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The Sandman 2022

The show was cool, until they lost me.

In my opinion, this would be perfect:

Season 1:
1x01 Sleep of the Just
1x02 Imperfect Hosts
1x03 Dream a Little Dream of Me
1x04 A Hope in Hell
1x05 24/7
1x06 Calliope

Special - Dream of a Thousand Cats

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Shout by Salomé T.
BlockedParent2022-08-08T10:58:44Z— updated 2022-08-11T07:32:14Z

people are hating it cause it's TOO GAY... I guess I'll watch it twice.

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Greatest show I watched in a while. I'll be devastated if we don't get more.

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Greatest TV adaptation from DC comics

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What a woke mess, This show is destined for the waste basket.

It's a shame all these interesting concepts get co-opted by the look-at-me message.

I tried hard to get through it, but so many unlikeable / unrelatable characters in one place is hard to stomach.

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Wildly inconsistent and disappointing. The first episode is full of intrigue and makes you think this is going to be a dark, mature fantasy drama, only for it to then unravel into what could feasibly be mistaken for a teen Disney movie by the end. Episodes 5 and 6 are very good - wonderful and unique storytelling! They needed to focus more on that sort of stuff than the rest of the mundane, often boring and juvenile plotlines from other episodes.

I will tune into season 2, but if it hasn't improved after the first couple of episodes I will drop it. Being VERY generous giving this a 6/10. If it wasn't for episodes 1, 5, and 6, it would be an easy 4/10.

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The first five episodes were really good,the "first main villain" was a little underwhelming.After episode 5 the quality took a nose dive,Rose and the plot that came with her were uniteresting to say the least,the best written characters took less screen time in favor of Rose and her ghost shaging babysitter and even The Corinthian(who was amazingly played by Holbrook)that was supposed to be the big baddy for Season 1 was treated like an aftertought in Rose's journey.By episode 4 I was hopping this show had many seasons but I finished season 1 not knowing if Im even watching the second.

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Tries to pull off, "dark and insightful", but without a message, no social commentary or relatable conflict, comes across as boring. Scenes are often two characters on mediocre CG green screen meandering around saying nothing at all. One character begins the scene with an exposition dump, then long, pointless banter akin to. "Really? Is that true? - Yes. Sadly. - I won't stand for it. - I thought you would say that. - How did you know I would say that? - Because I know you. - Why are we still talking? - Because we committed to 11 episodes, but only have enough plot for 3."

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Charles Dance has been the most compelling actor in the show far, and obviously, his character had to die. The lead character (Tom Sturridge) is bland as wet toast. They may have been trying to be true to the character in the book, but for god's sake, can he emote a little and act like he cares about anything or show some semblance of personality? He delivers his line emotionless and stone-faced most of the time. Corinthian is about 10 times more interesting.

I'm on season 3. I'm not sure if I'll have to wherewithal to get through the whole thing if this doesn't pick up.

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Just like the comics, very inconsistent. Some episodes a great, others are borderline bad. Pacing is all over the place. While I am normally a big fan of faithfulness to the source material. This one one time I think I am not.

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I had never read anything related to Sandman or previously seen the series, and even without knowing this world I found the entire series incredible, the characters are great and well played and it was rewarding to watch without knowing anything, everything became a new discovery. After finishing watching I went in search of comics and things related to the world of Sandman, looking forward to more seasons and stories. :heart_eyes:

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Yet more proof Hollywood is dying.

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I enjoyed this. Some episodes were weak. A couple were really well done. But most were good. Would've been nice to see a season 2

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Some episodes are great, some are meh. There were multiple points where they could have ended the show and it would have been ok. It felt like starting over many times with new plots.

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don't watch that its so bad

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A couple of strong episodes mixed with a couple of poor and confusing episodes makes this frustrating overall.

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Great show. Too sad they're trying to indoctrinate the audience with all that woke stuff. I live in West Europe and I have yet to see a homosexual couple etc but this show is putting it as if 99% of the planet is homosexual and whatnot. BUT! It's a fiction, so I guess it makes sense. Can't wait for season 2.

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I love it so much. Sure there's parts where it doesn't hold up to the original comic series but for the most part it's a faithful yet gripping adaptation with a lot going for it

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Started off great, seeped in lore with dark characters. Then it turned into a soap opera with no focus.

I would still recommend it as many may enjoy the the part I did not.

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it was very painful to go through at the end
started Good and has Good visual all the way but at the end my brain cells killed themselves i can't feel any right now

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Episodes 1-6 were the highlights of this show so full of mystery and intrigue, it was hard to stop watching.

Episodes 7-10, however, take a different route in the story and one I struggled to invest in.

The show as a whole is beautifully done with amazing shots, cgi and some interesting ideas.

I'll give season two a try but hope they can recapture what made the show so special to begin with.

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It was OK. Started out great, then kinda got very meh.

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Didn’t make it past episode 3.

Lots of hype for something so terrible.

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Surprisingly dull and the main character, ie. the Sandman himself, just isn't interesting or likeable. There's basically no tension or feeling of actual danger towards the main character at any point and the plots are hair-thin excuses to show him pouting, akin to what you'd find in a young teen show.

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I watched the first episode and I was seriously interested - so my type and then I am not sure what happens, gradually it goes down hill until we hit a cartoon ... utter, utter drivel in my humble opinion. Never again!

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Watched this at 2x speed and it was still too slow.

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Loved it! I found it to be very true to the spirit of the original comics. Some folks have said that the episodes jump around too much, but that feeling of disjointed incompleteness is exactly what dreams are all about, Relax, read the original books, and try not to be so sequential:)

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Way better then I expected . But not all episodes are great. There are many different characters and subplots.
But pushing the woke agenda way to much.
Most of the characters are gay lesbian, minority groups. If you must judge earthlings and you watch this you think 90% of all people are gay or hetero but still in the closet

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I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but if you find this show too "woke" because it's too gay and has too much black people in it, you are ~indeed~ racist and homophobic (starting your comment with "i'm not.." won't change anything i fear :/ ). And oh, clearly you haven't read the motherfunckin comics!! This show is insane: the visuals, cinematography, storylines, the acting!!! It leaves you wanting more and the only thing I am made about is it's the fact that that it's still hasn't been renew for a second don't pull another sens8 on us please, this is gold!

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Shout by Pahiro

Well, I guess it didn't feel like a complete waste of time but the quality of the writing between episodes was all over the place. And after 11 episodes I still don't like the casting choice for Morpheus.

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First 6 episodes and last 5 episodes are basically two different shows.
Hard to keep track of story overall because there is almost no time given to development of any plot

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With the exception of episode 5, most of the plot was not very interesting, or maybe I just was not following enough of it. The cinematography helped make the show interesting enough to watch.

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Shout by Pahiro
BlockedParent2022-08-26T20:03:03Z— updated 2022-09-02T15:10:39Z

The lead is gonna take some getting used to. He's hardly an imposing and frightening figure. Reminds me so much of Edward from Twilight. I'm sure I'll get stuck into it though just because it's a Gaiman story and hopefully I'll love the lead at the end of it all as well. Went through this same thawing period with almost ever Doctor Who lead (David Tennant is still my favourite though).

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A Classic CW Show.
Every episode has its own vibe.
Not a must watch.

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Interesting, hot main actor, but too much like Pattison lol

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[Netflix] The fidelity to the comics works for and against the series, not only in the visual approach, achieved in general, but in the narrative structure, a diversity of styles in the literary version that does not seem to hold up well in the audiovisual adaptation. So the season has an interesting first part (Dream vs. John Dee) and a bland, too juvenile, second part (Dream vs. The Corinthian). Win at the gender changes in Constantine and Lucifer, which make the characters more interesting; but it loses the consistency of the protagonist.

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The first 4 episodes are very good, the 5th episode is okay but after that it's garbage. I already finished the next chapters in 30 minutes without jumping. waste of time

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Glacially slow more often than not with a brooding lead, mostly uninteresting characters but a plot that could be really interesting if they could pick up the pace a bit. It feels like a standard young adult type drama.

I also know that comic series has a prominent gay overtone so having most of the characters gay seems on par, but it's pretty "in your face" so know that if you don't like shows like that. The gay stuff doesn't speak to me or appeal to me but that's me, it follows the gay theme of the comic so I can't knock them for staying true to the origin, it's just not my cup of tea.

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Good show. Many gay scenes but I like the rest of it. Watch it and make your own opinion.

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honestly after the third episode I stopped. too much boring

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Yet another interesting series Netflix is gonna cancel eventually.

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This is signature Neil. Very intruguing and entertaining. Very inclusive and gloriously gay. Hoping for more seasons.

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Not impressed.
Better alternatives, watch American Gods or The Magicians.

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I really like all about this show, the emo character, the story and most of the characters being gay . Nice message NF. 6.5/10

PS: Maybe this comment will survive from deletion...

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Gwen as Lucifer, that's ridiculous...

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This show is so very inconsistent. There is not one plotline, rather many smaller ones that aren't even really connected. Sometimes it's utterly great, sometimes it's very mediocre. I guess in that way it's a bit like a dream, huh?

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Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2022-08-15T16:13:12Z— updated 2022-08-21T20:15:10Z

I have watched it twice and I did enjoy it better the second time around.
The first episode is quite puzzling and ponderous, but they do get better: reaching a crescendo at episode nine, before quickly falling off a cliff for the tenth. Episode eleven is just a weird waste of time and completely unnecessary.
It looks good and has some recognisable names in minor roles.
You may benefit from having read the comics first.
I never noticed owt gay about it; so I don't understand any of the hoo-ha.

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Very visually stunning. Loved the Endless family. Gwen as Lucifer was amazing though her white dress was truly a let down. Wished I could have seen more of Death and Desire. Excited to see season 2. Hope there will be more climatic battle scenes that don’t just focus around talking though…

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I like getting everyone’s perspective but I really think people need to chill a bit. I’ve never read the comics but I enjoyed this show. It’s a good storyline, good actors, got me in and kept me there.

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This was a good show

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best show in years
hope Netflix doesn't kills it

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Started off amazing
Then after episode 5 it all turns to shit.
Hated Rose and all her
BS drama, and making her the centre was a mistake.
Between unlikeable characters and a boring story and Dream popping in for a cameo, giving bloody Rose more screen time the second half of this show was a complete mess and ultimately felt like a massive waste of my time. How can a show Be so Awesome at the beginning then be utter bull-crap at the end especially when they had the winning formula right their.
That was a lot of heavy lifting to establish a big production to a season one of the next Big thing on streaming to just blow it in epic fashion like that.
Because in all honesty that second half Sucked
and sucked bad.
And I think I've had all I can take of that.
And Goodnight.

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It started with mildly interesting plot but went downhill with poor protagonist, script, dialogues, and unlikable characters, especially in the 2nd half. Overrated!

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The first five eps of first season were absolutely amazing, but it got kinda boring during the last 5 eps, except where Lucifer talked about God being a possible character in the next seasons.

Overall I give it 9/10

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I have not read the graphic novels, so I went into this series with just a vague knowledge of the show.
And... I gotta say, I really loved this. I liked the whole concept. I loved the imagery. I especially loved the duel between Morpheus and Lucifer in 1x04.
I can not wait to see more!

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This is the adaptation that delivers! Casting, costumes, faithfulness to the material, performances, visual effects (there are some cringe moments but overall really good) - everything meets the expectations and sometimes even exceeds.

That being said, I see how people who are not familiar with comics would find it confusing. There's so much happening, so many new characters in every episode, it can be overwhelming and sometimes it can feel like there's an issue of continuity. I guess they could have made episodes longer, or two parts for some chapters. But I think they didn't want to drag it out and I'm so grateful for that.

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Loving this show about time netflix done something worth watching,only show ive watched better recently was blackbird.

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I liked it. Great cast, good effects and backdrops, good script. It wasn't consistently captivating to watch though.... I can't quite figure out why, but it's missing something.

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The only reason I didn't rate this show higher was that it kept insisting that I receive 'THE MESSAGE'. Good grief, why not just make an entire drama series on it? Geez

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5 episodes in and still watching it. very interesting

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This is definitely very well done but it's not really my cup of tea, I got bored after a couple of episodes :shushing_face:

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I am… hope! What can destroy hope Lightbringer?

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I loathe this Jiminy Cricket character. These ‘gatekeepers’ need to stop this bullcrap when casting and writing roles for POC.

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Interesting show. Entertaining. It was strange to watch but I guess that's how the source materials are written. At first it was strange to see all the gay characters but it seems like that's how it's written; this works well because the creators pay attention to making everything work unlike many other shows that try the same and fail horribly.

There are so many moments that you'll be wondering what the fuck is happening and where is the show going. But sit through it to the end and it'll make sense.

Overall I would say it's an interesting journey through 10 episodes of entertainment. Watch it!!!

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It was good, no need to over analyze it, it was simply good

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While it was enjoyable to watch for the first half, it suffers from the usual problems that Netflix adaptations are plagued with. Don't get me wrong, this is a fairly well done adaptation from the comic. However, Netflix's incursiveness rubbed me the wrong way in the end.

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It seems that by now TV series are unable to tell the world, life, society, people, without resorting to cruelty, often gratuitous. The only one able to do it, always, is Quentin Tarantino. Everything else is trivial splatter.

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It has been a while since i have watched a great written series like this...
The story never fell apart or felt bored or dragged.

Tom plays the role perfectly for Sandman and his straight face most of the times makes the role even more appealing to watch

I say a must watch series

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Really enjoy the series. I was not sure what to expect but I loved all of the mystical elements of the dream world and its impact on the waking world. It was done very clever and the ending certainly makes for an exciting season two. I certainly hope that happens. Also, if you love drama, there is plenty of that for the Sandman and his family!! :joy:

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Started strong with the first 4 episodes, then it got really good with the next 2 episodes who were more artsy. Then we get 4 episodes of a CW show with the ever so boring Rose. Get rid of her and bring back Johanna Constantine please she's a much better character and actress! Apart from that I had a good time and the show has nice cinematography and the characters are really interesting. I would love another season!

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damn it's so boring and there's not a single likable character

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This was aiight. (Glad I consumed the Audible production ahead of this).

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PSA: If everything looking stretched is bothering you you can fix it with the Firefox extension "Browser Video Tuner", click on it while the video is playing and press CTRL+2 twice and CTRL+0 each episode. Netflix and Neil Gaiman confirmed it is intentional unfortunately.

Opposite to what I've seen a lot of people say I found the first few episodes a little to slow and cheesy, but the premise kept me intrigued and I'm glad I stuck with it because it became much better, interesting and mind-bending. It's a shame a lot of the gothic aesthetics were tuned down but it's certainly the most goth thing I've seen on TV in the last few years.

It's insane to me how bothered people are about 5 characters happening to be gay. Sure, it's a little much but why care?
You can suspend your disbelief for a world where someone has teeth for eyes, but not that gay people are a little more common?

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Great show so far. Very ethereal. Love it.

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That was... a snoozefest, pun intended. The concepts on paper are extremely cool and intriguing, yet somehow Netflix here have managed to make another dull adaptation once again.

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Good start ! Very faithful to the story and overall vibe of the Sandman comics, gotta love it

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