodes are 12 because I very MUCH remember smoking on TV when I was a kid in the late 80s-90s

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Shout by dgw

Besides the joy at seeing Tim Russ (whose presence in the script ended too early), this felt very "seen it" and "paint by numbers". It's possibly one of the most predictable episodes of The Orville—in both the main and "B" plots.

Was it cute? Yes. Sure. But not enough to make up for seeing every last turn coming.

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OK, I do it again. I make the comparison.
Why is this more Trek than today's "real" Trek ? Because, although they are reheating old TNG stories, they are telling them about all the crew. Not just centered around one individiuum. This is an ensemble show. Everyone get's his share. Some more than others but that is true to most shows anyway. The writers are building up characters so that, when something is happening to them, you actually feel with them. There is emotional investment that is created over time.
And because they deal with social issues even if they are very much in your face. But it works for me. I can't remember a show displaying smoking so blatantly.
Of course it's always nice to see fellow ST actors. And, coming back to the story, I kinda suspected Laura would turn out to be a distant relative of Gordon. Would have probably a bit too much.

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This is easily my favorite episode of the series so far.

"The universe is not governed by individual perception. It matters what's true."

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So this episode started with me smiling like a retard upon seeing Tuvok! It makes me wonder if any of the "A-Lister" cast will ever appear. Hell anyone would be great to see but having a Shatner, Stewart or Spiner... * mind blown *

The smile didn't really disappear even though it was quite a sad episode in ways. I didn't like Gordon very much in the first few episodes of the first season but now he's a favorite.

PS Seems like I placed a comment on the wrong episode last week. Oops!

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Gordian's weird...Kelly dropping some #RealTalk at the end there. hot damn..great episode nonetheless

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Another excellent episode. I’m not sure there is so much negativity with this show. It’s entertaining.

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smoking moclans were hilarious :joy:

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First off: someone please create a "Blue Blob-face Creature Dictionary" like they did with the Klingon one back in the day, PLEASE!

Even though the end of the last episode and the beginning of this one is a bit jarring I once again enjoyed this episode very much.
I doubt a race that's hellbent on destroying your culture for years/decades would be very happy about being treated like they were (pee-cups and cavity searches and all) but I guess the Krill have plenty to lose against the Kaylon too?

I missed Gordon's sweet-sweet singing voice very much... I'd watch a musical-episode of this show just cause of it even though I hate musicals. As a matter of fact: just make Gordon get some kind of musical-space virus making him the only one who just has to sing in one of the future episodes.

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Wow I was impressed. Real deep.....

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