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The Witcher: Blood Origin 2022

The amount of negative comments on here is wild. The fact that Michelle Yeoh is part of this cast and they said the acting in this was bad is even wilder.

There were complaints that this lacked a story. It’s literally a movie broken up into pieces and follows basic story telling. You might not agree with the story but one was told. Yes I’m a bit confused to how this fits into the original lore about human witchers. Do I think this change ruins this limited series? No.

I can agree with some that mentioned time. I don’t know if this was days, weeks, or months from the moment we met the Lark to the moment she killed her love. Also their romance was the writers banking on us seeing them in proximity and assuming a romance bloomed. It was lazy and personally I couldn’t see the love. I understand why they would need to have some type of love but they could have done that better.

Loved the bards songs.

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It's not great, but it is good. Clearly a show for the long time fans of the Withcher Universe. It was great to see characters that will later be part of the Wild Hunt... to see a glimpse of Ithlinne in her youth... the creation of the first witcher and so on. I hope there will be more of these short series depicting the many stories and legends of the Witcher Universe.

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I too hate everything that is not a white straight man oh wait they had plenty of that in the show.

As for the content, it was a nice written story that could have used more content for certain characters but overall it was great. Do not go in thinking exactly of the witcher and quite honestly it has a lot of the same themes from the original series plus overall ideas used. The CGI was straight up bad but that doesn't take away from the great acting, casting, and writing. I'm quite disappointed at the awful ratings cause it could have used some better writing in areas but wasn't that bad.

Like I get people are mad in general at the witcher for what happened to Henry Cavill and the writers fron the original but this was still good and worth seeing.

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I need more of them! Liked all of the crew, they had so little time to be developed properly. The story was also rushed soooo much it was hard to keep track of time but I really liked the story, the connections to the second season. Give me so much new lore :)

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The people that did not like this are the same people that were mad there was a black person in the new god of war game..

It was a show, people did stuff and it was okay.

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I don’t know what problem some ppl have with this I thought it was pretty good. 7/10

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I believe this is a limited series - in other words - no chance at a 2nd season.
I liked it. It was interesting to see how the Witchers came to be. It was a nice filler to the Witcher series, but really not much more than that.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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That was fun; somewhat short though, so the characters' stories are more like movies than what we'd get from a proper show. Fjall and Éile seem to get more fleshed out but I don't know if those were the most interesting characters to warrant that much focus. Nevertheless, Meldof steals every scene she's in, a complete joy to watch and hear her musings. :joy:

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It's a mini-series with much less effort and budget put to it than "The Witcher".
It was as good as I expected, not perfect and not entirely awful. Personally, I watch Movies & TV shows to spend some time relaxing. I'm not too picky or criticising. So I enjoyed it.
And also, I know Netflix is being too woke, but accept it guys, you are being too defensive too.

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I thought it was entertaining. Read all the books that turned into crap, so don’t mind the freedom they take with the adaptations. I don’t understand all the complaints about the bad acting; it is basic at its worst, but I think they did the best with the limited time they had.

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My soul was eroding while watching this

Although a shitstorm of bad acting and direction but it has answers for

* how elves conquered dwarven cities and ruled the world in clans
* how chaos was brought to the world along with monsters
* how the forgotten first witcher came to be
* conjunction of spheres
* the arrival of the human cargo which brings the destruction of elves in current timeline

if you want to skip just the read the above spoilers !!

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This felt too short for all the things they wanted to do. If this had been longer they could have dived into the world and all it’s lore better, leaving less questions and confusion. Besides that I could not for the life of me figure out what they we’re trying to convey through the costumes, hair, makeup and architecture. Felt like a missed storytelling opportunity. (Or I just didn’t get it)

I am curious, somewhat unrelated, what other fantasy media people have consumed who seem to be complaining about ‘wokeness’ because this did not feel particularly ‘woke’ to me compared to other general fantasy media from over the last few decades.

Either way, I was fairly entertained throughout the 4 episodes so not all bad.

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I can't see why people keep saying this is woke, it had the opposite affect on me and I struggled to stop from dozing off

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It's not as bad as it is painted. You may have reservations about the edgy plot or the shallowness of some of the characters, but overall it's worth watching. I've seen worse. :)

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Verdict: it’s fun and don’t take to much time. Watch it if you don’t have anything better to do.

I don’t know how to feel about this show. Everything happened in the blink of a eye, it felt rushed.

The connection between characters happened to fast, like, we just meet, and we are best friends now. No real depth in here.
If this was a show with no connection to the witcher world i would say that the plot was ok, but they slammed it in the title and if i try to make sense to that connection, I can’t describe it better than “it’s a filler”.

I see this show, as something they put out there to explain/represent some relevant topics about the witcher world, so they don’t waste their time talking about it on the main show.

Now I need to grant credit where credit is due, the acting, the wardrobe, the especial effects they are good, the fighting scenes are great, since I talked about the connecting to the wither world, I need to give them props for the visual representation of the spheres.

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It's not terrible but I had to force myself to watch first 3 episodes. The whole story could have been told in 90 minutes max. The last episode is not bad and that's all we needed to be honest.
P.S. @ angry grandpas, stop calling everything woke that doesn't fit into your little tiny white-verse.

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Fucking fuckity fucking fuck is this bad.

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It was sad. How can you take good source material and turn it into this turd?

It felt cheap, cheesy and sometimes plain ridiculous. The plot felt like absolutely nothing happened and yet it was meant to give meaningful origin story. A big letdown.

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There might have been a potential quest somewhere in there but the writing was just so bad, no cohesive content, no nuanced story arc. Michelle Yeoh was magnificent, as one would expect, but all the characters were so poorly drawn there was nothing for the actors to work with. Beware a narrator, which is usually a sign of lazy writing. The performances should tell the story, not a disembodied voice. It could have been so much better. I give this limited series a 5 (meh) out of 10. [Fantasy Adventure]

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It’s a pretty meh show. Can’t believe I’m saying this but it could have benefited from an extra 2-4 episodes to flesh out the characters. Everything felt rushed and i didn’t really care for the characters too much. Didn’t help that the dialogue and CGI was F-tier either.

The “woke” stuff is useless criticism and stop pretending you care about the books lol

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Probably should have been a 90 minute movie. Last episode was somewhat decent and it gave some insight into the origins of The Witcher but the first 3 episodes were really weak and mostly a waste of time.

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Why do they feel the need to keep inventing new monsters when the Witcher universe already has so many amazing monsters? And also why do they like the f word so much? It's used in both episode one and two within two minutes of the start of the series.

On the one hand I'm sad they cut it down to 4 episodes because there's clearly some more story to be told here, but looking at what we have I don't know if we want much more of it.

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umm yeah that show sucked.

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half hour was enough for me

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Terrible. This is what happens when the woke department gets too much say. Casting is terrible, acting is sometimes at the level of a teen comedy show. Story is pretty weak and the last five minutes is what really brings anything to The Witcher story with the conjunction of the spheres scene. This series has only brought shame to the Witcher franchise and to the original books.

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Being a huge fan of the Witcher series, these four episodes are an utter waste of time. The story made no sense, graphics were horrible and acting was equally bad!

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Wow... never have I had such a cringe experience like in those 4 eps...

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Difficult to judge if the writing or the casting was worse. Many dialogues are a travesty, the general plot is simpleminded and the performances ... ugh.

It's really really easy to tell which actors never had any previous roles. Netflix should be ashamed.

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15 mins into the first ep and I stopped it, might try again later but if you're expecting anything good like The Witcher series forget it.

Update: Finished them all, the first 3 were all over the place typical Netflix woke nonsense that made little sense. The 4th ep wasn't entirely bad but I think it was just because it was over and wrapping it up. If you don't see any of this show you won't be missing anything.

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Shout by Sofi VM
BlockedParent2022-12-28T03:35:27Z— updated 2023-01-08T01:49:03Z

It was a pain to watch. There is not story, no timeline, no coherence, and no acting?
If they wanted to shed light over the past of the story they could at least try to follow what says in the novel and not twist it in a way they basically changed Ciri's origins that is super important for the story and for Geralt purpose.

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Oh gosh what crap is this?
Acting - Poor AF
Story - Doesn't exist
Production - Okay... maybe
Who the hell directed this shit? It's gotta be one of the worst TV shows I've ever seen.
If you're reading this and are yet to watch, please SKIP.

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Fortunately it only last 4 episodes and for once you are really going to choose the bad side.
They characters are better written and they delivered an overall better acting !
The supposed saviors are really cheap in comparison (except for Michelle Yeoh off course).
Good CGI in the intro of the first episode and the pitch of story is not bad at all.
I wonder if it could have been better (actors, director, FX) if the whole budget hadn't gone to Michelle Yeoh's paycheck.

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This show is NOT The Witcher. It is some random generic fantasy show with "The Witcher" slapped into the title to get people to actually watch it.

This show literally destroys every piece of lore we have from the books about the timeline of this universe. They also changed Ciri's origins/heritage, and absolutely butchered both Eredin and Avallac’h. They even somehow managed to throw in some stupid remark that makes out Geralt to be racist against elves.

Canonically, this show is an abomination that should be buried deep down where no one can ever find it. If you are even remotely a fan of the books, this show will infuriate you.

Taking away the bastardisation of the source materials, the show still isn't good. Dialogue is awful, unnatural, and clunky. Characters are shallow to the point where one of the main character's sister dies in front of her in the first episode, only for her to not show any emotion or care about what just happened. The plot is about as generic as you can get when it comes to a fantasy show.

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Even the ear is badly done, terrible.
Thank God it's over.

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Pathetic bit of commercialization. How to run a franchise: sell trash with a fancy brand-name.

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It was entertaining. Not the best but not that horrible either. It was your typical Netflix quality show; sub-par. Watch it but don’t expect a master piece. It’s also very DE&I; they got every category of people you can imagine except someone in a wheelchair.

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This mini series is giving me a migraine, of all the decent series Netflix has canceled (Warrior Nun being the most recent) and then they put this up for viewers, really makes me wonder who is running the show there. This is trash TV nothing more. Thank god it's only 4 parts.

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Love how trakt came in and not only removed all the negative comments about it being woke and terrible that were at the top / voted up and had a lot of engagement, but they also pegged the review score upward from the low 40%. There were at least a dozen comments about this being terrible woke nonsense, which weren't offense or inappropriate at all.

My comment and rating also was removed. Keep messing around and I'll text Elon to scoop this place up.

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The rastafarian elf was such a bad actress that I couldn't make it past the first episode. There was a lot of bad acting but when they use bad actors as a lead character, it's even worse.

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Shout by Deleted

Very bad... Wtf is wrong with this people? Why you hire incompetent people to make you a movie, and they just throw your money to garbage. Very sad.

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guess what, it's awful. the story makes less sense the more it goes on, and it goes on for four hours. just switch off your brain and let it wash over you until the next proper season drops (whenever that happens!)

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Wonder what the poles think of such adaptations of their beloved medieval fantasy folklore.

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Skip this garbage. Has typical netflix woke. Nothing about this show is good. Canceling Netflix, so tired of them inserting woke bs in every show/movie.

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Huge Witcher fan and was looking forward to this but I am struggling to get through the first episode.. I have attempted it a few times but keep drifting off. I will keep it on my watchlist for a day when I’m so bored I am debating sticking pins on my eyes and maybe then I’ll be able to see it through.

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I quite liked the songs and music in the show, apart from that, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Witcher novels.

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not what i expected. its generic.

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Originally 6 parts but the story/acting was supposed to be so bad they cut it down to 4, I'll give it a try but already based on early reviews I think I will be shutting it off and watching something else early on in ep 1 lol

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lol....i think this was great!! - mindless bollocks , great to get drunk to and pay little attention!

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Ik love the serie the witcher but this?? WTF was this? This was not good or not so good. Waste of time.

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I don’t like the graphics. I REALLY don’t like the graphics. I want them to get a refund from the CGI people.

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I'm hearing quite a lot of negativity around this show and its trailer. Can anyone who has already seen this show confirm if this is more than just an average fantasy show with a Witcher branding sauce and really adds something to the Witcher universe? With all the rumours about the original show and, what looks like the down hill slope it is going, its hard to just start watching this and hoping it respects the main narrative/world from the books

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