In case this ends up being the series finale, I'm glad they didn't end it on a cliffhanger, but I hope Disney renews it.

I think the episode was good. It was nice to have a fun episode again after so many serious episodes. I don't think it was as good as those, but the last episode felt more like the epic conclusion to the season while this was more of an epilogue, so that was fine.

Was happy to see Alara return! If the show gets renewed, I would love to see Alara return full time, and Lysella will be an interesting addition to the show as well. Although I have to admit, I didn't remember her previous episode, but I loved the way they gave a great explanation for what is essentially Star Trek's prime directive.

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A reasonably satisfying conclusion to the season, open-ended enough to allow for a fourth season if it's picked up again but with enough closure that it can function as a series finale if not.

Unsurprisingly, barely any reference is made to the events of last week. Lysella returns from the social-credit planet and Alara comes back for a surprise appearance near the end, but this episode otherwise tries to exist independent from past events. I wished for more reflection on "Domino", but can understand why the production didn't take that direction.

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Ever since "Twice in a Lifetime", I can never look at Gordon without remembering his alternate reality and getting emotional.

Very wonderful season!

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I laughed a lot watching this episode, so funny to watch. Good job Orville, it did it well.

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I really enjoyed this one. Such lighthearted comraderie really gave the episode an airy feel. Though I most certainly hope this isn't the last episode of Orville I watch, I will otherwise be satisfied with the ending if it is. In the end, it is a quality episode for a series that has only grown over time.

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The reason I love the universe of star trek and the Orville is the hope that humanity can one day achieve proper unity and a utopian society. I liked that this episode emphasised the need for us to grow (in a round about way) so be able to get there. It came across well and not preachy. The wedding stuff was cute and honestly Malloy's toast was really touching. Could have done without yet another song though. (seriously has he got an album coming out or something?). Never get why American shows randomly have singing moments for their actors. Comes across weird and very 'vanity moment'. Brings me right out of the tone.

Not much conflict for a finale and I kinda like that. The big stuff happened last ep. Also I was super happy to have Alara on my screen again. Miss that cutie.

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Love this catch and hide game. And I love Elvis. It makes no sense at all story-wise but it's fun to look at and it's certainly memorable. I actually like most events around the two weddings (Bortus had a wedding sort of, did he?). There are some really funny scenes and lines. It's perhaps the funniest episode of the season.

Love how they incorporate the lore they were able to create over the course of just three seasons (the sandwich is of course a cornerstone).

I love the Lysella story. She receives a crash course in Future 101. Kelley basically explains the whole Orville/ Star Trek Universe: the economy, the tech, the prime directive, intrinsic motivation. It's a testimony to McFarlane's dedication to Star Trek's vision.

All in all, that's a well devised quieter conclusion to this season. I hope there will be a next season. If not, this is a beautiful finale this show deserves. It feels like goodbye though.

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Season finale. I hope they renew it. As Kelly says it is not only technology that has to advance, people also

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D'aw, this was just lovely! Not gonna lie, I shed a tear during the kneeling scene.

But the best part of the episode was Isaac inviting the whole planet of Kaylon to the wedding and they all mass appearing to attend the ceremony.

Even the preachy part about advanced technology falling in the hands of less advanced civilizations was done on point. A very "Star Trek's Prime Directive for Dummies" moment.

Great feel-good episode! Everyone deserves a break from the dangers of deep space, every now and then.

Whether you return or not, godspeed to you, The Orville! Throughout the seasons, you surely earned your spot in our sci-fi hearts.

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Lovely episode with some pretty funny moments. They tied everything up really nicely, so it seems like it's a series finale, but I truly hope that's not the case. There aren't that many good Sci-Fi shows like this nowadays, they would be fools not to renew it.

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Wedding episodes are always pointless, and this was no exception.

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While this does feel like more of a mid-season episode, I was happy to have a lighter story. Was happy to see Alara make an appearance. She was a great character in the first couple seasons.

I hope Orville is renewed! 7 seasons and a movie! :rocket:

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I absolutely love the direction this series has gone. After a rocky and inconsistent start, it really feels like it's found its rhythm. I hope to see it survive for many more seasons, honouring the source material that inspired it.

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A pretty big let down. For a finale, season or otherwise, I was expecting so much more. This was a real yawner. I kept looking at the clock to see how much time was left.

Grimes was definitely the highlight of the episode. Between his character and his singing, he definitely saved an otherwise lackluster episode.

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Best post-Hawaii Elvis impression eva!

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Some good, some bad, definitely not perfect. I kinda wish they had just had it as a celebration of the crew through wedding preparations without the need for forced tension and the Lysella plot was far too underdeveloped for such an interesting premise, it definitely should have been it's own episode.

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A good episode on it's own and a decent season ender, but being a potential end to the entire series this episode was very disappointing.
I somewhat feel they wrote themselves into a bit of a corner in that though, because for this episode to have played out how it did, everything else in the season had to have happened, so it couldn't have reasonably come anywhere else without adding an extra episode or two on to the end.

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For a show that is ostensibly a sci-fi series it absolutely wallows in cheesy sentimentality & clumsy melodrama. It's good at presenting ideas like A human marrying an A.I. but doesn't actually explore the issue in the way old school Star Trek might've (i.e. with good writing and philosophical inquiry). It also just lifts concepts like the Prime Directive from ST without modifying it or expanding on it. It's a controversial idea to withhold technology from others who could benefit from it. Why not actually explore that?

Why did they call this "New Horizons" when it has based so much content this season on things and characters that occurred in the first two seasons? I'd be surprised if this got picked up for a fourth season.

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Shout by Neil Trout

It’s interesting that in this future it’s socially acceptable to be judgmental of others, if you choose to love a life of apathy that’s your choice isn’t it? But no, it’s looked down upon socially. Just a show though, I love it and hope it’s picked up again for another season.

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Seasons two and three of Orville have gotten progressively more and more epic as they've went along, and while I've absolutely loved it, this final episode was the one to bring back the trademark humor from season 1, and it does so in a way that's more genuine and enjoyable than it's ever been before, especially when compared to what we saw in the first few episodes.

Even the episode they referenced here, with the planet where people are tried and convicted via social media, displayed "stupid humor" (Lamarr grinding on an statue during an away mission). This episode has "sincere humor", based on real emotions and interactions of the crew, and I think it found a fantastic balance. I can't wait to see what's in store for season 4.

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After several really good episodes this was a rather poor season finale.

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Shout by DuYuKhIr

hillarious episode. There is no tension in this. 4000 keylon ships would be panic.

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I LOVE THE COSTUME! :heart_eyes:

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Seriously. What's with the crappy acoustic guitar AOR breaks??

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